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Posts posted by leahwebster

  1. OK So while I was down in TJ getting my first fill I made a few Plastic surgeon consultation.

    I've already been to Cosmed the last time I was there & needed to visit them this time too. I had my last session of Fraxel done & then I asked for my laugh lines to go. I feel very comfortable @ Cosmed and developed a relationship with both doctors

    However I just needed to Look around and see what else was out there.

    So I set up 2 appointments while I was there besides going back to Cosmed for the last Fraxel session..

    Well the first appointment my cab driver took me to 4 different places & We never found it. Which kinda said a lot in it's self

    The second appointment Doctor Gutierrez


    His clinic is under construction so everything will be new, Staff was warm & friendly. He seems like a wonderful doctor( I would still do research cause I haven't fully checked him out).

    He offered

    Boobs & TT for 7,000 with a lift 7,400

    Lipo in 2 sections 2,500

    That's 1- 2 nights at his clinic and and 50 bucks for blood work

    Cosmed offer was

    $3,500 - TT with Liposculpture of back & sides

    $2,500 - BL with implant

    $800 for Surgical fee's

    $180 - Blood & pain meds

    Now add in my plane fare $250 & 4 days @ The Lucerna.

    Cosmed will send a nurse to my room to change all bandages for an extra 20 dollars a EACH DAY

    Goshhhhhhhhhhh It sure adds up fast. So what's your thoughts? Please feel free

    So what do you think about these prices?

    All opinion are welcome.

    All advise is welcome

    And if anyone thinks I should get another consultation by another doctor please give me the infor I would need....

    Thank You


    thank yo for this post! I have been looking at what my options are. When we get to our target weight we have earned a little LIFT. I have lost just 20lbs since surgery and EVERYTHING is drooping big time! my boobs are even different sizes! HOW WIERD!!!

    I will need Tummy tuck Lipo to make it a smooth transition and Augmentation/lift. Then I should look human again.

  2. Don't be too discouraged, I had the same problem, I cried and was sooo upset after loosing 18# on the preop then gaining in the first week or so I was upset. ticked so emotional then after talking to some of co-workers (nurses) they reminded me that my body was in shock, the weight I lost prior to surgery got me ready for a platue then was taking almost no calories I think my body was going into starvation mode and holding onto what ever I gave it. Hold in there, I am now 5 months to the day of starting this journey (starting the preop diet) and am now down 58# with only 1 fill, and going for #2 on monday!

    Wishing you the best!

    That is right the body is an awesome machine created to survive! It is frusterating but dont worry about weight loss untill after your first fill. But it is really important to get lote and LOts OF pROTIEN. mY dR. NURSE SAID 40-60% OF YOUR CALORIES. This will help your metabolism rise. We have to eat calories or the matabolism shuts down. So eat potien (CHEW CHEW CHEW)

    I like ISOPURE which is a drink that costs me $3.25 @ my Dr. Office but it is worth it! It has 40grams of protein and NO carbs. Simple carbs will mess your body up.

    Dont forget the water! work Hard to get 64oz- 8 glasses- this will help flush your system.

    WATER< PROTIEN< EAT AND WALK<<<<< That is how to break a plateau.

  3. Congrats on your weight loss ! I'm only 6 days in, and i don't like that I'm actually feeling hunger pains, and stomach growling, I had hoped that part of life would be over, I'm doing my clear broth, and liqued yogurts, but still get hungry. How was your experience in the very begining ?

    Hunger pangs are normal. Matter of fact I was afraid of PBing and slipping something up at first so I didnt eat and the hungerpangs were so bad they were like intense cramping. Eat girl! your body needs nutrition! just make sure you feed it nutrition, not pizza. LOL :) MMMMMMMM

    The lapband is a tool that will Help you to eat smaller amounts and fell full, its goal is not so you dont eat at all. eating is part of life, but with the lapband we no longer are a slave to it. With the right adjustments you will see your mini meals lasting you longer and longer, first you will be hungery every 2 hrs or so. the goal 4hrs. It takes time to find that balance.

    follow the drs orders. I use he broth to make some great egg flower soup. YUMMMM

  4. This is what I noticed about Tj also, although a little pushy everyone REALLY wanted to help. I was always with a bilangual person and Found the work ethic there to be a breath of fresh air. I think the media makes TJ sound bad but it is really not. Ofcourse I went there for medical pourposes and was not looking for trouble. then again if you want to find trouble just go to LA. lol :)

  5. Agree I would make sure you are getting enough protein! Not sure if it is just me, but when I eat tuna it fills me up for the longest time! Also, many people swear by chewing benefiber or fiber choice around 10am and again at 3pm or so when they start getting hungry. Also, agree as well make sure most of your protein is a solid. I know for me I can really only do liquid protein now for breakfast, but when I do that is when the head hunger kicks in with a vengance!

