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Posts posted by cckcsharp

  1. Kim,

    as no expert here, I can only add this. If you have been doing the same thing for a month and not lost weight, then it won't hurt to try something different. The tricky part is what to do different. This is where I think weight loss is somewhat trial and error. I also agree that you have to trick you body. Try the technique of zigzagging your calories. Eat 1000 one day and the 1400 the next. Alternating your calories every day, you will still eat the same amount at the end of the week as if you had eaten 1200 per day. But you are confusing your body and tricking it. This technique is suppose to be great for avoiding platuaes. You can also try to lower your calories by a little, or even try upping them by a little. Try more water or try more protein. It's just so darn tricky. But you have to play around with it a bit to see what works for you. Just pick the one thing that seems most reasonable to you and try it for a week or two. If it doesn't work, try the next option. I am sure this is so frustrating, particularily when you are working so dang hard and the scale isn't moving. The bottom line is that if what you are doing isn't working, then it won't hurt to try something else to see if that scale starts roaring for you. I am pulling for you and hoping that you find the answer you need. Best wishes.

  2. Well, I have been thinking about this all afternoon and had forgotten that I have already bought my airline tickets, which aren't going to be able to change, so I think I will just go ahead with my banding and gimp around and then do the other surgery as soon as I get back. I guess that the gas is going to get me for sure since I surely won't be able to walk much...;( Oh well, I am not going to let this get me down...I am so excited about getting the band and also them finding out what has been wrong with me for the past year and 1/2 that I am not going to let anything depress me. ^_^

    Vix, I feel bad about your situation. You have really had quite the ride just to get to this point. I am scheduled for surgery the same day as you (aug. 29th.) So hopefully I will see you there. I hope your knee is okay. I think that you know your body best and what you can and can't handle so I would say to go with your gut, although running it past your doc won't hurt just to get a different perspective.

  3. Hi there, we are back from the cottage, the weather so sucked, rained everyday, we did get a little sun and we took full advantage of it and basked in the sun and pool. I am happy to be home, missed my kitty Cassie and my own bed.

    I have mountains of laundry waiting. I haven't hit the scale yet, but I ate well and avoided the junk. It was actually nice not living day to day thinking of the band, I ate as directed and lived my life and it was good!!

    Glad to be back ;):D><img src=<' />

    We missed you. Glad that you are back.


  4. So all of you know how my Dr. gives those teeny tiny fills. I have been threatening to go somewhere else for awhile now and today I finally made an appt near New Orleans. I have had 4 fills and have a total of 1.8cc in my band. I have restriction in the morning, but by night it is gone. I am gonna see the fill Dr. that Trina uses.

    My appt is next Friday.

    Good for you. I hope that you get the results that you are looking for. I would be frustrated with the little fills too. Do you ever wonder if some docs do small fills so that you have to come back many more times and this means more money for them? I do worry about this. Some docs trying to rack up the money with fills.


  5. I have 33 days to lose 12 pounds. I have only lost 2 pounds, this is hard. I am hungry. What if I dont lose it? What am I gonna do? If I could lose the weight I wouldnt be having the surgery. I am so frustrated right now. I need to figure out what I can munch on in between the slim fasts, cause I get hungry. Do you think I am not drinking enough water? Is that what I am doing wrong? I never was good at that, I like juice and pop and stuff. I dont like feeling this way it stresses me out. I had a salad with my slim fast for lunch, I was so hungry. Maybe that was a mistake. I dont really know what I am doing, I guess. I did go swim tonight, maybe that will burn some fat off.

