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Everything posted by celticbanded

  1. Thank you AngieB for responding. I so appreciate it. I just didn’t even realize that I could be messing up on portion size now because of no fill, especially since I have no restriction. I am actually so disgusted with myself for not realizing what I had done when I drank the soda. It honestly didn’t register until the end of the movie. I was just so happy to be at the movies after months of not going (I am an avid movie lover) that I was more focused on that. I am going to have to always be on guard now when it comes to putting any type of food or drink in my mouth. That is proving to be more of a challenge than I thought it would be. Apparently so much of my eating is out of habit and routine. I had no idea until now. Again thank you for your insight. I feel a little better about it. Do you know if the fluoroscopy will show me or not if I have done any damage? I really have no idea what it is going to show.
  2. Have I screwed up? I have not gotten my first fill yet, I go on the 30th of this month (Dec '09). However I feel no restriction of food and I am almost eating as much as I was before I got the band. I did over eat the other day, but just once. Didn’t get sick but feel stuffed and just too full. All other times I am eating until I am full. I was reading on other sites that some say that it is supposed to be ¼ to ½ of a cup of food before you get your fill. I had not been told this and so once I saw I wasn’t restricted I have just been eating normally waiting to get my fill. In addition, I totally screwed up and had soda at the movies. I am embarrassed that it didn’t register until the end of the movie when I was thinking about getting that free refill that I wasn't supposed to be drinking soda. I do not understand how I could totally forget that I couldn’t have it. I guess I am a bigger creature of habit then I realized. At any rate, I am reading about people who have stretched out their pouch and I am starting to get worried that I have already done that and I don’t even have my first fill yet. I am not feeling restriction whatsoever. Didn't really from day one of eating real food other than shrunken stomach. I have other friends who have had the band and they said that they didn't feel restricted until a few fills. I just assumed that I didn’t have to worry about stretching until my fill. Am I wrong in my thinking?
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