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Posts posted by mari02

  1. I have the most incredible friends and they always remind me that I'm going to be much happier and making food sacrifices is a necessity to maintain a healthy weight. I need to reprogram my brain and eat the veggies and fruit. I actually lost 30 pounds on my own since Feb, but I know it will creep back into my body because it always does. I'm so looking foward to this, on august 29th my life is going to change!

  2. Yesterday I went for my pre-admssions test with my general doctor.....I kind of felt like she was deterring me from doing this but I can see that she wanted me to be very sure. Last year my mom died of cancer and I took her death as best as I could. I immediatley went to the doctor so I can go on depression meds because I was anticipating on being depressed.....well the meds made me insane and I ended up cutting myself off because I didnt want to live like that anymore, long story short when I saw her yesterday she said to me that she was concerned because people who go through bariatric surgery go into depression because of the change of lifestyle...that I may go into depression because I'm missing out on food. Has anyone gone through depression of "missing food"?

  3. Poor girl!

    My only discomfort was the slight ab twist to be able to reach to wipe, haha. I just held my port area with one hand and wiped with the other (how embarassing). It kind of feels like when you try to do too many sit-ups, the abs feel weak from the port being sewn to the abs. It only lasted about a week or so.

    Whew....lol....the love of a mother for her child would only explain why she would take care of me when she did...lol. I was just so worried that I wasnt going to be able to go to the bathroom on my own!!! I feel better!! :P

  4. I'm big chicken and I cry at the drop at the hat...lol....so as each day that passes, I feel more nervous and excited at the same time. About 3 years ago I had liposuction, stupid idea, and I even ended up gaining 30 pounds since then, but the surgery was the most painful thing i have ever experienced. When I came home after the procedure, the ansthesia was wearing off and i'm telling you it felt like my abdomen was on fire...I couldnt move because the the pain......I couldnt even pee, I had to stand in the bathtub so I can pee and then (embarrasing) have my mom hose me down and "clean me" each time. Well god rest her soul she is in heaven, and I'm praying that I wont have any touble sitting down and "do my business" did anyone here have any problems going to the bathroom?

  5. He actually knows about them and said to stop taking them because I dont need them anymore....and it's a waste of money, I have my instruction sheet here and it says to stop coumadin 5 days before surgery and stop aspirin, advil, motrin two weeks before surgery. I'm going to take your advice and stop them all together.........I pray I dont ballon the weight back before my surgery :)

  6. First of all mari02... :lb9:

    Pre-op weight loss that is required by the OCC is 5% of your actual weight. If you are being banded somewhere else though I don't know the answers. Dr. Miranda, the nutritionist will recommend a diet for you or perhaps the consultant told you about it. they say to start it 2 weeks before surgery but I always encourage people to start it as early as possible so as not to have so much pressure to lose so much in 2 weeks. Anyway it's usually 2 slim-fast type drinkg, and a lean cuisine for dinner. It depends also on how much you have to lose,the recommendations are based on this somewhat I think. How much do you have to lose? If it's even only 10# I urge you to start making eating changes now to help aid your weight loss efforts down the road. Hope this helps.

    I'm being banded in NJ by an incredible group. They are actually one of the top Lap band surgeons here on the east coast.... www.lap-bandassociates.com. Everything happend very quick, I even scheduled my surgery at the first consultation vists. I'm so grateful to god that my insurance is covering the procedure. My highest weight was 258. I'm now down to 231, but that came with extreme struggle. My weight was and still is a complete disaster to me. I even refuse to take pictures because I look gigantic. That's when I said, look into this. When I had my first visit, I was 235, but I'm taking diet pills because i cannot do it on my own, but with great struggle, I've learned to eat better, and change the way I view food. I know with my new way of eating plus my lap-band, success is waiting for me.

  7. im curious to know what does pre-op weight loss really mean, i gues what I'm trying to say is that are you required to loss weight on our own before you go into surgery?? I'm schduled for the 29th of this month and I've only gone down about 3lbs since I had my initial consultation. That's because I'm killing myself, because i refuse to just let myself go because my surgery is coming up....any advice is appreciated :D

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