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Everything posted by showME170

  1. Wow, that is encouraging! I got banded 5 days ago... I live in Snohomish.. so happy to read your inspiring story. Can I ask... or inquire.. I'm worried the skinny me will be different from the me now.. besides physically... any advice? Do people treat you differently? personally and professionally? just wondering.
  2. I am on day 5. I am still ok with everything. Still sore on port side... and still some bruising around biggest incision (is that normal?) I am down 17 pounds from when I started the pre-op diet. Today had kids in the car and they were eating fries.. how come those darn things smell so good? I just thought, their lives have to go on as normal and I have to learn how to deal with it. They are so busy with sports that fries every now and then aren't going to hurt them, but I have to learn how to say NO and mean it. I want to be back to high school weight by the end of the year... hard to not climb on the scale twice a day to check progress. Hope everybody out there gets to their goal and can maintain.. we didn't spend all that $$ for nothing!!!
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