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Posts posted by Teri

  1. I just learned an interesting bit of information for those that tend to skip breakfast.

    In Japan, most Sumo Wrestlers are forbidden by their stablemasters (coaches) from eating breakfast. This denial of breakfast is used as a method to get the wrestlers to gain weight, and to retain weight. They awaken early (training begins at 5am), then work out and train all morning. But lunch is their first meal of the day.

    Despite exercising all morning, the lack of food at the start of their day contributes to them keeping and growing their Sumo bodies.

    Just another reminder--- eat as soon as possible during your day. Your body needs the calories to start burning fat.

    I totally agree! It jumpstarts your metabolism to burn calories. Great Advice Greg.


  2. Hi everyone, Well, I'm about 15 lbs to goal and hubby took some photos last weekend. I'm not here to brag but I do hope to inspire. I have worked hard and come a long way. Most of you know it hasn't been easy with all my fills and unfills but I am happy to report I think I finally have the right level of restriction. I learned that there is no magic and the band is only a tool. I also learned it's at least 50% exercise. Anyway, I will post better photos when I finally reach my goal...



    You look awesome!!! Great for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has to be such a great feeling!!!!!!!!! How tall are you? Can you tell me the reasons for your unfills, I am having similar problems with fills. I was at 3.4cc also with no restriction for a month, then it kicked in, and good. I keep having to drop down because of the tightness and not being able to keep even water down. I am ok now, but still get episodes. Hey, these are great photos. My, how much people change when the weight comes off. Great photos! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Hey Teri,

    I have absolutely no restrictions in my band.

    The first time i went in after my operation they put in i think .5, but then 2 weeks later took it all out.

    Ive had no restrictions for the past 2 years, but for some reason i havent been able to eat anything?

    My local doctor thinks its stress related and that ive just put myself in the position where i think i cant eat anything, therefore whenever i do put something in my mouth, im forced to bring it back up.

    Just from talking to people who have had surgery, your situation sounds similar to a girl I was sitting with in the waiting room. She said she had a very small esophagus, and after she was banded with the Inamed 4cc band, 2 days later the Dr. had to take off the sm band and put in the larger one because she couldnt even keep water down with the sm. band. It was something like that, way to tight for her insides to handle it. Maybe this could be you, I'm not implying that, just sounds similar. That has to be awful for you, not being able to chew things, soups only, for 2 years, I give you so much credit for what you are going through.


  4. Hi there - I am feeling a little discouraged, but I know that if I just hear from a couple of people who have been through this, I will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I had surgery on 1/8/07. Before my first fill, 6 weeks later, I had lost maybe 2 lbs. I had little to no restriction during that time - I wish my first fill had been at 3 weeks. Anyway, after my first fill, I lost in about 6 weeks, maybe only another 2 lbs. With 1.8 ccs I felt really no restriction as to the amount of food I could eat. I had to eat slower, but not less. Yesterday, I received a fill - I am now at 2.9 ccs. I feel restriction now, maybe too much. But, that is a different story.

    So, my frustration is - all of my life, I haven't been able to lose weight. I have screwed everything I have tried up. I just plain eat too much and what I shouldn't. Is it possible that I am so prone to being fat that I will screw this up too? Am I so addicted to food that I should just resign myself to the fact that I will always be this way? I am not looking to be a super model - but to wear normal clothes would be nice. Today is my 29th birthday - and I don't want to start my 30s the way I am today. Anything anyone could tell me would help a ton. Thanks.

    Hey Stockprincess!

    Was great to talk with you yesterday, how did it go with the unfill for you. I wish we would have had more time to talk, but I thought or assumed rather you may have wanted to go eat soup or drink to test the fill level, so I actually thought I would see you at the restarant Wendy suggested. We took off pretty fast, so sorry about that. I did have to return even after the 1cc she withdrew. Still was to tight. She ended up giving me a shot for swelling, and took out another .5, so I am at 2.65cc. I havent updated my fill amounts, but will. Let me know how it went. Beautiful drive up there though, hunh?


    PS> Happy Birthday again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I am doing pretty good but I don't have much restriction. My first fill is scheduled for April 14th so I hope it goes well. I don't want to have too much restriction like you have been experiencing. I need enough so that I feel full longer. I am at a stand still with my weight loss but that is to be expected. I need to up my exercise to boost my metabolism. I have been slacking on that because I am running errands and getting ready for a family vacation to Florida over Spring Break (next week). I'll be hitting the gym up at least 4 days per week when I get back from my trip. I feel great and I am more focused on not gaining any weight back before my first fill.

