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Posts posted by MrsParris

  1. I am going into surgery tomorrow morning. I have been on the pre-op liquid diet and don't know how I will make it another 2-3 weeks on liquids :( Every day I am surrounded by beautiful and spectacular food that I may never be able to enjoy again. I was wondering if most of you get over that feeling, or if it just continues on. I also was concerned about vomitting. Im not prone to it now, but I don't want to be among co-workers and vomit because I ate a small piece of something. Having last minute second thoughts I guess, but in the end I do know that the band will me regain and maintain a healthier lifestyle. However I STILL WANT TO EAT!!!

    For me, if something gets stuck and I know it just isn't going to go down, I have plenty of warning. I don't vomit immediately. I have time to excuse myself to the restroom. I have never gotten stuck, then instantaneously vomitted. I was once in a situation where I had to wait about 20 mins. before I could throw up. You'll be fine. Good luck.

  2. Shelby that is AWESOME girl!!!

    Thanks for sharing, I REALLY needed to read this today! I STILL am not out of the freakin 180's ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....HOWEVER I have hired a Personal trainer that kicked my butt tuesday. ALL I did was work out with the ball and HATED it!!!Dont get me wrong it was HARD, but just was not my thing. I went for my second session this monring and my trainer had a flat was not there so they put me with another guy. He does the kick boxing trainer and OMG is was torture but I REALLY liked the work out. ALOT of punching and kicking....So I have changed trainers and have him booked Monday Wednesday and Friday next week....kinda excited about it! Ready to get this off and really excited to have someone PUSH me!

    Again Congrats girl!



    Don't get down on yourself. I stayed in the 170's for 8-9 months. It sucked! I got discouraged but I never gave up. I tried everything I could think of to break out of plateau, but nothing worked. I bought a pair of Skecher's Shape up shoes. They were so comfortable that they motivated me to walk more often. They don't seem to have done much for my backside, but my legs are now super-toned. But, I still wasn't losing. I cut my calories down to around 800 per day. It was tough, but I was desperate. I am not really recommending it, but that is all that worked for me. The scales started moving again. It is still really slow, like only 1/2 lb. per week or so. I am trying to stay around 1000 calories per day now, but some days I still only do 800. Hope the personal trainer works out for you.

  3. Thanks everyone! It was funny the other day my grandma asked me how much I weigh and when I told her she said there is no way you weigh that much! Guess also depending on muscle mass and things like that the # on the scale can be very deceiving.

    I need a few new work outfits so i'm headed to the mall to get a couple of things. It is really nice to have options now and not see shopping as a miserable experience. I used to get frustrated and just buy shoes and accessories - but I had quite a shoe collection! :rolleyes:


    That is amazing. I will never see a size 6. When I weighed 143, I was in a size 10. You are doing fantastic. The way I see it, to maintain instead of gain is an accomplishment.

  4. Nothing wrong with snacking, just make sure they are healthy, and you don't exceed your daily calorie allotment. Hot air popped popcorn is my favorite night-time snack. I spray Parkay fat free, low cal spray butter on it, but skip the salt. It is delicious, low-calorie, & high in fiber. I also eat a protein bar as a snack sometimes. I feel like I am eating a candy bar. Special K protein bars are very good.

  5. Congratulations!!!

    It gets easier. Small portions and excessive chewing are second nature to me now.

    My views on food have changed and it has lost some of its importance. I still have cravings, but not obsessions.

    I don't worry about my next meal anymore.

    Good luck and stay focused.

  6. Congratulations!!!!!!! My first baby was C-section, but the second was vaginal. Unless there is a medical reason why you have to have a c-section, you might get lucky and deliver vaginally like I did. I was mobile almost immediately and in way less pain the 2nd time than with the section. Good luck.

  7. Funny you posted this today. I was thinking of posting and asking if others that were too full experienced weight gain or staying the same. I have had my fill for months, probably around the same time as you. It is too tight I am sure. I have trouble eating most things (except, of course, sherbet, ice cream, etc.). On occasion I eat with no problem, but most of the time no. I have pretty much given up eating breakfast as that is the hardest. I have been doing a lot of smoothies.

    So, I guess my question is the same. For those of you that have had to have fluid removed did you notice that you either stayed the same in weight or gained a few pounds? I am just so nervous to have fluid taken out (not for the procedure itself) but because I am worried I will gain weight being able to eat more than what I have been doing. It is so crazy, I just feel like because it is too tight would be better than not tight enough, etc.

    However, I do think because what I can eat is so limited that I am more apt to eat things I shouldn't because there is no problem getting those things down. So anyone that can shed light on this would be great.

    I have been wondering the same thing. I have been stuck in the 170's for 8 months. I love the restriction that I have and I am scared of being too loose again. If I knew getting some out would start my weight loss back up I would give it a try.

