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Everything posted by zimmersdreamer

  1. Hey Amy is it? I believe that there is a reason for me waiting, yes. I am still in the " research" phase. My insurance enrollment period is up on the first of the year (tomorrow yea!); thats the discision I needed to make. I have found some research about Indiana insurance having to include weightloss surgery if its a PPO. which ours is. So I have to look into that as well. If all else fails I will have to save up. I believe everything happends for a reason, and there is no need rushing things. by the way congrats on your surgery being so close!!!
  2. sigh, I have a PPO and that was how I found out we dont have it. Bank of dad is dry and I dont have a 410k. I just started the search and info about this stuff so its not a dire need at the moment but I dont want to get too far without knowing i have a back up plan. I can save up but my mother who is a nurse warns me against surgeries from mexico...I think she is just worried about not having a DR when i am in the states should something go wrong. The reason I was looking into a new insurence is I pay about 120 a month for insurence, used it 3 times in the last year for a few Dr appointments, I thought I could either pay for a different plan through individually, or do what i used to and go without insurance for a while and save the 120 up till i can afford it. though it seems like the years I didnt have insurance was the ones I needed it most! sigh. Im already having road blocks and I have JUST begun! I may have to use income tax for the surgery, I just had plans for it already...
  3. I have just found out that the insurance that I have through my employer does not cover any weightloss surgery, nor will they add it as a rider. I need to look into getting a new/second insurence. what company is inexpencive enough that I can have long enough to have the surgery. I can have the fills i guess covered by my insurence I am not sure when or what is going on, I may decided to switch completely. I need to make the descision before the new year. thanks in advance!
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