    Keep up the good work!!!

    How are you doing Pamela? Hope your family vacation to Fla was wonderful! We were suppose to go, but didnt make the stand by thing. We'll book another time that's not so busy, and when the 2 airline companys are finished merging.

    Kyle and I are trying so hard to figure out the proper level of restriction. The band is so so unpredictable about fills for us. .05cc is huge. You wouldnt think so, but when you've been at 2.6, and can eat 3 slices of pizza, and they inject 1cc to bring you up to 2.7cc and you cannot hold down even a sip of water without pbing, what is a person to do. We have it very narrowed to the correct level, but then things change with the band. It lossens it tightens, everyday, and you never know when that will happen. Working out is great to help boost the metabolism and build necessary muscle. I went in yesterday for a slight fill which brought me to 2.65cc. Not a whole lot, but maybe just enough. We'll see. Kyle is up to 2.9cc and is doing better. I wish there was a magic number right off the bat. Some people are very lucky to hit that sweet spot, and others are not. Everyone is different, and every band dictates the necessary fill amount, and that is why it is a great tool, for the adjustability factor. After paying so much money, and after several attempts to be on target with fills, your level of patience with fills is something you constantly think about getting correct, because you want the process to "start". If your not on target with fills, your back to your old way of eating, which is how we all lapbanders gain. Anyway, it's good your staying focused.


  6. I'm new to OCC, and I'm not sure where to start ... so I will start by introducing myself. My name is Mary Jane, and I live in upstate NY. I am married and we have a 19 year old son. I am a Graphic Designer and Web Site Developer. I also work for two real estate agencies, I do the upkeep and updating of their sites on a daily basis. My husband also works with computers, he is a systems engineer.

    I am a candidate for lap-band surgery. My case was reviewed today, so needless to say I was nervous all day! I haven't heard yet if I was accepted for surgery or not. I expect to hear one way or the other in a few days.

    I joined this forum looking for friendship and support. So, I guess I'll browse around and read some posts and try and get familiar with OCC. Looking foward to meeting all of you.


    Mary Jane

    Welcome, come on board! and become educated! Lots of great info here.


  7. Hi Guys,

    Im new to this forum so i thought i'd introduce myself first.

    My names Nina. Im 18. Live in Sydney, Australia.

    I got the lap band done a bit over 2 years ago, end of Feb 2005. I had just turned 16 at the time.

    Ive since lost 40kgs, i still need to lose about 10kgs to be the desired weight for my height, but its not coming off so easily.

    I havent lost any weight in the past few months, even though im doing regular exercise and eating healthy.

    The other thing is, i had some complications, infact, i still sort of do.

    Since i had the surgery done i havent been able to eat anything properly.

    At the start they said i just needed to get used to it and everything would work out, its now been 2 years and im still unable to eat any meat, bread, most salads irratate me unless their mushed together.

    I mostly live off home made juices and mashed up vegies. I take a billion and two vitamins to try and keep my iron levels up.

    I only had my band adjusted once since the operation 2 years ago, and that was at the very start.. but about 2 weeks later they took it all out. So for the past 2 years ive had to restrictions in my band, but i still cant eat any normal foods.

    The only people that know that ive had the surgery done are my parents, and as of 2 days ago, my boyfriend of a year and a half. He finally understood why i never wanted to go out to dinner..

    I have never regreted having the operation done because it has changed my life for the better, but sometimes i wish that it was a bit easier and that i wasnt constanly worrying about what i could or could not eat.


    Did you say, you dont have any restriction in the band now? If you do, how much fluid? My teen was banded back in Nov, and he still eats pretty much anything, just a few bites here and there now, since he was just filled to 2.9cc. Great job on your weight loss so far!


  8. Hi Teri,

    I am glad you got some relief! How are things now? I am still having mucho trouble with solid food and have PB'd every day since my fill even though I am taking tiny bites and chewing like 30 times. Last night was a little better but I can't eat food until like 7p.m. Not sure what to do! I am allergic to alot of stuff and a lot of stuff that is in protein shakes. I can have SF but there isn't enough protein for the whole day in 1. What are you doing for protein? I haven't lost any weight but to everyone reading this, I also did not try at all before now (surgery was in Sept). Even after my first fill I could eat whatever just slower. Now it's really helping I have lost 4 lbs this week. But no energy!! I am going to have to experiment with different foods I guess and find some protein powder I can use.

