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Everything posted by cckcsharp

  1. You look so beautiful!!! Way to go!!! Jessica
  2. I had a friend who had the gastric bypass and she lost weight very rapidly after her surgery. However, one of the side effects to her rapid weight loss was that she lost a lot of hair. She went from long thick hair to very short and VERY thin hair. So not to sound vain here....but being over weight my whole life I have always felt like I was ugly. But I have always had great hair. I have a huge attachment to my hair because I have always felt like it was the only thing on my entire body that was beautiful. Feeling like everything else from well...the forehead down,was ugly. I know I shouldn't call myself ugly, but as a teenager, people even said things to me like "well, at least you have pretty hair." So, I always just assumed that they meant that the rest of me was ugly. So now, I am worried that with this surgery, my hair will fall out and get real thin like my friends did. Has anyone else had significant hair loss? By the way, I have to say that this is such a wonderful group of people here. You guys are just amazing with the amount of love and support that you give to each to other and especially to us newbies awaiting surgery. I am just truly impressed with how much you all take the time to lift up others in need. Thanks to all of you. Jessica eventually I will post a picture and all my stats.
  3. If you believe in prayer, then I would definetly suggest using that before writing the letter and discussing it with your husband. If you feel strongly that this is the right road for you, then certainly a higher power can help you overcome this obstacle and help you reach your goal. I wish the best for you. My heart goes out to you, as I and everyone else here knows that challenges and heart ache of being over weight. We are pulling for you to succeed. I also agree with everyone else that you should ask him to read the posts on this forum and educate him about Dr. Ortiz. This might help to soften his heart toward your needs and desires. Jessica
  4. I was just wondering what if any pain meds are given after surgery. And do they send you home with some or prescription. I ask this question because I just didn't know if you could fill a prescription from mexico here in the US. I don't usually use the pain meds. Two c-sections and didn't use them. But I like to know they are available just in case. Jessica
  5. Thanks everyone for the response. I asked this question because I did hear somewhere in my research that the 10cc band would cost more for fills potentially. I just wanted to know what to be prepared for. Jessica
  6. Okay, I know the surgery is the same cost, but what I mean is does it cost more because you require more fills. From what I can tell, it seems like the people who are heavier when they have surgery, require the 10 cc band. This will most likely then be the case with me. I am hoping to be between 270 and 280 by the time I have surgery at the end of August. So, I am worried that fill docs will fill the way they do with a 4 cc band. It seems that most people have the 4 cc band and that docs are probably more familiar with it. I am worried that I will have to go back in several times to get the fill amount up where it should be. From what I have read of people on this forum with 10cc band they need to get up to around 6-7 cc before there is good restriction? Shouldn't they put more in from the start if you are a 10cc band? Okay, can you tell I am WAY nervous about the cost of fills. Maybe I am just not understanding the band size difference either??? Jessica
  7. Personally I don't think it's that they think badly of people who choose to go to Mexico. Think about it. Mexico is their competition and in a big way too. I think the American doc's refuse to do the fills to try and encourage people to stay here in the U.S. and get their surgery. I have read a lot about people afraid to go to mexico only because they were worried they couldn't find anyone to do their after care in the states. Soooo they chose the american doc and paid the higher price. If American docs started doing the fills and after care for mexican banded patients, then I bet tons of people would just rushing off to Mexico and those docs would lose a lot of business. Lets face it, there is definetly a money factor when it comes to weight loss surgery. Jessica
  8. Okay, as a newbie, I don't think I quite no what PBing is. Can someone fill me in please. I think I get the main idea but just to be sure I understand and I am prepared. Jessica
  9. Thanks so much for responding. I feel better hearing a good recommendation about the fill center in SLC. How many fills have you done there?
  10. Is there anyone out there who lives in Utah. Just looking for places and prices for fills in utah. I already talked with the fill centers in Salt Lake, just looking for other options. I am scheduled for surgery August 29th. Jessica
  11. For those of you who have had your lap band a while, how many times have you needed a fill? What is the typical. This is one of my main concerns with this surgery. I am afraid of breaking the bank getting fills. Just wondering if there are any tips or suggestions to help reduce the amount of fills, or anything that might help the situation. Is there a time when I won't need fills any more? Also, I have no CLUE what the SWEET SPOT means. Can someone please share? Jessica
  12. Hey guys and gals, I was just wondering if there is anyone here that lives in Utah. If so, are you getting fills in Utah are going to the OCC. I can see the positive in going back to the OCC, but I have four small kids and husband works 2 jobs. We don't have much family in the area, so getting back to tijuana is a little challenging. I am scheduled for surgery August 29th and just trying to get my ducks in a row.
  13. I just paid all my money for surgery in August as well. And I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in what you are feeling. I basically have said all the same things. I even have moments in the day when I think maybe I should back out. But I keep telling myself that I am going to succeed with lap band and I will do what ever it takes to make the success a reality. It's hard when you see or read stories of people who have failed with the lapband. But again, make up your mind now to follow all the guidelines and even learn and understand them in advance so you are already to go after surgery. Also, like someone else said. Dr. Ortiz is one of the best at this. That is a huge part of the success.
  14. I am new to the forum and just trying to feel my way around. Sorry if I am doing this wrong. But I just wanted to ask if Dr. Romero and Acosta work in the OCC?
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