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  1. hi faith well i must start with how sorry i am that u r having such problems now i will also tell u i was one of the first people who were banded while it was still in the trial stages they followed me for 3 years and my sister and i both went through the surgury. it has been 12 years now and i must tell u and all that r reading this that things can and do go back to where they were when u started if u do not b careful i had children while banded and did great. i lost a total of 100 lbs which was my goal then added it back on and went to a water diet again for a wk and shrunk my stomach back down and exersized like a feend and lost 80 again. so the band is great but u can get around it so be smarter then my sister and i and let it work with u dont think it will work FOR u. now your port pain my sister had to have her port removed after about 2 months her port came untacked and u could see it and it gave her terrible pain. not to worry u but my sister thought ahhh this is just part of it and didnt go in when she first started experiencing all the pain when she finally did she had gaingreen around her port so do not dismiss your pain please go in. what they did was they tightened her band then removed her port granted that means your band wont be able to be adjusted but the pain for my sister was gone after they removed it and she went on to loose almost 100 lbs too. good luck and keep your chin up u did this for the right reason and hopefully soon u will be able to start feeling better as you watch yourself turn back into the person u want to be. good luck
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