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Posts posted by robbynnoel

  1. ((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))))

    Here is my food plan for today. I find if I precommit my food, I have better luck sticking to the plan. The "why" is a long story, but to keep it short, I do still need to test recipes and cook, even if I can't consume what I've created in my kitchen. Today I'm testing a banana pudding and pork chop recipe so I've logged it as if I'm able to eat every single bite...that won't happen, no way no how, but I can adjust based on what I consume later.

    Thursday, February 11, 2010


    1 serving(s) Coffee-MateFrench Vanilla Coffee Creamer 1 Tbsp 1

    1 serving(s) ISOPURE 40g Protein Zero Carb 3

    Subtotal 4


    1 serving(s) ISOPURE 40g Protein Zero Carb 3

    Subtotal 3


    1 item(s) Vikki's boneless pork chop recipe 10

    1 cup(s) banana pudding 7

    Subtotal 17

    Food POINTS values total used 24

  2. Sometimes I feel hungry on WW but honestly that is with ANY program. WW has helped me manage my hunger and that is the key. If I am hungry I eat but at least with WW it is a tool for making better choices and knowing tips and tricks to make it through one meal at a time.

    I do not think the band is helping me "yet". Right now it is willpower and WW and that is the reason I lost 15 pounds so far. I am sure once I get to the restiction level I need to be at I will feel that the band is a useful tool.

    Everyone is different though. Some people need more structure (like me) and some people get banded b/c they need less structure. I knew before getting banded that I would need WW to fall back on during the times when I have little or no restriction. Also I am an Analyst by profession and find myself counting points in my sleep :lol: I live in the WW Matrix so I do not think there will ever be a time when I stop counting points even with great restiction and a weight of 120 pounds. It is just ingrained in me. I catch myself asking "I wonder how many points that is?" all the time.


    I love the idea of posting food logs and I am still a ww member with access to the online tools. I'll be posting daily.

  3. I just had my first visit with a lap band doctor (not at OCC). I thought my appointment was to see if I would qualify and ask questions, etc. He walked in asking me if I was excited and told me that it is sometimes a process with the insurance but it eventually all comes through in the end. I asked about foods I would never be able to eat again and he said bread and hot dogs basically. I know he can't sit and list every food, but it did not sound like that huge of a sacrifice. I liked him alot, but I kind of felt like I a was visiting with a salesman. He did talk about smaller portions and eating right, but can those be the only absolute no foods forever? I had read all the brochures and several websites on it and I feel like he was sort of glossing it over.

    Give it to me straight.

    ((((((((((((((((((((Hugs to you))))))))))))))))))))))

    Bruital honesty. Here goes.

    I had a doctor who told me the following: Not nuts, popcorn, drinking straws, caffine, diet soda and no liquor (I've done all of those things since my surgery which was in May.)

    I cannot seem to chew steak (which was my favorite thing in the world), bacon, chicken (depending on texture), and scrambled eggs (on occasion - more often than not).

    I won't touch french bread, pita bread, bagles, white bread, wheat bread (even toasted) with a 10 foot pole.

    I can't seem to eat bananas, apples, oranges. I can eat lettuce normally without issue.

    So here's my problem, prior to getting the lapband, I had lost almost 100 lbs on my own. My official loss today is 70 lbs because prior to getting banded I started to gain my weight back. Everything I taught myself to be successful when I lost weight on my own is moot. Nothing I used to do works any longer. I am still in the process of reteaching myself about my body and finding a food plan that works for my body today.

    To make matters worse, when I'm not motivated, the stuff I can eat is ridiculious. I can eat junk food like it's going out of style. There must be something about the texture that makes it easy to chew and swallow. Thus, why it's called junk food.

    So there is my honesty. Hugs to you. I hope this helps. I'd do the surgery again a million times over though. I promise you that. Following the program 5 percent of the time has still resulted in a 30 lb loss for me.


  4. ((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))

    Wow, the website has really changed. I normally post a long list of why I haven't posted in a bit, I make a dozen excuses and then I just fall off the face of the earth again so my new years resolution is no more excuses and no more promises on the board unless I am willing to make a committment to what I've posted.

