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Posts posted by Red

  1. So today I told my cousin that I had been banded and did not get the response I was hoping for. I was hoping that she would say good for you or some words of encouragement, and I guess since she has always been tiny, she does not understand completely but why do I feel so defeated! I wish I would not have told her and yet I want to tell the world about my decision and the new life that I have. I guess I thought everyone around me would embrace my decision.

    Bah Humbug on her :P

    This is why we must do this for ourselves and not for our spouses, friends or family. It is our journey, not theirs. You hang in there and take pride in what you've done. You've done something very wonderful for yourself!

  2. Hi, I have a couple of questions that I can't seem to get answers on. I was banded on June 30 so I am now in my 7th day. I believe today is the day I can have the protein shakes. I am going back to work on Wednesday so I need something wonderful tasting and full of protein. Any suggestions? What were your favorites? I plan to shop this evening.

    Also, I am concerned because around July 1 I started having these bouts of the "runs" - since I am not eating food they are just water, but happen quickly and cannot be controlled. I am concerned but I have called the doctor's office several times but since it was the holiday I'vehad no response. My pain is almost gone - I feel good other than this. I am a little hungry but not horrible.

    Any help or similar experiences would make me feel better.




    Here is a link to a discussion on Protein Shakes that was on the forum in June. Hope it helps!


  3. I totally agree with you, that is why I had the lapband. I was tired of dieting & gaining weight. It was a cycle. I can do any diet. I am not gaining weight any longer and I lost at a fast pace at the begining. But, get ready you can hit a plateau for MONTHS! Some of us have really struggled. For me it has been since January. I am working out like a crazy woman, eating very well and STUCK!!! So, just be prepared if it happens not to lose sight of the prize. I read posts for months before my surgery and I never thought I would have plateaued like I have. I thought people were lying about what they were eating and NOT exercising. I now know what it means to be at a stand still for a LONG time. It can be frustrating when you are so tight and can't eat till the afternoon. I know LisaLaw and I have experienced a lot of the same things & it is NOT because we are band bandsters. We are thinking that maybe the HCG will get the scale to move. It is hard to gain weight with your band. Unless you are just a pig. LOL If I can get it moving again, I would feel really good. Also, Me and LisaLaw were banded way before Lindsay, I have posted my diet before & nothing has changed. So, I am not really looking for a person here to tell me what I am doing wrong, when I have a Dr., trainer, and nutritionist assisting me on my journey. Good luck on your journey!

    Thanks Dana...I understand your frustration. If you think that you have exhausted all other possibilities and think that the injections (just like a lot of people that do B12 self injections) will get you over your hurdle, then you ultimately must do what you feel is best, as long as it isn't harmful. Believe me, with PhenFen, before they outlawed it, I wasn't minutely interested in eating. That is HUGE for me because I have a big appetite. But I gained all the weight back and on top of it, had to have tests to make sure my heart wasn't damaged. I was lucky that it wasn't. Just be careful and make wise choices. Thanks for the support!

  4. :-? Wow, a really good string of discussion here. I really feel for obese children. I was one and now I'm an obese adult who will be banded on July 21st by Dr. Ortiz. I became fat at age 5 and by age 12 I was 180 lbs. I go by my nickname "Red" now, or my given name "Patricia", but as a child, it wasn't uncommon to be called "fatty Patty". That has bothered me my whole life and obesity is more mentally painful when you are a child than when you are an adult, because you don't feel like you have any control over anything. You feel like you are on the outside of life's bubble, looking in. Obesity kept me from participating in anything in High School that interested me (except choir, which I loved), because I was embarrassed of my body. I feel like this body kept me from a happy childhood, and if something like the lap band would have been available back then (I'm 51 now, menopausal and have Hypothyroidism, which doesn't help) and offered to me by my parents, I would have taken them up on the offer. But the lap band is a permanent object in your body and the decision shouldn't be made lightly. But I think that children vary in their degrees of maturity and each case should be looked at independently. Having a supportive family is the first step in the right direction. Thanks for letting me share.

