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Status Updates posted by Elizabeth36

  1. Congrats on your success! I just recently joined and scheduled my surgery for April 15th. I am also a Registered Nurse and manage a very busy Home Health agency....one reason why I had to schedule my surgery for April rather than uggh ohhh say tomorrow..lol. I recently have had to be off on medical leave for foot surgery. I had plantar fascitis/heel spur syndrome, and can't take off aga...

  2. Everyone on here has been so nice and positive! Thank You for helping me make my decision..I'm going for it! I feel so secure with Dr. Ortiz and the staff at OCC and have'nt even met them yet!

  3. welcome...I just joined a few days ago myself...I scheduled today for April 15th! I think you will find this forum very helpful with so many nice new friends! :~)

  4. Thanks for the info! Yes, I have checked out lapband talk and everything I read was all positive. The one thing that I found that is concerning me is that Juarez Mexico seems to have a high crime rate and that scares me. eeek! I'm a country girl...not much crime where I am from.

  5. Hello..congrats! I just joined yesterday myself. I have not scheduled yet. I am still researching, but I have decided I am going for it! yeh! I'm just not sure where. I would love to have done by Dr. Ortiz...I've heard nothing but good things. I hope to make my decision soon.

  6. Hi there! I justed joined yesterday myself..still trying to get use to the web site..lol...I haven't scheduled yet. I am still researching. Do you have any suggestions? I had heard of a Dr. Rodriguez that does them also in Juarez mexico. Have you heard anything about him?

  7. Congrats on your recent surgery! Hope you are doing well. Have you went back to work yet? I have a sedentary job and was hoping to take off for just a few days. Is the recovery worse than you expected?

  8. Thank You Angie and Amy! It's great to already have friends!:o)....Hey has anyone heard of anyone going to the Juarez Mexico clinic...Dr Rodriguez?

  9. You will be in my prayers. I'm from East TN, and I have been researching the procedure. It's great to have someone close to home to inspire me. Thanks!

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