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Everything posted by Bowierocksme

  1. Hey Francie, Don't freak me out Girl! I am flying down there on Tues to get my band! KIM
  2. Hi, I am the Oshawa one, I will go on and add you!
  3. Hi All, Just logging in and saw this thread. I am 3 days away from my band!!! I am on Facebook as well and would love to be included. My name is Kim Cadenhead. KIM
  4. Bowierocksme

    My Pic's

    Me and my family
  5. Hi there, Have you considered brown bagging it for lunch? KIM
  6. Hi all, I have a question for you? I am on day 6 of my pre-op diet and yesterday when I was around the house I smelled something funny, it was me! I asked my husband to take a whif last night and it's true, I smell like a protien shake, it is oozing out of my skin. Not only that, I am in Ketosis, I can tell because I have Mung mouth. The upside is that I am down 8 lbs as of this morning. I guess I better drag the body spray out and squirt away. Is the smell thing normal? I am sure it is but it kinda smells geriatric!!! KIM
  7. LOL, I think the Sex thing is why my husband is being so good about letting me go too!!! He is being very supportive in the hope that I will be a lot more interested! KIM
  8. I can totally relate to the Brownie thing. I was a Fat Brown Owl when I was a Leader for my girls and it sucked. Brownies was fun but it sucked to be fat and to try to keep up with everybody. I hate to look at the pictures now of me handing out awards and leading the kids in a song etc. Those memories should of been awesome to look and and enjoy......I don't want to sound sorry for myself, kinda sounds pitiful. I sometimes wonder about the things I would have done if I had of been thin, maybe a whole lot more. Keep you chin up, sometimes a low like you felt after the chat with Dr. O is just the thing to light a fire. I remember being told about 7 years ago that because I was so overweight and had taken anti-depressants in the past that my insurance premiums for a policy would be double the norm...I was so upset that I went on a powerbar and salad diet and lost 55 lbs....of course when I ran out of steam it all came back on. Go for it!!!! KIM
  9. I am not where you are in this process, I am booked for the 27th of Aug with Dr.O. But I am curious what your motivation was to get the band. I know that I am at the point in my life where at 45 yrs of age and living with obesity since I hit puberty that this seems like it might be the answer for me to have a normal life. I know that there will be ups and downs and I am not expecting it to be easy but I could not look my Husband or my 3 Daughters in the eyes if I didn't give this opportunity my very best shot. They have suffered through my struggles with weight and my depression about it for many years and they are behind me on this adventure. My plan before going in is to do everything the Doctor says and if I have any problems or issues, believe me, I will be calling the clinic and posting on this forum. KIM
  10. This is my first post, what exactly is PB??? I am booked with the OCC for the 27th of this month. I am flying down from the Toronto area. I am a little concerned about finding someone to do fills as well. Thanks, KIM
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