  5. LOL

    Dawn is right. I actually used to weigh 125 lbs after my 1st child was born. I would be happy around 135-140, that is a size 8 for me

    Just a big boned German/Norwegian girl


    :D Three cheers for us girls of German heritage, big bones and apple cheeks! When I was at my thinnest, 130 lbs., I was a size 8 for the most part. I’m 5’6”. So yes, everyone is different. I just wanted to get my 2 cents in on the HCG topic. I will be getting banded on July 21st and the reason I want to do this is because I’m tired of chasing the “miracles” out there. I’ve tried them all, like PhenFen, appetite suppressants and a multitude of products that promise to be “the one”. Yes, they work for awhile, but not long term. For once I just want to lose the weight by eating right and exercising. For me the lap band is part of that triangle. Lap band/nutrition/exercise. I don’t want to try anymore temporary products. I do like the idea suggested of posting what you’ve been eating for the last 5 days (as Lindsay suggested) to see if anyone can give some sound advice on what to change that may be beneficial. That will be very helpful when I hit my first plateau, which I’m sure I’ will hit at some point after being banded. This site has really helped me prepare mentally for what is going to be happening to me over the next several months. Thank you all who participate. It really is so informative.

  6. When I noticed this post, I thought it said "Lap Band Quilt" I thought, great, make a quilt out of the clothes you have grown out of! LOL I was sure I had some like minded quilters to talk with! Need my glasses for sure!

    Ha Ha Roblynn! I thought that too! That is a good idea, take some sample pieces of old favorite clothes and make a quilt. My sister, who owns a quilt shop, made a quilt for a cousin of mine out of old t-shirts my cousin has had over the years, but didn't want to get rid of even though she never wore them anymore. It turned out sooooo cute!

  7. ><'

    This is why I LOVE this forum. Everyone is so helpful and just so wonderful. I am driving 2 hours to the border alone, and back alone. I'm not worried. I'm not scared. I have had so much great input from everyone that I just can't wait to go and get it done. I hope I meet some of you there! My hubby was so funny today. He said the real reason I'm doing this is so I can get from the 13's to the 12's in drag racing! #-o

  8. Hi July new bandsters and fills :-h

    I am 'heading down Mexico way' on July 20th for pre-op, surgery on the 21st and heading home on the 23rd. I'll be staying at the Marriott, so if anyone out there is going to be at the OCC that week, let me know so we can meet!

    I'm so excited, aren't you? I've been following this forum so that I will be mentally prepared for anything that may come my way the next few months. I am confident that I have chosen the best surgeon, and will be successful at winning the battle of the bulge. Obesity will NOT win. I will live the second half of my life, thinner, healthier and happier!

    All the best...

  9. Hi CJen,

    I get banded in 3 weeks. I have told only my husband and 2 friends who battle weight like me. I will tell my family, but only after the surgery because I know they will be concerned about it being done in Mexico. There is a stigma, unfortunately. I have done my research and am confident with my decision so I don't want to get bombarded with questions from them until afterward.

    I understand that a lot of people don't seem to have this sense of having to keep lapband or bypass surgery a secret. That's a personal decision and you shouldn't feel guilty if you don't want others to know. But for me, I think it is such a wonderful technology and I plan to tell anyone who asks me when they see me losing weight because I know many of them will want to learn from my experience and will possibly want to have it done as well. I will be able to help answer their questions, just as people do on this forum, and that will be a wonderful thing.

    There is no shame in getting lapband surgery. It takes committment and hard work and it takes a strong person to make the decision to do it. Be proud of that and hold your head up. Think of the band as another tool, just like nutritous food, the gym or whatever else. You aren't embarrassed to tell people about those things, so why be emarrassed about the band? I congratulate you on your weight loss and you keep up the good work! :wacko: =D>

    PS..I weighed 180 in the 8th grade, so getting the band at 27 is no big deal!

  10. Shelby,

    Thank you! I've received that packet, filled it all out, and faxed it back. I'm driving down from Yucaipa to San Ysidro on Monday, July 20th and will have my pre-ops that day; surgery on the 21st. Carolyn from OCC said I would be there until Friday the 24th, but I think it must be Thursday. I don't think anyone's spent a whole 5 days there, from what I read.