    Ive also lately been making some nice hearty salads. Putting cubed ham or turkey in it as well as hardboiled eggs and it has been keeping me really full. Added some cottage cheese with it as well.

    Hang in there you will get through this! Also do things to keep your mind off it and make sure you are also eating really really slowly. That helped me a LOT early on when I had no restriction.

    This seems to be the hardest BAD habit for me too kick too! eating REALLY REALLY SLOW doesnt come naturally for me and it is hard to remember sometimes. The it is to late and the band reminds me good that I was not paying attention. WATER is the 2nd thing for me. Filling up with 64 oz of water is so hard! I Just look at it and cant into it. Flavoring helps but the sugar is bad. just have to find a happy middle and hope for the best sometimes. I have been needing to set the timer to remind me to stop and drink water, if soymilk and popsicles count I could be closer than I think LOL :)

    I have heard the last of protien has that fatigued affect on alot of people, it does on me. YUCK I didnt realize we needed to got 60 grams of protien, I thought 40 grams was good.

  6. I try to aim for 1200 on a normal day and 1400 when I work out, but i'm not gonna lie many days I don't hit that. My weight loss has stalled and I think i'm not eating enough. Make sure you keep that in mind - eating too little will cause you to not loose too. I'm going to start counting calories to make sure i'm getting enough. I've started training for a 5k and my fill nurse said that now even more so I need to be getting even more protein in since i'm working out.

    I think this is common and I too have falled into this trap. I eat between 600-800 calories a day. I could easily eat more but I have been on the 5 day PT the last 2 weeks - weekends. My husband is home until after the 4th of July which means it will be impossible to stick to liquids all day until my protien dinner. I will do the best I can to eat healthfully and I will LISTEN to the band when It says WHOA no more food. But NO 5 day pouch test this week. This will be a great chance the stretch my metabolism, focus on protien, and see what "normal lapband living" is like. I know it is not being on a liquid diet 5/7 all year.I will report back with my findings.

  7. I love this topic! I too was totally afraid to eat just after my surgery and going from liquids to solids! being pre- my first fill I long for the day when I am in control of food and the hunger monster has sunsided. I think that is the "Sweet spot" we all long for. For most of us eating when not hungery is out of habit. but I am one of those protien people who doesnt feel good if I miss my soymilk.... I just need to get my water level up there.

    This is grat to talk about hunger control, who has who! good luck everyone! Good Night.

  8. I know what you mean. I was banded in may 2008 and have lost 25lbs. I have 3.2cc in my band. I really don't eat much and most of the foods I need to eat I can't tolerate. Some day I can eat chicken others it comes right back up. I do stay hungry, and I drink alot of protein water that does help some. The only thing that I don't do is exercise. I have a spinal fusion which limits me in exercise. I could walk, but hate to walk alone. I have alot of excuses but I am very disappointed in my band. When I read the forum it only makes me more discouraged because most of the time you only read about what great weight loss they have. I want to read more about people struggling and how they are dealing with their journey.

    As others have said we cant blame the band, it is a tool. If you dont look where you are driving and drive into the ditch it isnt the cars fault. It is not the easy way out it takes focus and time. The band when properly adjusted helps us with portion size but it cant pict the foods for us or tell us to eat properly. We have to work with it. I have found I can eat pretty much what ever I want if I just take SMALL BITES and chew, chew, chew, chew,chew... well you get the point.

    With the portion sizes being smaller after a few short weeks our bodies go into sarvation mode which is where it slows down its metabolism (like a bear in the winter, to survive) that is why it gets so tough! three things that really, REALLY help with the bear thing....

    1) drink Lots of water- 64 oz/day- This is a challenge for me but I know it really helps with my snacking

    2) Protien- Protien shakes, canned tuna, salmon ect.

    3) EXERCISE- I know it STINKS to walk alone- find a nighbor, or family member- or get a pass tp CURVES, thay have toes of people in our shoes battling Obesity. If we are willing to spend the money on the surgery we have to be willing to EXERCISE!

    If we dont do these things our bodies will save every ounce we put into our mouths and store it as fat trying to survive thru the famine it feels.

    Good luck and stay strong, YOU CAN DO IT!

