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Posts posted by SunnyCalifornia

  1. Hi,

    Yes, this forum is great! Be sure to come back and post your experience with the surgery. A lot of people are watching this board to get information (me included). I was banded at OCC 3 years ago and the facility and doctors are wonderful. Good luck!



    This is my very first post here, ok very first post on any forum. I've read all of your posts on this forum and you all have been so helpful and generous with your comments. Thanks to all of you, many of my questions, you had already answered. I just had my first conversation with Dr Ortiz. He was so helpful and understanding. My GSP is set for January 28th, 2011. Now all that's left is to book my flight and fax in my pre op paperwork. Just laugh at myself.....half between excited and a case of the nerves. Somehow I think you all have been in this very spot. I look forward to your on-going comments. Thanks for beibg here for us new kids.

  2. Hi All,

    I have come here again looking for some fellowship with my fellow bandmates. I am a little bummed out because I went to the doctor and found out that I have gained back more weight than I thought. The funny part is that I never weighed myself while I was losing weight after my first fill. I knew the weight was coming off, it was not difficult, so I wasn't focused on the scale. So I am at the doctor this week and he shows me a graph of my weight in the last year. I was actually down to 176 last year and didn't know it. I average 180-185 on any given day now and I have maintained it for a year (or so I thought!!)

    Anyway, bummed because I did give 10 pounds back last year. Since the first fill, it has been a chase to get the right fill amount in. My last fill is not doing much for me - at 3.2. I think I tend to go a lot longer without getting a fill than most people. I try not to think about it too much or I become completely obsessed and bummed that I am not making more progress.

    And then I start reading the forum and it hits me - duh!!! Go get another fill. Seriosuly, you think I would get it by now. I have to keep reminding myself that, when my fill was working at the end of 2007, the weight fell off. I was eating good things, but portion control was easy. Withouth the proper restriction, I am back to stressing out over every meal and I can't lose weight that way. Maybe it's a personal thing, but the more I think about what I am eating, the crazier I get.

    It is also good to see the few people here that were banded more than a year ago. I know many of them have hit their goals and moved on, but there are some of us that are taking the long road.

    Still grateful for the band. I know it's the only thing that keeps me at this weight. WIthout it, I would be back where I started.

    I'll have to wait for payday to go back to OCC for the fill, but at least I have a plan :-)


  3. Hi All,

    I have checked out the forums for a while now. I was was banded at OCC in October of 2007 (I can't believe it's been a year and a half!!!). I have had ups and downs with the band, but I am grateful for the experience. I could not have come this far without it.

    So, here's the stats:

    Starting weight: 215

    I have had a few fills, one unfill, and I currently have 3.2cc in a 4cc band.

    Current weight: 183

    I wanted to finally participate in the forum because I feel kind of isolated with my band. I don't really talk to anyone about it. I don't know anyone else who has one. I think I need someone to bounce ideas off of. I have a wonderfully supportive partner, but he doesn't know exactly what I am going through. You know what I mean?

    Anyway, I am happy to read your posts. I may be a little shy about participating, but I do read them and I get a lot of strength and perspective from them.


  4. Hi,

    It's been over a year since I got my band and I always have some port site sensitivity. My port also seems a little high, but I am high waisted and I thought it was because of my body type. That said, I can't wear pants that are tight at my port site. This will make the sensitivity worse. Also, I am one of those people (don't know if anyone else is like this?) that can't have an empty stomach. If my stomach is completely empty, I get TERRIBLE pain in my stomach. If I eat something - even something small - it will go away.

    Regarding shoulder pain, I had pain for several months after surgery, in my shoulder and back. It has gone away now, but it took a really long time.

    I know my recovery was painful. It was 2 weeks before I could go back to work and about 4 weeks before I could wear a bra. I have forgotten about it, for the most part, but your email brought it all back to me. It is a little depressing while you are going through the pain and coming to terms with the different way you have to eat. It is worth it, though. Just the other day, I was thankful for my band. I was starting to "emotional" eat and I got a sharp pain from the bread I was eating. It made me stop in my tracks. I didn't eat any more. That is what the band is saving you from.

    Overall, I am happy with the surgery, even with the discomfort. I could never have lost the weight on my own. Even though I have not lost as much as I would like, I am still a million times better off than I was before the band.

    Good luck. Stay in touch with your doctor.


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