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Status Updates posted by pinkfordyone

  1. How are you "chewing"?

  2. Baaaahaaaaahaaa.....or birthday cake! Repeat after me....I must be good, I must be good!


  3. I'm sure after 21 days that a couple of hours are not going to hurt. We are going to a restaurant so more than likely grilled chicken and steamed veggies....biting my nails. Didn't exactly want to have my first solids with a bunch of people around but it will be nice to be able to join the party. I'll check in with you tom. and let you know how it went and see how it went for you.

  4. Hey lady Lou! Go to the "Members" tab at top tool bar and to the right side there's an "Advanced search or filler" tab. Click on that and at the bottom there's a location block. Type in your location and that should bring up anyone in that area. Hope this helps.

  5. Are you getting nervous about eating? I will have to admit I am. We are actually having a Birthday party for my hubby tonight, so I am going to have my first meal tonight. Yikes!

  6. You will be amazed at how easy the whole trip/surgery is. Do your homework and get all your questions answered. After doing all the research and joining this forum, I had a total peace about doing the surgery and doing it in Mexico with Dr. Ortiz. You will hopefully get there and your nervousness will turn into excitement! Good luck!!

  7. AWESOME, you go girl. It felt so good when I got those puppies to zip! I am at a stand still, back and forth with the same 1/2 lb. Driving me crazy! Girl, your going to pass me soon. I can't wait till we can sing...Pants on the Ground, Pants on the Ground....Baaahaaahaaa! Hugs!

  8. 4 miles....you go girl! Good job!

  9. Hey, friend! I found you. Welcome to the land of a bunch of nuts. Everyone here is great and your going to love it here! You can ask anything and get some great advise and encouragement.

  10. Girl, just look at you....you Hot Momma you!

  11. Are you counting the days or what? How are you doing?

  12. WoW, 28 down, that's awesome! How are you feeling?

  13. Hey, we are neighbors. It is a small world.

    Would love to talk. Send you a PM with my cell number.

  14. Welcome to the forum, your going to love it here.

  15. I just saw your status update. 24lbs. - girl that is awesome. Keep up the good work!

  16. Welcome back home and Congrats! 15lbs. is awesome. Can't wait to see you melt away!

  17. How cool is that. Welcome to the group. This is a great place to ask question, get info. and gather some insight.

  18. Dr. Houston: 615-342-1231

    Centennial Medical Center, Nashville

    I did have an appointment with this doctor, but after talking with Dr. Ortiz, I have decided to go back to OCC for my fills.

  19. It's good to see you back in the swing of things. Glad your feeling better.

  20. I've been missing you on here. Everything Ok, I hope.

  21. I am sooooo excited for you. I feel amazing well. Still have a gas...burping some. A little sore, but not bad at all. Haven't taken any pain meds today. You are going to be amazed at how easy everything goes.

    Little advise...they will let you go back to the hotel the same night...don't rush it and stay at the clinic. Your going to do awesome...can't wait to hear back. ...

  22. Hey girl, you are going to be amazed at how wonderful everything is organized for you. You are also going to be amazed on how easy the whole thing is. A Great Trip! Good Luck!

  23. thanks guys. We made it...we are here and ready for tom.

  24. Thank you for the prayers, much appreciated! This is a great place to find info., encouragement and friends. I don't think I could have made this decision without these guys. They are honest and real. If I can answer any question, please let me know. I may not have all the answers, but I'm sure someone on the forum will. Good luck with your research and making a decision. I...

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