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Posts posted by laadeedaa

  1. OK, well if any of you remember, I've been constipated since banding and I've tried EVERYTHING! Well, good news . . . EVERYTHING kicked in today! And let me tell you . . . .woooweee, not a pretty smell! I was rotting, seriously. So now I have a few more questions since my poop issue is out of the way (won't let THAT happen again! Smooth Move Tea for me EVERY SINGLE DAY!)

    1. I think I may have started my period, but it's weird because normally it nevers just "starts". I usually have a few warning signs that it is coming. Also, it was bright red, not menstrual old lining discharge (KWIM). I know it wasn't HUGE, but in the toilet it looks like a golf ball . . . I think I may have had a little blood clot too that came out while pooing, which started my period. Is this normal? I think I heard somewhere that your cycle could start when it's not supposed to after surgery, but I just thought it was odd. What would you do?

    2. Where my insicions are, they are healing nicely, but now I feel lumps under them, like hard lumps. Is that normal? Its not a hernia is it?

    So I think that might be it for right now. I'll be anxious to hear your replies and experiences because you all are so great at sharing and helping. What a great support system for the new bandsters.

  2. Oh Donna. I think you just popped out all of the EXACT same thoughts I had less than 30 days ago. Do you know that it took me all of 4 days from finding out about the surgery to actually paying for it. AND THEN . . . I had the surgery done 12 days later! How's THAT for being fed up!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I can't tell you anything at this point other than I'm EXTREMELY optimisitic this will work this time. It has to actually because I've got ahusbnand who just forked out 8 grand for it! If you don't think I'm going to be sick and tired of his Hawk eye . . . . Anyway, the unknown is the scariest, but surely it can't be any worse than the way you feel right now.

    THere sure are a lot of people with great things to say about the band on this forum so just check around and see if it wounds like something that will work for you. It didn't take me long to decide this was IT!

  3. Supposedly you are only supposed to have broths, water, gatorade, real liquidy stuff. Yesterday we got to add in DRINKABLE YOGURT. Tommorrow, we look forward to more fuller soups and I'm assuming protein shakes, but not made in a blender. Herballife makes a shake that I've used that is GREAT and you can shake it in a "shaker" that they have (almost like a martini shaker but not nearly as glamorous). I've lost 11 pounds too since banding so it sounds like you are doing fine, but I would get a little more strict. OH, don't forget to take a Benefiber cabsule for hunger.

  4. OK, just drank a bit of AJ and a VERB - Good Belly (Drinable probiotic+vitamins). I'm off to the store to get some SMOOTH MOVE tea. I forgot about that. It's GREAT SHIT (no pun intended). I definitely do not want to get into trouble so I'm going to do everything in my power to get this stuff out and back on the road to recovery. I can definitely feel the verb trying to squeeze through my band. Interesting. It made it through. I don't think the liquids stay in our pouch, do you? I think they pass right through. It's hard to imageine the feeling until you actually eat something and boy am I TIGHT!

  5. OK, on day 8 today, it's time to add drinkable yoqurt. BUT . . . .what if I'm not hungry at all? I haven't been hungry except for one morning when I woke up. Here's my fear though . . . I haven't pooped anything but maybe 8 little pebbles. I feel bloated which is probably due to the constipation. LAst night, I took a Correctol and I've been doing Metamucil for 2 days prior to that. Question, If I'm not hungry at all, in fact, the thought of eating is making me sick, should I go ahead and force the yoqurt down my throat? I do know that my body feels a tad weaker today than any other day. But heck, I've lost 13 pounds since the surgery. And I haven't eaten anything except water and soup (and the 5 potatoe chips I liquified and swallowed). I'm also worried that I'm retaining too much water because I'm not drinking enough. I can barely get 16 oz of water in each day! Do you think I have anything to be concerned over and what should my course of action be?

  6. Yes it is normal to get diarrhea on liquids, some people also have constipation. Add Benefiber to whatever you drink to bulk you up. This stuff is so great, it dissolves completely and you have absolutely no idea it's in whatever you add it to. I was skeptical but it is so true!!

    How about Metamucil? I've been taking that for years in my water each morning but I thought I read somewhere that I shouldn't have much fiber during this stage, that is why I've avaoided it.

  7. I was banded the same day as you. Although I haven't had the diahrreha problems, I have been constipated. But I'm not uncomfortable. I take that back, I did poop a pebble. LOL! And I was just coming on to the board to ask the same question about my port. I can really feel it today and it kinda hurts. It's really tender, more tender than it's been all week. I too fell like it is pulling, but I think that is just part of the healing. As our stomachs and skin shrinks, the port will settle nicely. Yesterday I had 4 potato chips, chewed them like crazy, just to see if I could get them down without a problem. No problem. I also made a delicious soup for my family and a couple kernels of corn and peas made it on the spoon. I didn't kick them off, but I chewed the heck out of them and they went down fine. I was actually super full after eating that. I find that I am so full it's ridiculous. Anyway, Just wanted you to know that I'm hainvg the same port issue. Maybe he was running low on tubing that day? LOL!!!