    Thanks and good luck Teri!


    Hi Karen,

    Did you say you could get down protien shakes. That is great, as I could not. Have you tried the whey protien powder? Well, I know with a fill, I should be between 2.6 and 3.0, SOMEWHERE! I can eat anything again. Yesterday, I ate 3 slices of pizza. Boo hoo. I think I will try for .2cc and see how that goes. I just hope the band doesnt tighten up again. As far as protien, that was a problem, since I coulnt keep water down. A happy medium would be nice. How much have you lost since Sept.? Weight? And how much can you eat when you can?


  9. Hi Everyone, thought I'd give you an update. I'm down 30 lbs. now, but haven't lost anything in the past 2 1/2 weeks. I just spent 2 weeks in the Denver area, spending time with my son, daughter-in-law and 5 mo. grandaughter, who I could hardly stand to leave. I sooo enjoyed spoiling her while I was there! I'm not sure if I need another fill or not at this point. I still struggle getting down my proteins, but it's not as bad as before. I have found that many other things go down just fine, and in quantity! I've been trying to stay away from high cal stuff, but have been eating too many carbs, and I'm sure that's why the weight loss has slowed. I really have to get back on board with eating healthy and up my excercise program (and by that I mean...get an excercise program!!). I've been letting the old "craving demon" get to me lately and I have to put him to bed again! I saw a program on TLC tonight about a man that was 1000 lbs., so if that wasn't incentive enough, I don't know what is, poor guy! I started at 235, and am now down to 205 and I'm looking forward to breaking that 200 mark for my next goal! Wish me luck!


    Good Luck Kim!!!!!!!!!!!! Breaking a goal is a fantastic feeling, especially a weight loss gaol.


  10. I hope you don't mind an unsolicited opinion but if you really have pb'd over 100 times (is that right???) in a week I would NOT being getting another fill so quickly regardless if you can eat now you are probably swollen beyond belief- please talk to your surgeon for advice as it is cause for concern. You could have a slight slip and a fill will only make it worse. Please be careful. good luck

    I absolutley did! I have no way of knowing how the band will react to a fill. For me, it is one extreme to another. When you can eat anything, and I mean anything, to not being able to drink water, for me, I would like to be inbetween. And I believe that is how the band is intended to work. But, it is trying to get there!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your wishes, I should have driven the distance sooner. It's been almost 5 months, and finding that sweet spot is a huge goal of mine. :lol:


  11. Hi all :)

    I had surgery on Friday and am still recovering. I've been trying to go through my emails, but I'm still in pain and feeling a bit loopy from the pain meds.

    If you need anything please call Carolyn at ext. 82 or Rene at ext. 83 for assistance.

    Hi Lori, ><'

    I wish you well and the very best of everything with your recovery!! Was this your back surgery?


  12. Hi Teri,

    I am sorry you are having such a tough unpredictable time. That must be really frustrating. I think I read you have a local fill Dr.? What does OCC say now about your fills? I feel so tight with 2.3 I can't even imagine how you feel! I did PB yesterday after only a few bites of this thick pasta stuff- which I guess was way too thick. I am pretty much sticking to soups and Slim Fasts and some cererals like Chex that kind of disolve in the mouth. Anyway, I hope you start to have some relief soon.


    Hi Karen,

    I actually dragged my dear hubby up to Showlow with me to get an unfill that happened to be .4cc. It may have been to much but the fill Dr. will be down here next Monday, so I want to be able to gauge things between now and then and then adjust the level. I feel so much better. I can breathe!!!!!!!!!!!! I probably pb'd 100 times in the last week, so that is not good. I knew I had to get relief. I couldnt even keep down a sllim fast it was hit or miss. How much have you lost, and when was your surgery.? Forgive me if you posted that.


  13. In the last 8 days, I have dropped 8 pounds, one per day. I think I'm making up for pounds when I wasnt losing in the beginning. It was so much fun this morning, I spent about an hour trying on all the clothes in my closet I havent been able to wear in a lonnnnnnnnnng time. I am having a blast!!! Those butterflies in my tummy are returning from excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    YAHOO Teri

  14. Teri, Promethazine is not a anti-flu medication. It is an anti-emetic, which simply means it is an anti-nausea/vomiting medication and it works more on the centers of your brain that tell you that you are nauseated and need to vomit. Be careful with these medications they are sedating and not for all people. They are only given by prescription, another you might hear used is Reglan (metaclopramide). Just know that it does not stop or decrease the actual "influenza", viral or bacterial illness, it just makes you not feel like vomiting. I hope you feel better, but beware of casual use of this medication. I hope your band is working well for you, I'm scheduled next month.


