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Posts posted by BandDiva

  1. I suggest using a coffee mug for your soup. It stays hot, you don't eat as much, and it's kinda cozy.

    You can also visually see how much you should be eating at a time. Sometimes I refilled it, but usually just ate 1 cup as that was enough.

    Enjoy!! And yes, you might plateau since there is a lot of sodium in the creamy soups.

    Keep up the good work!! =D>


    I am using my Starbucks Mug for my soup! :) Actually, I am still going to do broth too. I don't want to pig out on the creamy stuff. LOL

  2. Thanks Jann!

    It's a hard struggle for my son's family. And with the posting on Momlogic.com, it didn't go well. It's hard for anyone to take such hard criticism when they don't know what they are talking about! So, I am convincing my grandson that HE made a good choice and I really asked him, "How do YOU feel about all this?" He just simply looked at me and said, "Dad did the best thing for me Nana and I feel so great! I can move better and I am now smiling more!" He had tears welled up in his eyes, for I know what he has been going through. But, that is over with and now we are ALL focusing FORWARD...and you know what, Jann? Yes, the family support is fantastic and it's not ohly for the physical side but mentally!

    OK...I am getting emotional about this because it's so POSITIVE of a move for all of us and WE are seeing the goodness of the band and yes, it's for life and I wouldn't have it any other way!

    God love you all for your suppport too! Sniff, sniff...sigh, smiling!

    I have to say that the emotional distraught you feel as an obese child is far worse than any feelings you could possibly have after going through a surgery! I KNOW it will be one of the best things ever for Joey!

  3. Creamy soups, what a treat. :good3: Don't forget the rule is, you must be able to drink it with a staw But you CANNOT drink it that way you must drink it from a cup or a bowl. I mention this because with the help of a blender you can make just about anything go through a straw. Any store bought or home made soup can be put in a blender. I have done this with chili, chunky clam chowed, Bean and ham soup and pea and ham soup. The rule is " IF YOU CAN'T DRINK IT , DON'T EAT IT." Don't be afraid to get creative. You deserve some flavor now. :-? :-?

    Wow, I didn't think about this! I guess you can get creative!

  4. So...Not only does the stuff taste like vanilla/chocolate flavoured CHALK, but I've got the worst cold I've had in years and I can't take anything except Tylenol! I think I'd rather die right about now! Lol! I can't even lay down without coughing and my head is aching and I just want some cough syrup! Lol! Any advice? Anyone have this issue when they started their pre-op? Any suggestions?! :huh:

    Try putting Sugar free Hersheys syrup in it! Hang in there! You can do it! (we all made it through, lol)

  5. Hi all!

    My Mom is coming for a visit for a week, and we are going to be spending some quality time relaxing, talking, shopping and maybe even hit the local casino.

    You probably won't see me on the forum much, but I will check in during the evening to say hi and check thing out!!

    Have a great week everyone and good luck to those who are have surgery in the next week!!!

    Have a great time with your Mom! Sounds fun! We will try to hold down the forum the best we can without ya. But, we will miss ya girlfriend!

  6. I have AOL, not sure if any of you do and if so you might have noticed this.

    I think it is wonderful that the Fishells gave their son a choice to have surgery for his obesity! Otherwise, he would STILL be struggling. The U.S. doesn't allow this, but Thank God for Dr. Ortiz and the OCC!

    I got a little upset reading the comments, people are so quick to judge. They are IDIOTS!

    Anyway, I wanted to share this. I think it is awesome that they have gone public. It will speak volumes to other parents thinking 'there is nothing they can do.'

    Please watch the video!


  7. Hey 'yall I was wondering, my husband went and bought me some soup and I was noticing it says add water or milk. Can we add milk? I was thinking Milk might be important in the cheddar cheese soup. (I would hate to eat watery cheese soup) LOL

    Thanks for letting me know! I am down 6 lbs since my surgery last Friday 10/10. Which, I expect it to maybe go up a little when I start on soups. But, I feel great! Just ready for something a little different! :)

  8. Thanks everyone for replying.

    Ok, what am I scared of....Each story I read on here where someone is having problems.

    Where I live there is basically limited to know healthcare. So I would have to go to Calgary for fills. Someone on here posted that the Dr.'s there are turning away Mexico patients for fills. So where does that leave me? Each time I have to go to the OCC? What if I get overfilled there (this seems to be a common occurence from what I have read on here)- than I have to fly back to have it adjusted? That I can not afford and I have a husband that has had a stroke and unable to care for my 3yr and 18mth old. So than childcare each time is an issue.

    I am terrified of encountering problems- (I am the only one to care for these kids and him.) Not even being able to swallow my medication.......

    I do want feedback to make sure I am making a well informed decision. So PLEASE give it.....

    10 years ago I did the WW thing and lost 70lbs, I ate properly and jogged. I felt very empowered and in control of my life. Besides the differences in how people treated me- was amazing.