  8. My diet needs a little mix up here. Please post what you are drinking in the clear liquid stage so that I can get some variety in my life.

    1.) Aquafina Water

    2) Chicken Boulion cubes - low sodium

    3.) Water with Crystal Light pouch

    4.) crystal light popsicles (homemade in those containers from Target)

    5.) otterpops

    6.) diluted apple juice

    7.) diluted apple juice popsicles (homemade in those containers from Target)

    8.) diluted grape juice

    9.) diluted grape juice popsicles (homemade in those containers from Target)

    10.) Gatorade

    11.) Special K20 protein water

    12.) hot chocolate (water based of course)

    13.) Propel

    14.) Imagine Organic Free Range Chicken Broth (FAR better than any bouillon)

    15.) Pacific Organic Beef Broth

    16.) miso soup

    17.) Benefiber to liquid for constipation issues

  9. I did it! I got the band on. I was at the OCC all day yesterday, today I sit in my hotel room anxioulsy trying to get home. I never event hough about how horrible my stomach would look. Not sure how to keep this a secret from my children. I guess it will eventually come out, but not now. I feel fine. a little sore, but all around fine. I can tell that this is going to be much a like a drug addict coming off drugs. I kinda miss food right now. but I'm going to go get a bowl of that delicious broth for dinner here pretty soon and then I'll be good to go! It was fun to meet the other ladies, just wish I could remember everyone's name. Anyway, I'll keep my progress posted, keep on asking questions . . . Maybe even post a pic or two since I am in that profession!

    Happy Liquid Week!

  10. OK, you guys are so great! Thanks for all the words of advice. I can see taht this is going to be OK. OH, and just so you know, my husband totally knows. He is staying at home because we have a son in high school football and a daughter going to church camp. Someone needs to be around. The kids and family all think I'm going to see some friends from San Diego for a few days. I leave on Monday morning and get home THursday afternoon. You know, I just knew you all would have encouragment and excellent things to say. Today, as I was istting at my daughter's final swim meet of the summer, I thought, "Gosh darn . . . .my goal back in January was to be sitting here in cute little short shorts, but instead, I'm sweating my A _ _ off by covering it up with short jeans. I can't wait to get that band on me and look super HOT next year at this thing! I'm so happy with the 2 pound weight loss per week. I've got it all figured out that if I lose 2 pounds a week, I'll reach my goal weight by April 1 of next year. JUST IN TIME to get a breast enhancement and a tummy tuck for my 40th birthday! I'm gonna be a SUPER HOT FEMALE soon! Thanks again for your encouragement!

  11. AWESOME FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I have that success too! I can't een imagine what I am going to do that day the scale registers under 200. I haven't been under 200 pounds for over 10 years! That will be awesome. Even more awesome is going to be less back pain. OK . . . I'm starting to calm down now (see my post if you don't know what I'm talking about). So YEAH YEAH YEAH for you!!!!!! =D> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. OK, I know this is not the first post you've received from someone who is scared out of their mind about this. I'm thinking to myself, "What the HELL are you getting ready to do?" I casually mentioned to someone today that i'm so sick and tired of not being able to get this weight off after major diets and I'm thinking about doing the lapband. This person doesn't know me at all. She said, You won't qualify. You aren't overweight enough. My scale and BMI says I am! 245 was my start weight (down to 230 3 days before banding) I'm 5'9" and 38 (almost 39) years old. I'm so afraid I'm going to get down there and then they are gonna tell me no. OR WORSE . . . tell me yes, do it, and have nothing but problems because I didn't really qualify.

    I'm also worried that I'm making a mistake by going by myself. Think about it. Here i am going to a foreign country to be put under anesthesia, cut into, by myself. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING????? I'm not telling my kids or parents, or anyone for that matter. What if something happens? Is this a TRUE medical hospital I'm going to??????? Will they be able to resuciatate me if needed?

    I'm worried that I'm going to deprive myself of so much . . no bread . . . ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Not even 1 bite??????? And no alcohol either? Why not? Not even a couple of drinks once in awhile?

    And what about the recovery. I have a party to photograph on Friday when I return. Am I going to be able to do it? I'm a photographer, I have others coming to help me, so I know that I won't be totally the main person, but I don't want anyone to catch on that I just had this done. Is this going to be possible??????

    OH man, I'm really worried. Is there anyone out there that is getting banded on Tuesday????

    OK, a few more questions . . . what did you take to wear when it was over. Am I going to be going bananas having anything around my stomach? Liek elastic?

    And what about the water they serve you in the hospital and the hotel. Is it safe to drink. Please, I hope no one takes this personal, but I am one of the few people that equate Mexico vacations with a chance to start a diet. I usually don't eat a damn thing the whole time I'm there and I always come home with the shits. I can only go for like 3 or 4 days because its funny, I've always liked to eat and that is about the time I REALLY start to get hungry. So, how safe is the stuff they serve after surgery?


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