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Everything posted by jennyfraz

  1. Hi Gals, and thanks. I met with Dr. yesterday, I had a plug because (of course) tried to eat one bite of something I shouldn't have, then when I got stressed and it started to back up, apparently it made an even bigger problem by seizing up the area with irritation. Dr. said it is also evident that when its 100 degrees out and you drink something SUPER cold it can cause spasms and problems in the area. Sort of locked it up in essence. There was a fellow in the office yesterday getting adjustment, he was DOWN to 285 I guess, but it's only a been a short time. Said he's eaten a lot of French Bread, Tortillas and Soda pop. Yikes. I can't eat anything like that, would kill me, trying to figure THAT one out. And yes, if I eat ANYTHING in the AM, esp Cream of Wheat, it makes the rest of my day easier. If I don't, I don't seem to be able to eat till about 4pm, then am FAMISHED by 8pm which is the same eating habit trouble that got me into this <FAT> problem to begin with. Dr. of course says NOT ONE BITE OF FOOD after 7pm EVER. I'm trying to stick with it. I see you all are doing great with your weight loss...I'm down 6 pounds in the last month..but having trouble... Jen
  2. Hi. I had my lap band done September 12, 2008, by January I had lost 50 pounds..and now it's slower, I'm down only 10 more, but honestly, only need to lose 20-30 more, and I know it happens slower once the main loss is over. My last adjustment was about a month ago 1/2 a cc. The first day was miserable, couldn't keep even water down, but after some warm tea and jello, in 24 hours I was much better. As it is I can't usually eat anything solid till later in the day, so I have cream of wheat for breakfast, then yogurt / proteien drink, beef chicken or salad goes easily at night. HOWEVER sometimes I can't keep ANYTHING down, and I am trying to figure out if it has to do with other factors, like outdoor heat, the volume of water I drink during the day (not enough?) and I DO know that stress or tension contribute as well. Does anyone else notice this happening and keep notes of what causes this..? I'm sure it will be fine tomorrow, but today is miserable, can't even keep down soup or tea.. Jen
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