  8. Debbie,


    Very impressive. I am thrilled you shared that with all of us. Such an awesome accomplishment!

    I have about 2 more pounds to go before I hit my 100 mark.

    Great Job!



    Congratulations! I don't post on here often, but I visit a lot. You both have done so well.

  9. Congratulations!!!

    I have had my band a little over a year. I am very close to my goal of 160 lbs., but I have been stuck in the 170's for 7 months. It has been slow go for me too. I keep thinking it will start moving again, but no such luck. I am the only person I know who has a 3-day stomach virus and loses no weight at all. Do you have any tricks or ideas to get the scales moving again?



  10. You will not regret getting a band. I lost 107 lbs. years ago only to gain them right back over a period of about 4 years. Now that I have the band, I know I will never gain that weight back again. It really helps keep me in check. I have quit losing right now, but it is my fault, not the band. I am not working hard enough. But, because of the band I have maintained within a couple of pounds the same weight for almost 7 months. For me that is a victory. My Blue Cross would pay for the band if I agreed to go through tons of paperwork, psych evals, weight loss classes, etc. Once I made my mind up that I wanted a band I didn't feel like messing with the insurance company, so I self-payed for the surgery. My husband followed suit and we self-payed for his band also. I just wish I had done it when I first heard about it 3-4 years ago.

    Since you will get it for free, you have nothing to lose, but your meds and some ugly flab. Go For It!!!!!!

  11. Before my band I had severe acid reflux, like waking me up 3-4 times at night. Since getting the band all heartburn and acid reflux have disappeared. Even if I hadn't lost much weight from the band, just that one positive side effect made the band worth it to me. I am not going to worry too much about the posibility that the band could possibly cause an increase in cancer. It is interesting though and I would like to know if it is true.

  12. Thanks for this post.

    I have been in the 170's since the end of May. I got as low as 170 then up and down. I blame all the vacations I was fortunate enough to go on and my own inconsistencies. I realize that the closer I get to my goal the harder it gets. I have recently upped the exercise and water intake and eating less carbs and I see the scales going down again.

    Congratulations on breaking your plateau and hopefully you won't be in the 170's as long as I was/am. I refuse to give up and I am glad to hear that you didn't either.

  13. I seem to be going through a pattern where I won't lose any weight for three weeks and then I lose a couple pounds over night. This last bit of weight is coming off super slow but at least it's coming off. Two pounds away from 160's!


    Congratulations!!!! 169 just sounds so much better than 170 anything.

    I have been in the 170's since the end of May. Mostly due to vacations and being inconsistent. I am back on track now, but here come the holidays! <_<

    You will probably hear me celebrating all the way in Canada when my scales finally say 169.8 lbs. :D:D:D

  14. Hello all!

    I'm 30 (almost 31) years old and have been overweight my entire adult life and am tired of it! I've pretty much decided that I'm going to the lap band (after countless unsuccessful changes in lifestyle). The timing just depends on when I can talk my husband into spending the money. I'm hoping for the first 1/2 of next year. Anyway, I have a few questions...

    I've been told that the band will not control your hunger, that you have to learn to cope with that yourself. Is that true? I stay hungry especially if I don't get "full" during a meal and a lot of the time it takes a lot of food to feel full! However, if I could learn to cope with my hunger, then I would not need the band!

    How is it decided what size or type of band that is used?

    Are there only certain days of the week that surgery is preformed on?

    Is it documented that people have a more successful time if they go to the OCC for fills instead of a local US practice?

    Any advice, input would be appreicated!

    Thanks, Mandy

    Also, have you been open about your procedure to everyone or to just a select # of people. I'm comfortable telling my family and friends, but I'm not so sure about my hubby's family or my co-workers. What do you tell people when they ask you how you lost the weight?

    I have been banded for one year. I still struggle with the head hunger every day!!!!!!! I got my band when I was 37. I just wish I had gotten one when I first heard about them.

    The doctor decides what size band you need once he sees the size of your stomach.

    As far as I know they operate M-F.

    I get my fills from a local doctor that performs lap band surgeries. I have only lost 55 lbs. since getting my band, but I lost 27 lbs. in preparation for surgery, for a total of 82 lbs. so far. The band is just a tool, and I have done OK with it, but also a bit inconsistent. I don't think you have to go back to the OCC for your fills to be successful with the band. Many bandsters use private physicians and the fills centers and have done well with their weight loss. Really and truly it just depends on the person and how committed they are to making consistent good choices and lifestyle changes. It won't magically make a person skinny.

    I tell pretty much anyone and everyone. Without my band I would still weigh 252 lbs. It helped me improve my quality of life and it was so worth the $$$. Five months after I got my band my husband got one too.

    Good luck on your decision.

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