  9. Ashley,

    I would say you could eat veggies starting on day three. It really did good for me. Good luck and keep us posted! As far as the sweets, OMGosh I have NEVER been a sweet person but I truely have to watch it now. I CRAVE sweets as well, 99% of the time I want Ice Cream. I have NEVER been an ice cream eater...hmmm. I think that is why I LOVE my protein bar, gives me that sweet kick.


    HEY ME TOO, I have never had this big of problem with sweets! I thing it is like our sub concious want to substitute for QUANTITY! Before it was just carbs on general such as noodles and breads. I use to LOVE just eating toast.... MMMM

  10. HEY ALL, Checking in at the end of day 3 of my pouch test, I am thankfull for the protien! LOL :)

    Fish never tasted so good. MMMMM

    I have been doing ok, It seems the day starts strong and I do fine through lunch but by the time it is dinner time and cooking for the family I am TOAST! So I have allowed about 1/3 to half of cup of what ever the meat is at dinner time and it really helps. Other than that the carb headaches have gone GOOD BYE< Thankfully!

    And I have lost 2 pounds. I know I am not supposted to weight but it is just so hard to walk past the scale....

    Other than this life is pretty normal.

    Things are going really good I have lost 14 pounds so far. At this point I dont have any restriction and I can eat what ever I want just smaller portions. I am going in tomarrow for my first adjustment. I get to inflate the band a little bit at a time, "the Sweet spot" is where I will be hungery only every 4 hours or so. This is the goal. Right now I am doing good if I can last 2 hours with out munching. The 5 Day Pouch test has realy helpped with this. I had'nt realized I was such a grazer. Not so healthy. So my weight is 226 so far. I know it will take time to loose all of the extra weight. The lapband is a tool not a miracle pill. I think I was expecting too much at first thinking I could loose 5 lbs a week. Loosing that much wouldnt even be healthy.

    So we have been doing life as normal. We were given a cherries, a whole trees worth! so the girls have be having lots of fun picking and making stuff. so far we have made pie, and jam. MANY didnt make it out of the field. LOL :)

    It has been hot here, we are going camping with the whole big family this weekend so I have been getting things together, I cant wait! Well, I better get off this thing morning starts really early. Good luck every one.

    After friday When do we want to start a ROUND #2 For the 5 day GROUP pouch test for all of those who want to get involved but were not ready to start on last monday...... How about Monday 22nd?


    In introducing ourselves lets share our favorite receipts!!!!!!! What a great way to get modivated and to start the scale moving!

  11. oh good so it's not just me!!! I've been thinking about this and I've come to this conclusion. We have a food addiction, or to be more specific, a sugar addiction. as with any addictions (smoking, drinking, etc.) when someone's trying to quit, they cannot be around the stuff nor can they be in a situation where it might tempt them to revert to their old habits. so I think what we need to do is

    1- don't keep any sweets in the house (and don't stop by the store to pick anything up after work either)

    2- don't bake a cake and then test our will power and try not to eat it (I've done that. doesn't work)

    3- right after dinner, get up and clear the table before dessert (or better yet, don't serve dessert)

    4- when eating out, ask for the check immediately after the main meal before looking at the dessert menu

    5- substitute the sweet stuff with fruit. I've tried strawberries with whipped cream or made a fruit salad with some shredded coconut and a few walnuts.

    I know I need to do all of this. I guess writing it down makes it clearer gives me some ownership. we're in this together. Let's make a pact at least for this week to stay away from sugar. I, like you, am disappointed in myself that I'm cheating my band after all the money I spent and the recovery time I had to go through. in the end, i'm discovering, this whole eating thing is more mental and emotional than it is physical.

    keep me posted on how you're doing.


    good ideas it is always those last bites that take me over the edge!

  12. Arianna,

    I agree with the Coffee, it almost kinda curbs my hunger as well. I DO NOT even buy the 100 calorie snack packs. They are very good and I also tempted to eat more than one pack, they go down TOO easy. I do consider them a slider food for me, so that is a NO NO food for me.

    I have found that the Southbeach Diet Meal replacement bars, which are 180 calories with 12 grams of protein are my life savors! They are VERY sweet and the protein fills you up. I have one for a snack in the morning and in the afternoons if I am craving something sweet, it also helps me to get my calories in for the day. My fav is the Chocolate Carmel! YUM!

    Good Luck!


    MMMMMM Carmel! YUM

    I dont dring coffe but I have found I really like Home made soy milk. ANd put some of that coffee creamer and It is a great treat! God protien too!

