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  1. Hi, I have been considering getting banded for quite sometime now, and my main concern is the possibility of having large amounts of excess skin hanging after I lose the weight. I'm 24 years old, 5'9" and weigh 350lbs. I have heard that it depends on your size and the elasticity of your skin, but I was wondering if there is anyone on here that has had issues with this, if it is to be expected or if it is only circumstancial. If it's not a definite thing, is there anyway you can work your body into looking normal after such drastic weight loss? Please help! Thank you!
  2. Hi, I have been considering getting banded for quite sometime now, and my main concern is the possibility of having large amounts of excess skin hanging after I lose the weight. I'm 24 years old, 5'9" and weigh 350lbs. I have heard that it depends on your size and the elasticity of your skin, but I was wondering if there is anyone on here that has had issues with this, if it is to be expected or if it is only circumstancial. If it's not a definite thing, is there anyway you can work your body into looking normal after such drastic weight loss? Please help! Thank you!
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