    I had my surgery in May and I've had 2 fills. I haven't been aggressive about following the program, but to be honest, I've had some success anyway which is a miracle. Without the surgery I'd be well over my highest weight.

    I'm not going to post that I'm finally ready and that I have my motivation. In my mind I think I'm there, but I've made that promise to y'all so many times, even I'm tired of hearing it.

    So this new year I'm just going to try to commit to myself to follow the rules to the best of my ability and see where motivation takes me.

    Love to all. Have a beautiful new year.

  5. ((((((((((((((((((((((Girl Barb))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Hugs to you. I can relate. I too have the tendoncy to stop following program if I'm getting unwanted attention. I can't make sense of it. I'm glad you posted this. It has helped me understand I'm not the only one who feels this way.


  6. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Yesterday was Thanksgiving part deux. On Thanksgiving I did amazing. I felt great all night long and although I never felt satisfied, I didn't feel sick either, which is great and I didn't get up for seconds, which is even better. But as I mentioned, yesterday was Thanksgiving part deax. Same song different verse, different menu. This menu had brisket and green bean caserole. Yep...I couldn't stay away from the green bean caserole. I couldn't chew the brisket, other wise that would have been a problem as well. I was so into the green bean casserole that even after my friend had packed up the food and put it away, I went back into her fridge, opened the contained and had more.

    Then when I got back to the hotel, I pulled it out again and again and again. (Which sounds like a lot but it was only about 2 cups total.)

    So I dreamt about the green bean caserole all night long. (It was that good...green beans were prepared with garlic. Water chestnuts were used in the recipe as well.) I got up, fixed myself about a half a cup. Thought I'd relax in bed and enjoy. Ah...nope. Within two small bites I was in the bathroom pbing. Three times total.

    My husband had this concerned look on his face and I just told him the band was doing what it was supposed to do. I haven't pb'd in quite awhile.

    Each day I'm learning more about my band and what I can do and what I can't. I used to crave and miss bread and steak but I'm kind of over it now. I've learned quite a bit and to be honest, I really am learning how to be satisfied with the choices I'm given.

    I just started to log every bite, lick and taste so I know my motivation has kicked in and I'm on the road to success. Also, the last weigh I had it showed just 2 lbs up from my lowest weight since prior to my mother's death which lead to the weight gain which lead to the band. Up until now, I honestly felt I was moving in reverse. For my next trick, I'd like to get down to my lowest weight in 6 years, which is 205. I don't care when right now...just sometime in the not so merky future.

    Love to all.

  7. (((((((((((((((((Laura))))))))))))))))))))))

    Hugs to you. I knew if I took the time to read the boards I'd understand that when I get deep in my head is when I need the boards the most. I usually do the opposite though.

    The posts you received were really good for me to see. I've been struggling struggling struggling with motivation and I convinced myself I was the only person in the world with limited results. I know why I had limited results mind you...I just wasn't motivated but after long long long self reflection I was able to see the light. I know that if I wouldn't have been banded, not only would I weight more than I do today, I'd weight more today than I did at my highest weight.

    I am so thankful for the band. To be honest, I'd start to binge and then pb. My husband would be concerned and I'd look at my husband and I'd say "The band is doing it's job."

    I'm just starting to listen to the band instead of listening to my head. It took me about 6 months to stop thinking I knew better, but I'm finally ready to play by the rules. Now I just need to stay on the board so I don't get into my head too deeply if I have a set back.


  8. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((Kristi)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Happy Thanksgiving to you. You look fab! Your success has me very inspired. I had a wonderful day today. I put about a tablespoon of everything on my plate and ate slow slow slow. I never felt full but I did feel completely satisfied and although I thought about going back for more of the soft stuff, no one else at the table did (the food was kept in the kitchen not on the dining room table) so I didn't and soon I forgot that I would have enjoyed seconds.

    Hugs all!


  9. (((((((((((((((((((((((Cathy))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Hugs to you. I hope you are feeling a little better. I was miserable a few days after surgery to the point where I asked myself "What the f did I do to myself?" Hopefully you'll feel more like yourself soon. It took awhile for me because I was stubborn and didn't call the OCC. The moment I did, I felt better over night because I followed their direction.


