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Posts posted by coppercorrie

  1. I was banded in Tijuana on March 15, 2008 and now celebrate it like it was a new birthdate. My surgeon was Dr. Lopez Corvala. I went to Tijuana alone and was so pleasantly surprised at how the staff cared for me. I was picked up at the parking facility on the US side of the border (I had driven in from Tucson) and my feet never touched the ground until we were at the hospital. The driver, the hopital security guard, and the cashiering staff all spoke English pretty well. The exray tech and the phlebotomist tried but did about as well as I do with my Spanish. My pre-op was so fast I couldn't believe it - nothing happens that fast in the US. I had warned the team that I had a sever hiatal hernia that they would have to deal with so I was scheduled last so I got to see how each patient was treated in the pre-op room. Again it was so different from the US; the cardiologist talked to me at length and by the way all of my MDs spoke beautiful English. The nursing staff in the hospital try very hard to learn and will ask you to teach them but many don't have enough English to communicate with you. Try to get the Spanish "cheat sheet" thats in the Post Op packet before you go. I was given this sheet the day after the surgery at a mandatory meeting and it would have been very helpful if I had already memorized it before I got there. I have difficulty with IVs even in the states and ran into some trouble with mine there and didn't know how to communicate with the nurse. It was no big deal but it would have been nice to have had a few key phrases memorized.

    I was so very fortunate to have 3 terrific people being banded with me that day, two of them Canadians and they sort of adopted me.

    I didn't do any shopping prior to my surgery but did do a little with my new Canadian friends after. You want to take it kind of easy and listen to your body. You don't want to over do and be wore out for your plane ride. As for the Lucerna I found it to be comfortable. I'm sure it was posh in its hey day and maybe has lost a little luster but it was comfortable, quiet and very close. Oh and the soup was awesome.

    I went back to tijuana for fills a couple of times, once with my husband and once alone. The sales people are persistant but not dangerous. The city and border police know how important tourists' dollars are and they keep a tight reign on things. As for the price/quality issue that is hard to say. Its Mexico so if you get swindled a couple of dollars it is sort of part of the experience. Just don't buy high dollar items. I bought some blouses that I absolutely love and my husband got some Tequila that is "the best he's ever had" so you can make good purchases there.

    I hope you have a wonderful visit and a safe and successful surgery.

    Corrie - Tucson, AZ

  2. I know what you are going through and I really feel you shouldn't carry this burden any longer. I also felt that my surgery should be private and found when I came clean with my coworkers (after lying to them for many months) they were fine with it. I have many overweight female friends and colleagues, some are curious about the surgery, others were quick to say they'd stick to the old fashioned method, but none made me feel bad about my choice. If you are worried about the opinion of close friends, just explain that you were afraid that they would judge you and that is why you kept it from them. I'd be willing to bet they will understand - especially if they are true friends.

    When it comes to your health, any long term solution is not a cop out. I too sometimes feel that I took the easy way out but there are plenty of people who would not consider the lifestyle changes required by a lap band to be "easy" . My husband, who is a super athlete type said he could never, ever go through what I do with my band. I remind him that he has never been overweight and doesn't understand the lengths I have gone to in my life to be at an acceptable weight. He never made me feel bad about my weight but he sure gave me a hard time about my health over the years and you know what, you can be trim and still be in poor health. Continuing to work out with friends who are trying to loose weight the "Old Fashioned" way is a great way to show soliderity because you will always remember what it was like to be heavy.

    If you have had successful weight loss wear it proudly. You did a good thing for your health and you'd be surprised how many people will be truly interested to hear about your experience.


  3. I was wondering if anyone could suggest an alternative to the only food item I've found that can cut through the morning slime. I am extremely restricted when I wake and often can't even get water down. I thought this seemed ridiculous until I thought about this phenomenon. When you transfer hand cream from one bottle to another you often get this bubble and until you "burp" or bust it you can't put any more in without an overflow. The light bulb went on when one morning I spit this stuff into the metal mesh strainer in my kitchen sink and tried to wash it through and the water wouldn't penatrate the stuff. It also explained why when I was eating something sharp and dense like corp chips, I didn't have the slime problem. That food was able to penetrate the bubble. After that a hot drink would usually wash away the rest.

    What I am looking for is a healthier alternative to the corn chip trick. I am within 12 pounds of my goal weight (had surgery 15 months ago) and really want to watch what I eat. I thought nuts would work but they aren't quite as good as the dry/fried corn products. I think I need something that after chewed it has a sand like consistency.

    I'd appreciate any advice anyone can provide.

  4. I have had the slime issue since I receive what looks like my final fill. I have had it for 10 months now. I have extreme restriction in the morning and even water hurts - and even water sometimes produces the slime.

    Have you ever tried to transfer hand cream from one bottle to another and had to "burp" a bubble of the gooey stuff to get any more in? Well I think this is what is happening for me. One thing that I have found that works but seems crazy is if I eat something with sharp edges that is dense/heavy and doesn't expand. The only thing I've found so far is corn based products like fritos or tostado chips. I really wish I could think of a healthier item that would do the same thing - break through the slime bubble. Once the bubble is broken then I can get a hot liquid to wash away the rest but if I don't get through that early morning goo I even sometimes PB hot tea and that is no fun LOL

    I had my surgery 15 months ago in Tijuana and am within 14 pounds of my goal weight. It has changed my life and I would do it again tomorrow but without the folks on this forum it would have been so much harder.

    If anyone can think of a healthy alternative to my "bubble breaking" food issue please write back.


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