    So sorry, that is what I meant, I screwed up on putting the words in proper perspective. LOL Thanks for the correction.

    And, thanks! I do feel better, and good luck to you next month!!!


  15. Hi Teri-

    I was actually down there getting my first fill when you guys did. I haven't made any attempts to try to lose til now. I made so many excuses!! Hopefully with this second fill it'll work- which it seems like it will. This morning I only had some hot chocolate and drank it like over an hour and I feel ok. Before after my first fill I couldn't really eat in the morning and over the day it eased up- so now I am guessing it'll be like that but much tighter. I think last night I took a much bigger drink than I thought and after I drank a sip of hot water and it was ok. Have to stop leaving glasses of water by the bedside!!

    Anyway, thanks for the post. Hope you guys are doing well,


    Karen, are you talking about Ortiz or Wendys? Gosh, I am still so so tight. Just to be able to keep down sucking on a piece of crushed ice is a chore. I really need to get an unfill, my band wants to always tighten on me after weeks of getting a fill. It's so hard to determine at the time if the amount is correct because of not feeling restricted until weeks later. I lost another pound, but dont want to lose this way.


  16. Hi all,

    I had my second fill today and am at a total of 2.3 ccs (smaller band). The entire day I was ok, very slight restriction with water, I just could not chug it. When I got home I had watered down potato soup all blended and was fine. About 20 min ago I woke up and took a swig of water- not a huge drink but not a sip either. Now for the past 20 min I have felt moderate pain as if I ate a big piece of food and it hurts! Not sure what to think. Has anyone experienced this and will the band loosen up a bit?? I was only at 1.5 ccs before and really felt no restriction except with bread. I am very worried because on Tues I am going on vacation to North Carolina and feeling a bit panicked that I am overfilled. I need to be able to drink!!! Any thoughts, ideas, etc.....?????



    Hi Karen,

    I am going through what you are. You do need to be able to drink. I have a very hard time in the morning and early afternoon, then it seems to lossen enough to take very tiny sips, and able to eat very tiny bites and very slow. You may be to tight, that is a scary feeling. There is no way I can chug anything anymore. Can only take very tiny sips and then wait till it goes completely down. If you continue to pb, you may irritate the stoma, creating an even tighter experience. Take everything slow, and if you need to, get some drained. You dont want to ruin your vacation worrying and not be able to drink. Have fun though.


  17. Down another 3 pounds since I posted last. 18 now, pheffffffffff, I'm lovin it. I am still a little to tight, which I dont like, but, I have to wait until March 19, until Wendy Hall comes to the Valley. In the meantime, it's been a lot of soup, or soft things until evening when I can squeeze in a few tiny bites of things. Ive been walking the dogs too consistently and the weather for AZ this time of year is gorgeous!~ I now can get down much needed water, and for some reason, am becoming a huge water addict!! I love it ice cold and cant seem to get enough of it since being so sick last week. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the spring weather.


  18. Today is my one month bandiversary! I am officially down 18 pounds so I am feeling pretty good. It is getting a little bit tougher now that I don't have any restriction. My first fill is scheduled for April 14th with a doctor in Dallas. I am relying on old fashioned will power and the new eating habits I have formed over the last month. I am eating much less than before the band but I feel hungry more often and don't feel full for very long. This is to be expected as the band has healed and is in need of a fill.

    I hope everyone is doing well. I am not seeing very many new posts these days so I hope that means good new instead of bad. :-?

    More later.

    Hey, great for you Pamela!! It's exciting to see the numbers on the scale go down intsead of up. LOL. gotta love it. I am down 18 pounds too! But I had my surgery a while ago, and tried reaching the right restriction with no luck in the beginning, but I'm making up for it now. LOL

    Happy Losing.


