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Everything posted by lmartinez

  1. Hello! I didn't know my band had slipped until Dr. Martinez told me. But, what I felt the night before was horrible. I felt as if something was squeezing me inside, right below the chest; and, I could not hold down ANY liquids at all. I had a fever and I tried to take some liquid Tylenol and I even threw that up (sorry for being so graphic). I was not able to sleep because I could not lay down; the squeezing pain would be worse if I did. I had to sit on our sofa with a pillow against my stomach the whole night. I guess this is how it feels. Or, maybe I felt it this way because mine hadn't scarred/healed since it was so soon after my surgery. I am not sure. I am doing great now. I ate 3/4 of one scrambled egg this morning and I feel okay. I have lost 20 lbs. since my first surgery on 8/11/06. Thank you for being interested! :-)
  2. I am not sure what I was thinking at the moment. I guess I felt hungry and I saw that delicious piece of chicken and thought it was okay. I can't tell you how much I cried when Dr. Martinez told me it had slipped and that I had to have another surgery. I cried EVEN MORE when they told how much more I had to pay for hospital costs! I guess I deserved it for not following doctor's orders. I had to learn the hard way. Dr. Ortiz was so upset with me too - he calmed down later; but, I don't think he likes me because of what I did. Anyway, I decided to get this surgery as a b-day present to myself for my 30th birthday. I wanted to look good this next December 2 for my 30th birthday and the holidays. I've lost 18 lbs. so far. I am still very scared to eat solids, though. I literally sweat with every bite. I am glad people are reading my posting and are learning from it. You now know what can really happen if you do this, or if you are thinking about doing this.
  3. WOW, I guess I am well known in the clinic as "the lady who ate the chicken!" I am glad he is telling people what happened because, like I said before, no one should have to go through this for a piece of chicken (or any solid food). Your band and your life are just too precious. I really hope my posting helps other people. Thank you for your response!
  4. Hello, I was banded the first time on August 11, 2006. I had a GREAT recovery; didn't even feel like I had surgery. But, on the third day (Aug. 14), I made the terrible mistake of eating a tiny piece of chicken. I immediately started to feel sick. Luckily, I live in the area and was able to go see the doctor the next day. He checked my band, and yes, it had slipped. I had to go in and had a second surgery ASAP on August 15. PLEASE follow doctor's orders! I know food is very tempting, but you need to realize how much you can loose if you do this. I could've lost my band, even worse, my LIFE! I am doing great now; following doctor's orders. Now, after what I experienced, I am SUPER scared of eating solids. Yesterday was my first day eating solids. I ate about one tablespoon of baked salmon, and one tablespoon (or less) of mashed potatoes. I am okay so far. I went back to liquids today, though. I will give it another shot tomorrow again. Hope this helps someone else into not trying to make the same mistake I did - you'll be sorry. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. I want to thank all of Dr. Ortiz's staff for being so supportive and kind to me. Que Dios los bendiga! God bless you! Thank you for reading this.
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