    Tomorrow I'm going to the Post Office to try to get an expedited passport mucho fasto :blink: and will hope I can get it within 3 weeks. That would not rock my world if I ended up having to postpone my surgery due to lack of passport. :((

    Anyway, whew....things are on the move and boy am I ready!!!!!!!!!

  11. Thanks for your support guys, well I had my surgery and it went great..I dont even feel any pain. Even the nurses were surprised at how energetic I was like 1 hour after surgery!! I have to admit the gas and bloating is not that exciting but its my third day and it feels much better. Everyone was super nice and helpful but to be honest the only negative thing is that they preform surgeries like an "assembly line." I mean the doctor is only in there for about 3 minutes I guess to place the band and then his assisstants finish the rest of teh surgery! Other than that, I would say that all went well ^_^

    Ha Ha, an assembly line! That's how it was when I had a colonoscopy a few months ago. While one patient is in getting the procedure, they have the next one ready on the gurney in the hallway right outside the door! What a crack up! (no pun intended).

  12. Thanks guys! I'm going to journal everything and will definitely take many photos. Funny, I typically HATE photos of myself for obvious reasons. They make me feel bad. But now I'm anxious to record through photos, all the weight that someday isn't going to be there anymore. I just received all my paperwork and will go fill it all out, knowing that in 3 short weeks, I will be driving down to Mexico and starting a new life. How GREAT is that??????????? ><'

  13. :D

    Oh Happy Day!

    I just got off the phone with my OCC coordinator, Carolyn, and have booked my date to be banded. I'm going to TJ on July 20th for pre-ops, and surgery will be on the 21st. I will be staying at the Marriott and most likely going by myself. Carolyn says about a third of the patients come alone and it is no problem. They pick you up on the U.S. side and escort you everywhere, so I'm not worried.

    Just wanted to share my exitement!

  14. I'm so glad that this topic has come up for those of us soon to be banded at the OCC! Oh happy day! My husband and I discussed everything tonight and he is leary on all kinds of levels, but will support me on getting banded. I am going to arrange a date with OCC tomorrow. :D I can't tell you how excited I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I too have some questions for those of you that have already gone through this. Regarding the pre-op stuff mentioned on this site.....what is it? Are you sent a package with information, or do they call you and tell you all about what you are to do before your surgery date? Can anyone explain kind of what occurs once you arrange your surgery date?


    Red B)

  15. Hi Dana & Everyone...My band date is 7/15/09 and I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading all your posts. There is allot of good information here and I love how different everyone is and how each person has their own story to tell. I am extremely nervous about my surgery and have started getting emotional since the day was set. From what I have read from you all that is a normal response. I live alone, don't have any local friends, and my family is about 4 hours away. My boyfriend lives 1 1/2 hours away and I just see him on the weekends so sometimes I feel lonely and overwhelmed at starting this journey by myself. Although I don't know any of you, it is comforting to know someone is going through, and has gone through, what I am about to experience.

    Well I just wanted to say thanks for coming back each day and telling your stories. It is an inspiration for those who have not been banded yet and a wonderful source of information.

    Hi Susan,

    Congrats! I hope to be able to make July date for surgery as well. I'm just waiting for some funds that are owed me to come through. I too have found this to be an absolutely fabulous site for information. After reading so many posts, I feel really informed and know what to expect before, during and after the procedure, don't you? Thanks to all you bandsters that have "gone before" and have shared with the rest of us. You are truly appreciated! ><'

  16. Babe,

    I think other people have looked this up as well as I have seen the threads on here, but I think I googled "protein requirements daily calculation" or something like that. I THINK it is like 1gram/kg of body weight but don't quote me like that. My sister is a professional athlete and she tries to get like 100 grams/day but I aim for 60-65. I am not an athlete or a burn patient so I don't need tons of protein. I weigh 187. You might want to try the shakes for a month and see what happens. Can't hurt...... ;)

    I found that this calculator is helpful...not just for protein, but lots of other things as well:


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