  13. Hello- I had my lap-band on 6/5. Should I limit the amount of clear liquids during this time? Will it stretch my band if I drink too much? I like to drink a lot of water and have only consumed broth, vitamin water, and popcicles since the surgery. I am soooooooooooo hungry btw- any tips or suggestions for me? Thanks!


    dont worry about drinking too much water. it is good to get 6-8 8 oz classes a day! 64 oz of water is alot of water and for me a major challenge to get it all in. BUT BE CAREFUL with how much you drink at a time. at first use a 1/2 cup mesuring cup to drink out of. Guzzelling lots of water all at once is where you can risk the stretching. Drink lots of water just not fast. You can make it thru ... promise

  14. those are some great Ideas, here are some things I have added in.

    I bought a soymilk maker. Adding a table spoon of my favorite creamer to a 8 oz cup of fresh chilled soy milk is the best. I still drink it. And great protien too!

    Also, I got a juicer. My favorite veggie juice is 2-3 carrots and 1 cucumber. YUM

    Fo a nice dessert when everyone else is having icecream I made a melon sorbet. about 1/2 cantalope, 1 banana, and enought applejuice to make it mix well, pureed it and put it into the icecreak maker. YUM YUM

    I know fruit is not low carb but hey, it is better to splirge on this than real ice cream!

    good luck, just look forward!

  15. I love the receipt (sp) ideas. We should really do some more sharing in the way of how to ad flavor to the liquid/ mussie stage. LOL :) since this is where alot of weightloss comes from.

    Personally, everything I ever knew in cooking was wrong. Then I went total opposit and cooked all healthy and tasteless. there has to be a happy medium.


  16. WOW, MEE TOO! my surgery was on 5/19 and it is like this week I have had the constant munchies!

    I have been trying to stay on tract with logging my calorie intake. It is sooo hard to get 64 oz of water a day. I have been averaging HALF! UGGGG I have read alot about the 5 day pouch test and I am going to do it!

    CALLING ALL WHO ARE..... stuck on a plateau, not loosing weight, emotionally frusterated. US TOO! So on monday I am going to do a Surgical Weight Loss 5 Day Pouch Test. I am excited to see the different results we will see from so many people being in different stages of the lapband journey.

    I am here to support others just as you are. Allright lets get started, monday will be day 1 of 5. Introduce your selves everyone who is jumping in......I will start.

    my name is leah, I have 3 kids, hubby, and live in oregon.

    my max weight is 275 #'s, surgery 5/19/09- 240 #'s, current 226#'s, goal- 150 #'s

    My main modivator is to feel comfortable in my own skin, and to be able to keep up with the family hiking, biking ect. I just dispise it when they say "wait up for mom"

    HERE WE GO! _________________

  17. OK, so my doctor here in the states must have forgotten to put a band in me????? LOL...I am j/k, but, why would there be such difference in how they do the diet? He has us eating full liquids day two. And solids two weeks out. I have been eating this whole weekend..and I dont have to chew, chew, chew...I just eat like before. I do notice that I cant burp like before, so, I know something is different. I have my first fill the second week of Feb. So, please, I am wondering if maybe, all this post op stuff is to get us to eat a certain way, and not really for any other reason. I know it doesnt take 6 weeks to heal from surgery. HELP..I dont want to do it wrong, and my doc has been doing this for over 4 yrs now. Thanks geri

    I know secon opinions can help a person feel confident with what the DR says.

    I know my doc said 14 days liquid and go from there.

    Really the point is CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW. Maybe I too am a fast healer but After a week I started having dinner with the family I am sure to CHEW " " " ". And I have been loosing weight. 8lbs first week, and I am in the middle of my second week and have lost 4 lbs when I took a sneek peak.

    SOme people are very restricted on what they can eat. and every persons experience if different.

    My biggest change is the portion size. For dinner last night we had hambergers and mac and cheese. I cut one in half to share it with my 17 mo old and each of us ate 1/4 of the burger and I ate about 4 table spoons of mac & cheese. ( he out ate mom with the MAC) LOL I love it! I can eat what I want as long as I chew """"", and I am totally satisfied at 1/4 of a burger and some mac!

    After years of guilt and denial of foods I FINALLY can eat WITH the family! And I am still ooosing weight.

    My husband and kids are very thankful mom isnt "FIXING" everything to "Make it HEALTHY". It was to the point where I would ask my husband what her wanted for dinner and he said "Something NORMAL" LOL :)

    I still strive to have a healthy happy lifestyle for me and my family and now I can do that without ALIENATING them!