    Stormy, I was having trouble of the pre-op diet losing the weight also. But I took the advice of this group and it helped alot. The number one thing everyone said was to drink LOTS AND LOTS of water. So I got a 32 oz. water bottle and I drink and refill at least 2 x per day usually 3. This means I am getting from 64 to 96 oz. HUGE HELP. Also, I sometimes sqeeze a few lemons and limes into the water to give it a little kick and flavor. The lemons and limes have vitamin c which also helps burn fat. The next thing that helped was making sure that I was getting a good amount of protein. I chose a "shake" that was a protein drink. I would suggest that if you are eating the lean cuisine, pcik the meals that are higher in protein. Some are just pasta type meals with little or no protein. Also, you will get constipated. If you haven't gone in several days, this will show up on the scale because well....it's trapped in there. So I got some of that magnesium citrate. I take a dose the day before I do my weekly weight check, if the bowels aren't moving like they should. I still take the daily fiber to help the constipation, but it does not seem to help me. I take the maximum daily dose too. So, just keep in mind that if your bowels aren't moving well, this can affect your weight loss by a pound or two. Also, the other thing I had to do is really check the serving size and amount of food I was eating. I was off by about 500 calories per day. So making sure that you are actually counting the calories that go into mouth helps. The hunger thing will get better. I am about 5 weeks into my pre-op diet and have 2 weeks until surgery( I started the pre-op diet right away) and the first couple of weeks were bad, and then I ajusted. But the low calorie diet will cause you to feel a little fatigue and irritability. Hope this helps.


  6. Hey I caught this in the small print of the link yorkiemommy posted for the calorie counter(the second link she posted on the calorie calculator thread) It says that if you actually vary the amount of calories you have each day into a 7 day cycle it will trick your body and help prevent plateaus. The basic concept goes like this. Instead of eating say 1200 calories per day for a total of 8400 calories in the week, you do it like this. Eat 1000 calories the first day, than the next day eat 1400. At the end of the week you have consumed the same amount of calories, but by rotating you are tricking your body. Follow the second link that yorkie mommy posted. Once you input your info, click on the 7 day cycle zigzag and it will give you the guidelines that are appropriate for you. (please note that mine was just an example to explain how it works.)

    I just wanted to share this, because so many of us post about being stuck in the weight loss department and not being able to get those stickin pounds off. I had never heard of this and thought it was certainly worth a try. Zig zagging your calories each day just might do the trick to help those pounds come off a little better. Just thought I would share and hope it helps at least someone.


  7. I am not sure if I get this. I did the calculator and it said the result was 2840 calories per day. I assume that this was so high because I have not yet been banded and my weight is still pretty high. So does this mean that if I am only eating say 1200 calories a day, then I am short by 1640 calories which is 11,480 calories a week which then calculates to 3.28 pounds per week lost? I am understanding this correctly?

    Thanks for sharing this.


  8. When I sit down to a meal I cannot eat very much, but a little while later I seem to eat whatever I want. Somehow I think this is not good. I live in Park City and there is a Fill Center in Salt Lake City about 20 minutes away. Problem is the doctor is really really weird and made me very uncomfortable. I guess I bite the bullet and go back there or I find a cheap flight to San Diego and go to OCC. My weight hasn't budged in a few weeks.

    There is a bariatric doctor in SLC that will do fills for $100, $150 for the first visit. He is not just a fill doc, he actually does the gastric banding and gastric bypass surgeries. The only down fall is that he does not use flouro. If you are comfortable with trying a blind fill, and trying another doc that is close, his name is DR. Cottam. He is affiliated with SL regional hospital. Him and another female baritric surgeon were just recently in the process of charging there office. So the first number I called said he longer was in that office but gave me the forwarding number. I however, have misplaced that number at this moment( I was going to post it) So I would say to just check the phone book. Or the way I first found him was a google search of bariatric docs in Utah. The number that you come across will probably be the old one, but if you call it they should be able to give you the new number like they did for me. The other female doc (can't remember her name) will not do the fills for Mexico patients but Dr. Cottam will. At least that was the current info as of last month. So let me know if you are having trouble locating him. I have the number somewhere and can get it to you if you need. Also, if you decide to go, let me know how it goes.


  9. I feel for you. My kids are not autistic, but they have all certainly had there moments in the store too. And I hate how people stare. And yes, I think that being over weight contributes to the staring and makes me feel worse. People can be so judgemental and it's difficult at times to deal with. What's worse is that I believe that two of the things that people are MOST judgemental about, is over weight people and parenting/kids. So I am sure that was a very diffucult experience for you. I am sure that it will be hard to leave him, but you are right. You are doing this for him too. I have never left my four kids with anyone over night and barely allow anyone to babysit during day light hours. It's hard to leave the little ones, but I too, recognize all that my kids are missing out on because of my obesity. I will be coming back ready to be a better mom to them. It will be hard, but it will also pass really quickly. I am feelin for you right now, because I have come home and cried before due to my childrens behavior out in public too. Those are some of the harder days to be a parent. Best wishes.


