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Everything posted by iamworthit

  1. Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. I know a huge relief must be off of your shoulders. Remember to get plenty of rest so your body will heal. You will be losing more in no time! >
  2. WOOHOOO! Good for you, Amber! That is a great accomplishment and one to be celebrated. I am really happy for you because I know what it feels like to want to get under another big number. I focus on 10 lb increments at a time. It is so much easier than looking at <gasp> 140 lbs <gulp>... Good job and keep up the good work! And remember - you are worth it!
  3. I am scared of the sipping part. I slam water all day long. I am already up to 96 ounces and it is only 4:40 in the afternoon. How did ya'll practice sipping? It doesn't come naturally to me at all. I did break the straw habit -that was a hard one to break.
  4. I am actually not having mine in Mexico, but rather Florida. I just really liked this site a lot! I think the ladies (and gents of course) are very positive and uplifting. I will keep you all in my prayers. July 1st is just around the corner. My doctor didn't require a pre-surgery diet. Did anyone have any last 'treat' prior to the surgery? I can't decide if I want to go there or not. Just trying to get a feel for what people have done...
  5. The Luna bars are really good too. They have a pretty good protein content and are great when you just need a snack, or something like that. I eat one of those after the gym in the morning. I work out at 6:00 in the morning every day and when I am done I am STARVING. I read that having something with both protein and good quality carbs is good post workout recovery.
  6. I too am worried about all I am going to spend once all of the weight is gone. I have already started my 'clothing' fund. My husaband doesn't know about it, but he will be on board when the bags start coming home. My 'happy size' is size 6 or 8. I am short, but athletic build. Plus, I am a curvy girl and would like to stay that way.
  7. Hi everyone, I am new to this site. I have been hovering for the last couple of weeks and finally decided to join tonight. I love reading everyones posts and have learned so much while on this site. This is the 1st time I have ever joined anything like this so I was a bit nervous at first. I think everyone on this site has such great personalities, I feel like I know you all already! Kittycat - I have been reading your posts daily since before your surgery - I feel like I relate to so many of you. I look forward to participating in discussion with you all and being supportive when you need it! I feel like this is one of the better decisions I have ever made in my life! I will put my ticker up shortly, but for now here are my stats: Highest weight 10/19/2008: 267 Start 6 month pre-approval diet 11/01/2008 Current weight 06/18/2008: 235 Surgery date: July 1, 2008 (yep I am scared but I think that is normal) I think I am most scared of success. I have never succeeded with weight loss before and darnit I am going to this time! Anway - nice to meet you all. I am here for you through thick and thin (hopefully thin though) > I am worth it!
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