    I have found I am hungery again after about 2 hours so I will be getting a fill on june 8th with the hopes that will give me a 4 hour belly.

    I am rejoyced to finally not be a slave to hunger! Constantly battling its desires!

    In a word, RELIEF! My family said so too! LOL :)

    ps- I too had that shoulder pain but at about the 1 week mark the pains are gone.

  18. I had lap-band in Sept 06. Everything has been great. Lost 40 lbs. and have kept if off. I exercise regularly. HOWEVER, my stomach is lumpy. It is hard to describe, when I run my hand from top to bottom, it is wavy and looks terrible from the side view. I went to a plastic surgeon and he said I needed a tummy tuck. Do I really? Has anyone had this problem?


    yea, this is normal. I know many people who's skin can only unstretch so much. Lotions ect help but can only do so much.

  19. I too just got my lapband on 5/19/09

    One thing I am having is a sharp pain in my left shoulder. When I asked they said it was because of the gases they use o expand our chest cavity so they have room to work.This is totally normal and it should last 3-5 days. mine has nearly gone unless I move wrong. I found that wearing a girdle to keep things from bouncing around too much has REALLY helped with these kind of pains. Sleeping sitting proped up helps alot too.

    It has been 5 days and I am 8 pounds down from my surgery date. Tuesday in my 1 week then I wil be weighing in weekly from there.

    It has been worth every second.

  20. I have read that the liquid post op diet is the biggest kicker to getting us off the plateau.

    PRE OP diet- one week before LAPBAND Surgery- IM so excited!

    Breakfast- Veggie Soup Broth

    Snack- 1/2 Peanut butter Sandwhich, 1/2 gram cracker

    Lunch- Veggie Soup - onions, garlic, carrots, celery, parsley- salt & Pepper

    boiled and blended-

    Snack- Peach & Banana Smoothy

    Dinner- Veggie Soup - onions, garlic, carrots, celery, parsley- salt & Pepper

    boiled and blended-

    I noticed food is starting to run right thru me. Has anyone else noticed this on the pre op?

    yep, feeling head hungery. Tummy grumbly, But I know it is worth it.

    maybe this will help kick your body into gear.

  21. (((((((((((((((((((((((((Everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Thank you for your posts. I've noticed I'm much more emotional and even though I'm typically an even keel person, I'm more snippy at home.


    I watched the Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood on TV today and I cried for the last hour of the movie. I think part of the problem is the anxiety I have from the last attempt (not at the OCC) turning into a fiasco, plus my cooking show (ironic?) starts filming on Tuesday (in my kitchen) so that has me a little off balance too. We're going to try to shoot 3 episodes before I leave for Mexico so I can take a month off.

    That is soo cool! WHat is the name of the show. Maybe I can watch it on the food network! :)

  22. (((((((((((((((((((Hugs Everyone))))))))))))))))))))

    I have a question for those who have been banded, I know there are several things that change once you're banded. I'm trying to keep a list. This is what I have so far. Let me know if I've missed anything or if there items on this list that some doctors allow patients to have.

    1. No Straws (started)

    2. No Gum (started)

    3. No Hard Candy (started)

    4. No Carbonated Soda, Water, Liquor or other Beverages (started)

    5. No Liquor, Wine for at least 1 year (started)

    6. No Caffine (started)

    7. No Beverages while eating (wait 1 hour prior to eating and 1 hour after)

    8. No Popcorn (started)

    9. No Nuts (started)

    10. No Flour Based Pasta's or Rice (technically I started this today...lol)

    11. No Bread unless it's Toasted (ditto)

    12. For OCC Patients ... No protein drinks until post op diet allows.

    13. Take a MultiVitiamin each day (started)

    14. Take a calcium supplement each day (started)

    I know I've forgotten a dozen things...I need to pull my paper work again.

    Hey It looks like we are getting banded about the same time!

    I really want to Start or be Part of A Biggest looser Challenge! My surgery date is 5/19/09. Is there one starting on or soon after May 19th? Or should we start one?

    The Success of the Challenge!

  23. yes, Life is very much won or lost in the mind. That is whay God stresses the importance of faith.

    My dod use to say Mind over Matter. What you think you will become. I know from experience that the kind set of a person will greatly affect the outcome.

    In faith....

    If we eat like a little person we will become little.

    If we run lik a fast person we will become fast.

    If we exercise like a strong person we will become strong.

    If think like an Achiever we will Achieve.

    Success Start in Faith and In the Mind

    This is why being around positive people, and a peaceful environment promotes balance and health. :D

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