  10. Hey, I just thought of something. If cold drinks make your band tighten, then those people who are having trouble with restriction, couldn't they just drink ice water before a meal to help with this? I am not banded yet, so I am just wondering since I know that the period of time comes when you don't have a fill yet and also don't have restriction. Would drinking ice water through out the day help us get through the "bandster hell" everyone talks about?


  11. I was struggling with my pre-op weight loss, and the number one thing I was doing wrong....eating more calories than I thought I was. I was shocked when I started to count and even MEASURE the correct serving size. Previously I was actually eating about 3 times what the real serving size was which meant 3 times the calories. Here I was thinking I just ate 200 cals, when in reality I ate 600. YIKES!!!! So count and measure everything. You don't have to do this forever. After a very short time you start to memorize how many cals are in the foods you eat regularily and you also start to know what 3 oz of meat looks like so you don't have to measure anymore. Also, I like mommamicheles tip about planning what you will eat for the next day. This way you can quickly write down your meal plan and then add up the calories. Then, post it on your fridge and only eat what you planned out. Then you don't have to write down everything you eat all day long, unless of course you stray from you plan. Also, I stopped drinking diet soda, ate more protein and drank tons and tons of water. I actually have a 32 oz water jug and I fill it and carry it with me all over the house. If I go to the store, I through it in my van. So it likes my little sidekick. I give myself time frames of the day when I should have it emptied for the first and second time. I often go through it 3 times in a day. That's 96 oz of water. This helps the appetite and flushes your body. All of these things helped me to start losing weight. I hope this and everything else that was offered helps you. I know this can be so frustrating and overwhelming at times. You have to keep trying different things and until you find what works for you. You can do this. Best of wishes.


  12. I ordered some clothes from Old Navy since all my 16's are falling off of me. I ordered 12's thinking by Winter I could wear them. They just arrived and I zipped them right up!! What a glorious day for me! I am pretty sure I didn't even wear 12's in high school! LOL I am on cloud 9!

    So take my word for it. I went from a TIGHT 20 to a 12 in 4 and a half months! The lap band works if you follow the rules, exercise properly and change your mindset on eating habits! It really, really works!

    Congrats Kim!!! Thanks for sharing your success with us. It gives those of us just starting this journey hope and encouragement.


  13. Yesterday I found the Wii Fit at Best Buy so I bought it. I still haven't found a Wii yet though. LOL The man told me I had better buy it while they had it and put it in the closet until I find a Wii.

    Also, my husband lifts weights so last night he taught me how to exercise with weights. I only use small weights, but he is teaching me how to tone my flabby arms and such. I am really sore this morning, but it felt great!

    The walking I do gets boring so I decided to switch it up some. :D

    Hey kim, can you explain what the wii and the wii fit are. I am confused and don't know much about this. I have seen a little about it, but clearly I am not getting it. I don't understand what the difference between the Wii and Wii fit are? How does it work, what is the cost like? It sounds fun, but I just don't get it.



  14. I watched that video link on youtube where he did a surgery back on July30th and stitched it in place. But....he does state in that video that the band is not held in place by those stitches after the first about 6 weeks I think is what he said. He states that after that first 6 weeks, that band is held in place by the healing process and healing into place. He stated that long term, those few stitches do not hold it in place, but patient compliance to bandster rules is what ultimately holds it in place. So I would think, that if he did recently stop stitching, theres not much to worry about anyway. The stitches only help the first 6 weeks anyway. What I took from what he said is that relying on your stitches is a false sense of security. You can still have band slippage if not careful. Interested to hear what he says about this when I actually go on August 29th for my surgery.


  15. Thanks Kim, sometimes I feel kind of invisible on this board. It really helps to get some feedback!


    Cheryl, I think that whatever works for you is great. If someone else doesn't agree that doesn't matter. It works for you, and that's what counts. I am sorry that you have felt invisible. I know it is frustrating when someone tells you to do it a certain way and then the weight will just fall off. Not always the case, right? I believe that as long as you keep trying, one day you will find the right combination that works for you to lose the weight you need. I hope that this low carb choice works for you and you will begin to see the results you are looking for. Also, can you get another fill to help the restriction? Keep us updated on your progress.


