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Everything posted by hvnbnd4

  1. OK question for you...how are you going to hid the scares from your husband???? Does he not see you in the birthday suit??? Just wondering if this is going to cause strife between you and him later on??? I mean isnt he going to notice you are hardly eating anything, and such tiny amounts and not drinking with meals..?? Sorry, I am just noisy...geri
  2. Hi Susan, just to let you know, you can avoid this at all costs.. I havent vomited in almost 40 yrs. I happen to be a person who has a phobia of vomiting, called emetophobia.. yup there are a bunch of us out there. So, you can see where my delima would lie in the choice to get banded. I have on hand Zophran, which is an anti emetic that works very well. Pricey tho. I guess me biggest fear now would be slippage. How else besides vomiting would this happen?? Thanks Geri
  3. OK, so my doctor here in the states must have forgotten to put a band in me????? LOL...I am j/k, but, why would there be such difference in how they do the diet? He has us eating full liquids day two. And solids two weeks out. I have been eating this whole weekend..and I dont have to chew, chew, chew...I just eat like before. I do notice that I cant burp like before, so, I know something is different. I have my first fill the second week of Feb. So, please, I am wondering if maybe, all this post op stuff is to get us to eat a certain way, and not really for any other reason. I know it doesnt take 6 weeks to heal from surgery. HELP..I dont want to do it wrong, and my doc has been doing this for over 4 yrs now. Thanks geri
  4. :-? Ok, either my doctor is a total nutcase, or I havent read his instructions enough times..I went back again today, and reread them, just to make sure. I was banded on Jan 5th. I had water right after getting into my room. The next day they brought me a full liquid gastric bypass meal. I also had pain PILLS, which is what he orders. My meal which consisted of broth, Cream of Wheat (yup), milk, apple juice. I ask are you sure??? His instructions were full liquids after getting home, which was oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, creamed soups, anything l could suck through a straw. I added liquids to my cereals, but, was able to tolerate them fine. I ate pudding, and jello, from night one at home. The second week was blended items. Nothing bigger than 3mm. I did fine with blended soups and such. Now, this weekend I was able to eat solids. Now, I know the things I have chosen are not the best items, but, all of a sudden I was able to eat again, without any restriction. His moto is not what you eat, but, how you eat it. I have no restriction at all, right now, and have to be very careful of this. My first fill is the second week of Feb, and I really dont want to gain back anything. I know the first one may not be restricted either. So, is my doc totally off?? Or did anyone else have this diet? OH, and no pre surgery diet changes, either..thanks geri
  5. :-h Well, I knew my insurance. BCBS OF ILL would not be willing to pay for this...and I am not willing to wait 2 more years. My dear Uncle is letting me take a cash advance on my trust fund to pay. He should be sending the checks in a week or so. Now, that I know, I am like so excieted. I finally have given into the fact that I need this to survive. I am 5'10 and just around 300lbs now, and I am almost 48. My goal is to beable to run with my sons in a 5k before I am 50. The thing I am now experiancing is the fact of loss, the feeling of loosing my best friend, even tho now, I am loathing food. I look at it like a drug that I can not control. But, even when I gave up those drugs, I cried, even tho I hated doing them. It was comfortable, and easy to use as an excuse. Like food is. How will I never have bread again, or my pastas? I know that in AA it is a one day at a time, and I will have to live like that again. The very thought of maybe living a lot longer, and seeing my grandkids one day, thrills me. I would do it tomorrow if I could. I would like to go to sleep and wake up in the recovery room. The days just drag now. I do enjoy every bite now. Knowing that diet soda is coming to an end, soon, along with the pies, cakes, and cookies.. My birthday is Dec 16th, I am going to have a nice, big, Red Lobster dinner (sorry guys), and cake. I am going to be here for awhile so get used to me..lol..talk soon..Geri in Beebe, AR
  6. Thanks Lori...also was wondering what if one does get sick like in a stomach virus? Then what? I mean I have heard of everyday people vomiting for a week straight, how would someone with a band deal with this? Thanks geri PS calling you today,,,,,
  7. OK me Geri again, this is wierd but I havent thrown up since I was 8 and I am now almost 48...is this the right procedure for me? Does everyone get the so called PBs? Is there anyone that has never gone to solid foods? And when you say throw up is it like wretching or just a burp and up it comes and how much is it? I might could handle just a bit if I could put it in a napkin or sink..sorry..but a whole bunch and heaving away no..when you talk about protien drinks how much is a serving size in the beginning and after fills? Also is there a fill doc in Arkansas? Thanks for the help..geri
  8. Hi all, I am Geri, and I live in Arkansas. I have been lurking today, and thought this topic funny, since I just moved here from the West coast and there are a lot of stereotypes about "rednecks". lol anyway my husband is a surgical nurse for over 30 yrs, and his thoughts were, you may wake up without a kidney, or a piece of liver or only one lung...having been sold on the black market...get us helpless Gordas down there and then take our fat body parts one by one...I did have some reservations, but, after hearing ya'll talk about the clinic and staff, I am much more impressed..talk soon..geri
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