  10. My magic date is 12/11 and I haven't been able to lose the weight! I'm kind of freaking out here.

    ((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Theresa)))))))))))))))))))

    Congrats on your big decision. If you're looking for confirmation that you're doing the right thing, you've come to the right place. I believe that most people gain 7 to 10 lbs over the holiday season so keep that in mind. In theory even if you're weight remains the same, you've really ahead of the game.

    To be honest, I found the pre op very difficult to follow. Not because it was hard, but because my head wasn't in the right place. Do the best you can, and give yourself credit, no matter how small of an amount you wind up losing.

    I believe in you!


  11. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Just a quick update. I had my surgery in late May and then had a whirlwind of life changes. My weight certainly went down but not by nearly as much as I thought it would have. I was a bad bad girl. Seriously. I after my move to Texas I often ate potato chips (I had never eaten them or purchased them when I had dieted before). I found that once I had two fills I had to eat something super crunchy...like potato chips to have the pleasure I used to have of eating.

    And yet...I still did lose weight. Which is crazy to me. Finally, a few weeks ago the sun, moon and stars aligned and I had enough stability to get my motivation back. There are many foods I can't eat but I am not angry as often if I order something and then a couple of bites later I am full. In fact, I'm even learning how to order and eat much much slower so when I do order out, I feel some form of satisfaction before I feel "full" and better yet "sick".

    I wanted to wish everyone a very happy holiday and now that I've gotten my act together, I'll post more. I promise.

    Love to all.


  12. ((((((((((((((((((((((Carrie)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Your success has really inspired me. With each day I learn more about myself and the band. I'm so glad I kept my mind open to new ideas and I found this board. I wanted to thank you for your friendship and your continual support. I was so worried the morning of my surgery (part deux) and I am so thankful I took the time to read this board and the message you posted to me.

    I'm so proud of you.


  13. Hugs!

    I have a Christmas favorite that might do the trick for you. I do a very easy "Cranberry Spiced Pear" and it is soft because you can use a canned pear.

    Can sliced pears.

    1 Cup Cranberry Juice

    Cinnamon (sp) stick and cinnamon.

    Lettuce leafs

    Place the pears in a microwave safe bowl and pour the cranberry juice over them. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Microwave for about a minute. Serve hot on a butter dish ontop of a single lettuce leaf. Each person gets 1/2 pear slice. Use the cinnamon stick for a garnish if you wish.

    If you can tollerate salad, I also like to do a simple spinach salad with a red grenedine dressing. I'd be happy to send you that recipe as well. Also, when I was on liquids I posted recipes for Greek Lemon Soup and Hot Apple Tea. I like to cook and I was going ding dong not using my kitchen.


  14. (((((((((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I have been really quiet (again)., but I do have some news. I had my second fill on September 28th (1 cc for a total of 2.5 cc) and it's been a very interesting experience.

    I've often heard the term "sweet spot" and I thought sweet spot meant a feeling of fullness as well as feeling emotionally satisfied with the amount of food consumed.


    I'm pretty confident that I've hit my "sweet spot", if I put 3 table spoons of food in my mouth at any time of day I instantly have a feeling of, "if I put another bite I'm in I'll pb", but I'm not emotionally satisfied so often I'll put that 4th bite in anyway and then run for the nearest bathroom.

    I do think I'm getting better though, mentally about choices. Prior to the second fill, although I did pb on occasion I pretty much was able to eat anything, in whatever quality I wished and although I hate to admit it, I just wasn't mentally ready to follow the program (any program) the way it was designed.

    So with the second fill, I've been thrown into following, like it or not, because I really have no choice, which is why I decided to get the second fill in the first place.

    I have been losing weight, but it has been slower than I would have expected. Why? Because I was not ready to follow this program or any other program the way it was designed. I have a wonderful life, but I recently lost my mother (I lost my father and brother years ago) and my husband and I decided it was time to move from our home in San Francisco to the North Dallas area of Texas. I recently found employment (a big change from my corporate management job in San Francisco) as a clerk for the county we moved to and we're living in a hotel because our house hasn't been finished yet.

    Not that I was mentally ready to follow prior to the move either, but I decided to get the lap band procedure to force my hand so to speak. I am very happy because that is what the lap band procedure did for me. It forced my hand. Like it or not.