  19. hi there. so i went back today to the dr. for my second fill after she informed me that the reason i'd be getting that stabbing pain feeling in my chest means those are foods to avoid. so basically my favorite foods are kind of problematic. if i wanted to eat cottage cheese and scrambled eggs, i wouldn't be so fat. it's the mac and cheese and pizza and french fries that have always been my favorite foes. i spoke to my husband on the way home from the dr visit and i'm like, listen, i don't ever want to go back to eating an entire pizza, but i want to be able to enjoy a slice now and then, or eat half a sandwhich now and then.... i mean. i don't want to be depriving myself of my favorite foods forever. i mean, as i told the dr. i ate two small teaspoons of kraft macaronie and cheese, (which i thought would be ok because it is kinda soft and saucey) and those two bites caused horrible pains.... so what am i saying. i guess i'm just confused because i thought the lap band would be a tool to help me manage my caloric intake? i never realized i would be eating completely different foods (although i knew i had to give up my diet coke-gasp, which i was going to have to cope with)

    so now my band is filled as of today to 1.5 cc. and i'm just wondering if other people eat until they feel full/ satisfied? what is a typical intake for a meal? less than 1 cup? are any of you guys struggling with having to give up some of your favorite foods? i love eating carbs so much!? :(

    i guess i'm just kind of down becuase everyone seems so positive, and yea, i'm loosing weight. but when your only eating bitefuls of food and excersing, that's got to happen right? i mean i wish i could say i was eating until i was satisfied but i'm not. i'm eating to avoid horrible pain in my chest--which depending on what it is i'm eating, is a very small ammount. i mean, i won't ever be able to eat a burrito again, big sigh. this is just so hard??! did any of you have any similar experiences in the beginning? does the band adjust over time, so that while i might not be able to eat a bite of sandwhich now, maybe in a few weeks i will?

    gosh. this post is just a long rant, so i'm sorry. i'm just frustrated and wondering if any of you guys can relate to this place i'm at now?? if so, would LOVE to hear how your are managing??!

    thanks so much!!!


    Hi Rachel,

    I'm still newly banded, but have had 4 fills and an unfill, so I am a little familar. You will be able to eat foods you like again, just not a lot of them. It all depends on your fill amounts. I am way to tight right now and am trying to hold off until the fill Dr. will be in town in a week. I may not be able to hold off, because today, my band tightened again, and water is a problem. It was loosining my first 3 fills, THEN OH MY GOSH, it decides to tighten. I'm a little flustered at the moment. After you lose some weight, you will start to see yourself eating more, and be able to eat the foods you love too. Some foods though, may be off limits completely for you depending on any given day. Some days it may work, and the next day, forget it. Any way, good luck to you, and keep us posted.


  20. Hi all,

    I think its time for a fill but i wanted to ask you guys first. I haven't lost wt in over 4 weeks now and i am hovering between 250 and 254 lbs. I am currently at 5cc in my VG band. My last fill was 1-19-07. If i eat too fast or take too big of bites i will PB, but basically i can eat a full size whopper from Burger King in about 25 min with no problem plus a hand full of fries. What do think? I think that is way too much to be able to eat at one setting. Please advise??

    thanks, kim

    Hey Banding Buddy Kim! ><'

    If you can eat a full size whopper, wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would go get a fill. Just the thought of it brings chills to my spine, trying to get it down-it would take me days! Just try and creep up on the fill, as to much in the band can change eating enjoyment considerably. It would take me a half an hour to eat ONE bite size. Im to tight right now, and my band seems to tighten 2 weeks after a fill. I just don't know why. Im not drinking or eating any different for it to change. After thinking I would need more restriction, BAM, it tightens. It drives me nuts!!!!!!!! Anyway, good luck Kim and let us know what you do.

    PS If you havent lost weight either Kim in the last 4 weeks, I think I would go for it.


  21. Hi!

    I just scheduled my surgery for April 6th. I live in Mesa.

    Two weeks ago I scheduled a gallbladder and band surgery with Dr. Blackstone in Scottsdale, but the more I thought about paying $16,500, I couldn't do it.

    I am so happy to have made this decision. I feel it is the right one for me.

    I am really worried about losing 16 lbs in 30 days. I am scared that I won't be able to do it. I have PCOS and a hypothyroid. I have to remind myself that it is short term and that nothing will taste as good as thin feels.

    Hi Michele,

    Welcome! Did you decide to go with Ortiz then?/ If so, you will be very glad you did, and love the fact you'll save an extra 8k - or have an extra 8k to spend depending how you look at it. hhehehe. :lol: Good Luck with everything.


    Welcome as well, and good luck to you. The first 3 days are clear liquids, or broth. Believe it or not the first day, I wasn't even thinking about clear, and accidently ordered an o.j. , drank it, thought nothing about it, until we flew home. We were fine, but looking back, I cant believe we both didn't catch it.


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