    No I obviously did not keep it off- But I did not make the lifestyle change. I feel this is my last chance to get healthy as I am approaching 40...YIKES!

    I think I can do it!

    Yes, just like it says in the contract- They do give your deposit back. As long as you give proper notice etc...

    If I can not do it, I for sure will get the surgery in the spring.

    Thanks so much everyone for being there and responding. I am still open to feedback!

    If you are questioning yourself, you are not ready. But, you could be like Joy3 and get 6 months or a year down the road and be in the same place you are today. Have you read Dr. Ortiz's book? It really helped me and comforted my decision. For me, I knew that it was going to take THE BAND to stop this obesity from getting anyworse. I diet, gain, diet, gain! How good is that for you? Not at all! I knew gastric by pass was not an option (my aunt died 2 days after having it) That left lapband as my choice. Now, here I am 5 days after surgery and I KNOW that I made the right decision. I was a little freaked out at first, and definitely did not want to say good by to MY FOOD! But, I ignored my fears and stopped making excuses. I put the band off for over 2 years, please don't be like me. Think it through and ask yourself, can I REALLY lose weight and keep it off FOREVER or do I need a tool to help me? And whatever you do, don't fool yourself. Be honest with yourself.

    I really hope the best for you!

  9. Does Sprint Cell service work? I've been to TJ before and it did, but I was just across the border on Revolution.

    I also have a couple of Verizon phones I can bring (from work) but I'd rather be able to use our Sprint Phones if needed.


    I would call Sprint and ask them. I have TMobile and just had to ask them to add that coverage area to my plan while I was there and my phone worked then.

  10. Congrats on the surgery! I'm scheduled for this Friday, October 17, 2008. I'm scared because I haven't lost the 10 lbs I was supposed to by surgery day. Are they strict about that? I'm 5'7" and currently weight 216. I was supposed to be at 208 by surgery day. They've already cashed my check so I'm sure they won't turn my away on Friday. We'll see.....

    Lety ;)

    I would try to lose what you can before then. Have you called Dr. Miranda and told her? I would do that!

  11. I LOVE FRIED OYSTERS!!! During summer break growing up, I always stayed in Mobile Alabama with family, and they ate everything, GUMBO, SHRIMP, GUMBO, FRIED SHRIMP, FRIED CRAB CLAWS ( those are the best!!! )... They were always eating sea food, and I would beg for a burger!!! LOL Now, I love that stuff!!! Crab cakes... Thats about all I can do. I've tried Mud Bugs ( thats what my grandpa calls 'em ) crawfish I think??? EWWW!!!

    Mobile Alabama....Boy do I have some memories on the Florida coast (very close to Mobile). We spent every summer on the beach when I was a kid! Yeah, I ate a lot of seafood there too. :)

  12. You know, I am one for being inquisitive to find out what makes things tick. I wonder why not pancake, if taken some amount as you did? I am thinking because it's like a bread type of thing or the syrup that may have been on top? Interesting...I love waffles and if pancakes does that to you...there is NO way I will subject myself to what you went through for a yearing for waffles!

    Hey, oysters are good for you! It's an aphrodiac(sp?) for most! LOL :rolleyes:


    I am the daughter of a CAJUN! We love oysters on the half shell! We really had no choice growing up! lol But, I like them fried too! So, Jude....You are not alone! hehe

  13. Oh my god, this is so crazy.The serious pain I have felt. Reality just slapped me in the face. I got back in solids and what extreme pain I have had to live through. I think I know what it is now. I take big bites. Yes I chew them up but they are big, so that doesn't matter when it goes down. It hurts like hell. Where did I learn to eat this way. I am going to have to learn all over again and my head is not getting it until the pain comes. I went back on slim fast today. I was freaking hungry. But I had a peice of chicken and it did not go well. I wonder how long it will take me to learn to do this right. I always have taken big bites. I even take big drinks. I feel so stupid. I hope I didnt hurt anything. I am so nervous now. I have never felt that kind of pain. It is like getting a big huge pill stuck. How terrible. It kinda makes me sad, what if it is always like this. I can't take it. For now on, I am going to cut everying up really small and eat it that way. No more big bites and we will see how it goes but for today, since it hurt. I am having my slim fast. Wow, I never thought it would be like this. I guess the peices are going to have to be really small. I didnt really understand that. DAH! I get it now. PAIN!


    I have always ate in a hurry and had big bites as well. But, I am planning to cut everything up before I start eating. I would try that. That way you have it the size it needs to be before you get started. Luckily, I have a husband that is a very slow eater so he has promised to help me with eating slow. I know you can do it girl.

  14. I am getting banded on 11/5 and have been browsing the forum looking for answers and support- I am so thankful for this!!

    I am a Diet Coke addict and drink 6-8 a day and Yes I know this is VERY bad and have been wanting to quit for a long time.

    Is Soda/ carbonated beverages permitted after the lap band?

