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Everything posted by Leewaypromo

  1. Thanks again everyone-- Still feel much better than the day after surgery. I am having a lot of gas though. And my shoulders are still a bit sore. I will try sleeping elevated a bit...that makes a lot of sense. I have been walking which certainly helps. I am fixin to go take a walk right now. I really am doing soooooooo much better than I was. I really was in a lot of pain. Hope everyone else is doing well! Thanks for all the tips!
  2. I have no plans to drink alcohol for at least a year post op. But I'm curious.. What have people's experience been with the occasional cocktail. Avoid at all cost? Sneak one in occasionally? Or do you drink your calories... Thoughts? Discussions?
  3. Thanks, y'all for your responses! I feel sooooo much better today. I was walking around a little yesterday. i woke up this morning with only the tummy discomfort that i expect to have. I walked half a mile outside today. Wore me out but I feel a million times better today. I think it was due to the gas they used to fill me up in the surgery. I'm still not planning on doing any sit-ups anytime soon ...but I feel so much better today from yesterday...who knows, tomorrow I could be hoola-hooping on a pogo stick! Thanks, guys!
  4. Just wanted to connect with others who've just recently had their lap band put in -on or near July 2. Let's keep in touch with each other! I know I'm gonna need support and it will be great to hear what others are going through! Let's not go through this alone!
  5. I had my surgery yesterday, july 2. My stomach was definitely sore yesterday...but since i woke up this morning I am extremely sore. In a lot of pain! It hurts to breath. Now it's my understanding that this soreness is due to the gas they fill your body with to see better while performing it laparoscopicly. Anyone else a bit surprised by this pain? Anyone else even have this pain? Today is just the day after my surgery but anyone know how long this will last..any tips I need to be doing? thanks! Lee
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