    Anyway, back to the amount of loss, it's been small in my eyes (but for me right now anything is good) because prior to getting the lap band I was on 2 meds for blood pressure and one for high chor. plus a happy pill. The theory was, if I was on a happy pill, I'd eat less because I wouldn't eat if I wasn't happy. It did work for a bit, but when my mom died, the weight started to come on again...and again, I decided to get the surgery before I gained everything I had lost back.

    We moved to Texas and my prescriptions ran out, (actually before we moved the prescriptions began to run out) but you get the idea. This did affect the scale loss because the blood pressure meds kept the water and sodium out of my system, so I wasn't gaining but because my system is carrying more water than it did prior to the surgery, the scale doesn't show that crash water loss that most people have when they first start a program.

    I went to the Doctor last Friday to ask for the prescriptions to be filled. He looked at me and basically said nope. When the prescriptions were first prescribed, I weighed 294. Last Friday, fully dressed in Texas clothing (which included heavy jewelry and boots) I was 229. Just as Dr. Miranda suspected when I first had the surgery, I had lost enough where I didn't need the meds anymore. I know that was back in May but it took awhile (obviously) before I found a new health care provider. lol

    My surgery weight at the OCC was 248 I believe, so even though it's been four months, for someone who admittedly wasn't motivated at ALL to follow or do anything I was supposed to do, to be taken off all meds AND had a loss of 19 lbs, I'd call it a victory.

    I'm rambling here...it's too early I guess. I don't have cpu access at work, and very limited access in the hotel, which is another reason I've been quiet.

    So I guess in short (too late) I just wanted to say my journey has finally begun. It took four months but it has begun and I'm really happy I took the step to have the surgery to force my hand. All of the weights I noted were before my journey had begun so it will really be interesting to see what happens there.

    Hugs everyone. Take care!


  15. Sabrina,

    Trust me, I feel your pain. I've been unfilled completely for weeks. I do still have restriction which is scary yet good. My secret is to keep exercising and I LIVE off of the "Eat This, Not That" books. I seriously think everyone on earth should have the books. There are 4 now I haven't got the newest yet but I read through them at each meal. I also am enjoying fruits and veggies that I couldn't eat with a fill. I've had some bad days for sure, gained like 5 lbs in the first week! But I am back down 6 lbs since so I am still going down. Good luck! Just pretend you have a fill!



    Thank you for the info on the "Eat This, Not That" books. I found a great link I wanted to share: http://eatthis.menshealth.com/

  16. After weeks on end of days where I'm fine then one minute then too tight to eat enough calories the next....and ANOTHER 24 hours (Thursday) of pb'ing everything including liquids, I called OCC and talked to them. They said the best thing to do is unfill for three weeks and let the swelling go down. So I did. This should be interesting. I have to say, I'm SO excited to eat fruit and veggies again!!! Wish me luck.



    I believe in you hun. I'm glad you talked to the OCC and I am glad things were caught in enough time for the swelling to go down...and it will.

    The timing is perfect, summer fruits right now are ripe and juicy.


  17. Hello All,

    I went to go see the Doc that helps me regulate all hormones and vitamin issues yesterday and I was very excited with 1st my weightloss. I thought I was at 181 cuz my scale said it although it needs calibration but I weighed in @ 178...

    I MADE IT BELOW THE 180s!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO...............

    That has put me at 60 pounds lost!!!

    I only need to up my Vitamin D intake by 500ui a day. Not too bad.

    Plus she also put me Vivelle dot since I am in surgical menopause and the weightloss has my estrogen way low LOW..... Eeekkk..

    Plus all the weightloss has started giving me lots of hot flashes. The Doc said that alot of women who lose weight start getting symptoms again.

    Well, I am off now. Gots some errands to run.

    Hugs to all,



    I love your post. Your progress is fab. I'd love to know what a typical food day looks like for you.


  18. That is very exciting!! Keep up the great work!! I know for me lately no lbs have come off, but i'm almost down another size so something is happening. Keeps you motivated!!


    OMG you're 3 lbs from goal! You look amazing and your legs are fab. It's been so awesome to see you, Sabrina and Carrie shrink before my eyes. Thank you for your message!


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