    No, you can not have carbonated beverages. It stretches your pouch! If you must have one, you have to wait atleast 6 months and they must then be a treat. But, if I were you, I would plan on just getting them out of your diet for good. :o)

  15. OMG

    dont take a bath!!!

    you will loosen the GLUE that is sealing the largest incision shut for the PORt....ahhhh. There are specific instructions no baths for a few weeks!!

    LOL, I am sorry to worry yall! I took a shower. I think I have a habit of just saying "gonna take a bath" when I am bathing of some sort. But no, I did hear him say wait 3 weeks for a bath so all it good. :o)

  16. Congratulations Dana and to your friends too!!! You did it!!

    Get some rest, sip and walk and you'll be better than new in no time!!

    Take care!

    yes, the port side is very tender. gas hasn't been too bad. Just some in the center of my chest & it hits every now and then. went shopping on revolution today. Got in plenty of walking, now I am taking a bath. Going to chillout and watch tv.

  17. Hey everyone!!

    Thanks for all the well wishes for all of us. We are doing great. ALTHOUGH, I had to weight all day and started really freaking out that all my friends were behind closed doors. There I was still sitting in the lobbysmelling the aroma of coffee.....boy was that tough! lol

    Seems like all of us are saying the same thing, hard to get out of bed because of the port being so sore. But other than that we are good to go! We all had a goodnights sleep.

    We will be heading over to the Lucerana in a bit!

    :girl_dance: CONGRATS TO THE 10/10 BANDSTERS :[/b]:girl_dance:

  18. Good Morning Dana

    How are you doing and feeling?


    Hey Cara!

    I feel great! They are supposed to be here in 30 minutes to pick us up! :) Last night I figured I might as well get used to chicken broth, so that is what I had as my last meal! lol I did go to the Italian place and had a very early lunch. (but didn't over do it)

    Anyway, I will get back on here when I can! Thanks!

    (thanks everyone for the well wishes! )


  19. Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has encouraged me and who has become a wonderful friend over the last month! I know this is going to be a great journey & I am so glad I have all of you here to call my friends and help me along the way. I know I can count on you all, and I hope you know I am here for you too!

    So, I went to the OCC today saw Dr. Miranda weighed and took my blood. Now, I am relaxing at the Lucerna & going to head out to do a little bit of shopping.

    If any of you get here tonight who are having surgery tomorrow, I am in Room 217 if you wanna ring me up, I would love to meet you down in the lobby! :)

    They pick us all up at 7am in the morning! I am so excited I don't know what to do! This day has finally arrived!!! WOOHOO!

    I will update you when I can!


  20. Heidi my prayers are with you and your family during this most difficult, emotional time, no matter how "smooth" it's going. yes God will get you through this, You "can do ALL things through Christ", "Draw near to God and he will Draw near to you", and finally "This too shall pass". Jump into your relationship with Him and you won't be let down. Let Him guide you through this. It sounds like you really do have your head on your shoulders and have made good decisions so far. don't let the devil sabotage you. Many of us have been down this same path and walked through it and been the better for it. I hope this is the case with you.

    This is YOUR time to figure so many things out that you never even though of yet. Be patient, allow time to grieve, do good things for yourself DAILY....I think the gym is a super idea.

    Cherish yourself and know you made the best decision for you and your family at this time.

    Many hugs and much love to you. I will add you to my prayer list sweetie!!

    DITTO all the way, Julie!

    Heidi, You will be in my daily prayers....and I mean that. Just know you have a group of friends here who are always here for you & we can always be a phone call away.



  21. Hello all,

    I have my banding scheduled for july of '09. I am really looking forward to getting banded. I currently weigh 275, and at only 5' 1", that is way unhealthy. I am completely comfortable with entrusting my surgery to Dr. Ortiz. The only concern I have is the post surgery fills. I live in Alaska, and getting to have regular fills is a major concern of mine. The only way in or out from where I live is by either boat, or plane, so being able to have regular fills may be a problem. The second concern I have is where do I find a physician who is willing to do fills in Alaska? I hope that some of you experienced bandsters would have some advice for me. I know this is a big step, but I look at it as a huge step forward, instead of all of those small steps forward, followed by the huge steps backward.

    Have you asked the OCC if they have Dr's they recommend in Alasksa? IF not, talk to Lori and see if she has some.

    THere is another lap band forum called lapbandtalk.com (you might want to join that one)

    I went in and entered alaska fill doctors in the search field and saw this one......

    I have the best fill Dr. Dr. Leland Jones of Medical Park Family Care (Anchorage) will do lap band patients and doesnt care where you had your surgery. He charges $195 which is the cheapest I have found. He doesnt use fluro but if you need xrays or whatever he will set you up. His phone number is (907) 279-8486, His office is on corner of Lake Otis and Northern Lights. Never takes long to get in to see him.

    You have plenty of time to find someone, no worries! :o)

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