  16. Hey all - - haven't been on in a while due to the fact that I am ashamed and embarassed. I think I am doomed to be fat forever. I can't believe myself - I was down to 180, had a little bit of a gain and was holding steady at like 182... and I got so agitated that I began getting out of control with my eating. Just like my old habits that got me fat in the first place. Now I am at 184. :angry::( :lb12: I am almost 2 months post op and have not had a fill yet, so I am ravenous at times. Other times, though I feel like I am extremely full. Please someone tell me that once I get a fill this will get better?!?! I am so embarrased that I am not losing any more weight I feel like a complete failure. I am really depressed.

    Carrie, I actually think you are doing great. I know that it's frustrating to see the scale go up a few when you want it to go down, but from what I have heard most people gain back a few pounds during th stage that you are in right now. So don't feel ashamed. YOU ARE NORMAL. Once you start getting fills, I am sure the "ravenous" hunger will go away. And so what if you have made mistake and ate things you shouldn't have. You don't have to be perfect, just always keep trying. Everyone in this weight loss battle makes mistakes and back slides from time to time. You just have to re-commit yourself to a new day and start trying again. I think that 28 pounds lost already is a great accomplishment and you need to give yourself credit for that. Your awesome and you can do this.


  17. I rarely ever post here anymore. I do lurk occationally, and am glad to see how well everyone is doing. The recent post regarding "cheating" has made me want to post to let everyone that has cheated know they are not alone.

    I am one of the people that is struggling with my band and weightloss. I have not been perfect (sadly icecream does go down) but had I been perfect in the first place I would of never needed the band to help with my weightloss. I understand the band is just a "tool".

    Everyday is a struggle, every moment I have to make the choice to eat the right foods, take the time to measure my foods, to follow the rules. But alas, we are humans and we make mistakes. We come here to express our feelings and seek people that understand what we are feeling. We belong to this group for many reasons, but the most important reason is to share trials and sucesses (mamamichelle).

    Weightloss is difficult, we all know that, hence the reason we have the bands. We should be supportive of each other, not judgemental. The fact of the matter is if we hadn't "cheated" on all of our diets then we wouldn't be here.

    On a side note, I was very discouraged because I had been struggling so much, my band had no restriction and I could eat anything. I had had 3 fills for a total of 3cc in a 4cc band. I ended up seeing a different doctor and in the end it turns out that I didnt have 3cc in my band, only 2cc. He believes that the last doctor missed my port. I now have great restriction and with restriction (the sweet spot) I am able to control my eating and most of my cravings have passed.

    So even if you are not perfect, continue to wake up everyday vowing to do your best. And when you slip up, remember we are all only human. I wish everyone the best in the weightloss journey. And remember, if it was easy to loose weight, we wouldn't of needed the band.

    Blessings to All,


    Thanks Amanda for posting this. I totally agree and appreciated your loving words of encouragement. Interesting that changing doctors corrected your problem and I think that's a good tip for everyone. If for some reason things aren't working, get another doctor to take a look. I am getting banded on the 29th on this month and will definetly keep this in mind when it comes time for fills.


  18. Hey, I responded to your concerns a few days ago on this thread and then saw some negative remarks posted to you. It made me think about my own response to you and I went back a re-read it. I hope that my response did not seem rude or unsupportive. I just wanted to make sure and apologize if I came across that way. I did read those other posts and I am also sorry for those responses as well. We are here to support each other and you don't deserve to be treated that way. I am sorry if I sound stupid. I just became concerned about my own post after reading those really negative one's. I have had the same struggles with weight loss in my pre-op phase and have really appreciated the support of this group. I don't think it's whining at all to post your real concerns and struggles that we all face. Best of wishes.


