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Posts posted by srbailey87

  1. I have been experiencing a great deal of vomiting lately, but it is not due to over eating or eating the wrong thing. It's very bitter and orange in color. I have heard of band patients having gallstone troubles after excessive weight loss, and I was wondering if anyone has had this trouble? I have lost 150 since I had my surgery in Oct. 2007. I was wondering if what I am experiencing might be gallstones due to my wonderful, wonderful weight loss. What should I do?

  2. I have been experiencing a great deal of vomiting lately, but it is not due to over eating or eating the wrong thing. It's very bitter and orange in color. I have heard of band patients having gallstone troubles after excessive weight loss, and I was wondering if anyone has had this trouble? I have lost 150 since I had my surgery in Oct. 2007. I was wondering if what I am experiencing might be gallstones due to my wonderful, wonderful weight loss. What should I do?

  3. With my first fill it was like nothing had changed. I could still eat as much as I used too, but with certain meat I did notice a little bit of difference when it went down if I didn't chew it up properly. After my first I also felt some discomfort around the port area for about 2 days, but it passed. If it continues with you I would notify your doctor just to make sure everything is okay, which I am sure it is. Good luck with everything!

  4. Just make sure to order something that you know you can eat and that will go down smoothly. And remember to take small bites and chew throughly. Most importantly remember just because it's a dinner doesn't mean you have to clean your plate, and you don't have to explain how much you eat to anyone. I know what you are going through and it's tough. I have had six fills and I am really resticted so when I go out with friends they are chowing down and I am full after a bite or two. But hang in there and remember to have fun and relax. You will be just fine. Good Luck!

  5. Hey there all! I am terrified that my band has slipped! I can eat and drink just fine, but if I lay down after eating some of my food comes back up in liquid form and I have to run to the bathroom and spit it out. I have felt a little nauseated lately, but nothing major. Could my band have slipped or I am just overreacting? I am scheduled for an adjustment on Wednesday so I will ask my doctor then, but right now I need some advice because I am freaking out. I am a full time college student and I work; I don't have time for another operation to fix this, but if I have to I will. I just need some advice. Thanks!

  6. Hello everyone!

    I have had my band for a year now and have lost 100 pounds. I look so different and so much more healthy. But now I am starting to think about "silly" things and I just need some perspective from somebody out there, anyone that might be able to ease my worries. I am young, 21 years old, and I have been dating just like I did before my surgery. Nothing has changed accept me, but I just got to thinking about when I have to tell my boyfriend that I have had lap band surgery. See now I am kind of ashamed that I had to get the surgery to lose the weight and it makes me really self conscious. What will he think when I tell him? Will he think I was such a porker? That I took the easy way out? And there are those scars too! I know to most this may be silly, but it what I worry about. Any advice?

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