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Posts posted by dejongshy

  1. Very interesting..... Goal weight is a very tough issue for me at this very moment. I always thought I would be happy when I reached 175lbs but not I am there. :rolleyes: But, I still feel like I am 232lbs and I don't know what to do to change my minds body image. My final goal for weight is 150lbs but this survey says I should be 138 to 144 depending on body type but I feel this is to small, I am very frustrated and confused.... But very, very happy about my choice.


  2. Hang in there. I went through the same thing..... I actually have 3.5 in a 4.0 band. I would get a fill and then drop 10lbs and then nothing... Then I would get another fill and everything was great and would loose 5-10lbs and then nothing..... I have started really working on making sure that I am getting really good proteins for everything including snacks and it has helped. I am down to 173lbs so it will be slow and I would really like one more small fill because I can eat some bread products again (that is my tell). Just be patient and keep strong.... You will get there, you don't want to have too much too fast because you could hurt the band....


  3. So I started taking these yesterday and I am telling you that I have already been able to tell a difference..... I can't wait for the long term effects. And even though they are large I haven't had any trouble taking them either, but they did scare me at first.

    Thanks for the info Jazzy Jude


  4. Ok here's the story: Went in last April for a fill. I've lost quite a bit so the skin on my stomach is fairly loose and I have to bend backwards over the table in order to tighten things up or my port moves around and is difficult to hold still for the needle. While the needle's in my belly Robin casually asks me "Are you married? Let me tell you about my son . . " It was kind of a surreal conversation. My first thought afterwards was "May I can get free fills." My second thought was "Wait, if it doesn't work out I can't get fills here anymore." In the end I decided it was just too good of a how we met story to pass up so I gave him a call. Fast forward to Christmas Eve and he's proposing. We're getting married summer of next year.

    I have heard this great story from Robin. She is very proud of you both.


  5. I understand the frustration. My sister and I were banded at the same time and it has taken me 4 fills to get to what I believe is my sweet spot (3.5). My sister on the other hand only took 2 fills (2.5 cc). I was feeling the same doubts that you are explaining but not what I have a good fill I can see/feel the difference. And although I haven't lost anything this past week I feel like I am loosing inches because my clothes are fitting me better. You should do ca measurement comparison of pre-band and now and I bet you will be shocked....

    Best of luck.


  6. Kelly

    My mom and dad went through something similar before surgery. My dad was such and ASS! When I sat down and talked to him about it he said he was worried that she was going to get skinny and leave him. Now that she has dropped 190lbs they are like teenagers, yuk..... Give him time.... Have you taken him to an informational meeting. That really helped my dad understand why it is hard for overweight people to loose and how the band works.

    As for myself, it really hasn't affected my marriage other than my husband doesn't like it when I eat something that doesn't go down. He was very worried that it would limit what he was able to eat but I work really hard to make him a normal meal and I eat around that.


  7. Amada

    That is one of the reasons that they say you still have to work with the band. You will have to learn the difference between head hunger and real hunger. This is a difficult time for me aswell, and I just have to be strong and not allow myself to indulge. Also try having something warm to drink before you eat lunch that way you can eat more easily. Good luck, keep up the hard work.


  8. The new band is not really that different from the old band. My mothers doctor installed the old band and before we had surgery she asked him what the difference is. He told her the new band has more surface area that expands (not much). The other thing that I didn't like was that it has some type of metal band, and she was told some people have had it go off at the airport so you have to carry paperwork (don't quote me on that). I wouldn't want to have to explain this every time I go through metal detectors....


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