  19. Thank you for all your support and comments. This forum has been great, but I will no longer be using it. The negativity really kind of takes control of the whole forum. I am very surprised by it. (Cedar and Kimmy in MD) I have read a few post's in the last half hour and very shocked by some of the comments and truly believe this is not the place for them. I thought this forum was for suppport and tips to help out. We are all here because we have a food addiction and like any addiction you can't just flip a switch and turn it off. Food has always been my crutch, and if it wasn't an addiction I would not have spent $8000 on the band. So thank you again, especially MamaMichelle, Evette (who hasn't been on in a while which I have noticed), Mona, Mom12, Kim2bslim & Lisal. You guys are wonderful and such an inspiration! If anyone wants to keep in touch, please feel free to email me anytime at soccersoto@sbcglobal.net. Take care all and good luck in your journey.


    I don't think you and I have chatted a lot on this group, so I don't think that I am familiar to you. But I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart that you do belong here. I know that you have struggled with getting the weight off and I am so sorry if anyone caused you to feel hurt. But that is a one or a few people. The REST of the group wants you here and needs you here. You are not the only one who struggles to get the weight off and there are other people who are here to share that struggle with you. I have received a lot of support from people here on this group and I am very grateful. But even I too have received responses from time to time that seemed harsh or non sympathetic. I choose to ignore those posts and let them roll off, although it's not always easy. Because, for every negative person that has responded, at least 10 positive people have responded. Please don't let those few negative people push you away. There are many more who love having you here. My heart goes out to you for the struggles you are having as we have all been there and we know how it feels. Please reconsider and stay. You have alot to offer this group and we need you.


  20. Get a fill. If you have true restriction there will be many foods you can't tolerate at all and those you can will only be a few bites at a time. The fact that you are having very little trouble eating most things means you are not feeling the ability of the band working for you.

    As painful as this sounds, you may need to count your calories for a bit. I was having trouble losing( currently on pre-op diet) and when I took a good look at what I was eating and actually MEASURED the correct serving size and I found that my measurement was VERY off and that I was actually eating or drinking about 500 calories more a day than I thought I was. As soon as I corrected this and watched the cals done to tee, also more protein and tons of water, gave up diet soda, all this helped the weight loss start to happen. Also, don't do the exact same exercise evertime. If you are just walking and walking and walking, your body will get used to this. You need to come up with a small variety of workout options. A video, ellipitical, or whatever. And then trade off between these. If have to be tricking your body a little here and there. Also, the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. Do a little strength training. Not that you need to be a body builder. But adding a little extra muscle wil help your body burn the fat.


  21. As I am writing this I am sitting in my living room crying, I don't think ia can do this. I am 10 days post op and can't take it anymore. We went to applebees for dinner I got spaghetti ( I know I am not supposed to eat) I had about 3 noodles and a shrimp. i feel like sh*t I have pain in my chest 9under the left side of my rib cage) and feel like I want to throw up. I guess i feel this way because I get no support here all my husband does is b*tch he never has anythign nice to say. Honestly I cna't stand the sound of his voice right now but then I am pissy becasue he spends no time with us. I really don't know what to do, I know I will ruin my band and have been trying to behave but something keeps telling me that I will fail at this too so why not just give up.

    BTW how do you know if your band slips?

    If ever you think you can't make it or you want to give up, tell yourself that you will at least sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. Don't just give up. Tomorrow you may wake up and feel your load is a little lighter or your strength is a little stronger. You can do this. Don't give up. You are worth too much to just give up. Do this for you. You are in my prayers.


  22. Okay, the center in Meridian called and I had to cancel with them related to prior work obligations. They can still get me in only I will have to pay $365.00 (this includes fluro). Okay...I am cheap! I know this. There is a FNP here locally that does blind fills for $100.00 So my question is, how many of you have had fills without fluro? I know that fluro is best, but with $$ restrictions what do I do? I need your help with this! PLEASE!!! BTW, those in/around the Boise, Idaho area...go to Dr. Ortiz website, click on fill centers. Call that number and let them know where you live. There were only so many spots open on August 16th, and August 23rd. These were the only dates that you could get in for the $165.00 (like for your first 10 fills @ $165.00) Sorry to those who emailed me....my internet is down and I haven't recieved my replacement modem.


    The $365 is only for your first fill at the fill center. After that it should be $265 per fill. But if you feel comfortable going blind, then do it. You could even consider trading off. One blind, one with flouro, and so on. Good luck


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