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Everything posted by mandyfsc

  1. Breakfast- Chicken broth Lunch- Chicken Broth Snack- Sugar-free fudgsicle (the highlight of my day) Dinner- Veggie & Beef broth mixed- I'm just crazy like that DAY 6 POST OP- I am DETERMINED to follow the post-op diet to a "T"!
  2. Hi guys, well I just got back to the Marriot after having my surgery yesterday. I thought I'd tell you my story from start to finish so you know what to expect. First, let me say, I am doing this entire journey on my own. None of my family or friends know of this decision. That may change later, but for now, it is my secret. Therefore, this story is from the single girl's perspective. OK, now back to the story... I had stayed on the pre-op diet until the day of my flight and lost 10 pounds total. I flew out of Charlotte, NC and decided to take a direct flight to San Diego because I hate lay overs. So as I waited at the airport, I got a Southwest Chicken Cobb salad from Chili's and it was wonderful. Then I waited for my long flight to take off. I was scheduled to land at 8:41 but we got in significantly early- at 8:00. Shocker, right?? Anyway, obviously this meant that the driver was not there to pick me up yet. It wasn't his fault, so I just waited. But it was getting late and I was tried. It was 8:00 here but I'm still on EST time, so it was 11:00 to me. Anyway, the driver (I forgot his name, I'm sorry) was so nice. He was there right at 8:40 like he was scheduled to be. And then we were off to the Marriot. This hotel was beautiful. The staff is more than willing to bend over backward for whatever you need than anywhere else I've stayed in the US. They were great and the room was lovely. Carolyn (my coordinator) told me I could have one more meal before 12:00 but no more food or drink after that. So I went down to the hotel restaurant and had a very lovely meal. It was grilled chicken with a black sauce over mashed sweet potatoes and mushrooms. It was super yummy and was a perfect "last meal." Then I headed up to bed. The driver was scheduled to pick me up at 7:00 so I set the alarm and wake up call and my phone (yes, a little overkill) for 5:30. Now- I like to snooze. Every morning I snooze at least 3-5 times. But Friday morning, I popped out of bed with excitement. I took a long relaxing shower, did my hair and makeup, and even put some lotion on. I wanted to do all I could to just feel relaxed and ready. I put on my most comfortable pajamas and headed to the lobby. Now, since I came alone and would be staying the next night at the OCC, I checked out of my room. So I completed checkout with all my luggage and waiting for the van. When the van arrived, I realized I was not the only one on this journey. A nice woman named Christine and her husband were also headed there for Christine's surgery. It was nice to finally meet someone that I could tell about my own personal decision. So off we go to the Center. When we got there, there were 4-5 lovely ladies waiting in the waiting room and we quickly realized they had had their surgery the day before and were now leaving. Several of them are members on this board. So then we waited. First, we had to sign a couple releases. Then I had my IV put in. I was a bit nervous about this because the most I've ever had is a finger prick. It hurt a little, but then you get used to it. Then I saw Dr. Juarez. He had me do a lung test, blood pressure test, and heart test. All were A-OK. Then I saw the nutritionist. She was super sweet. She weighed and measured me. 5'4'' 220lbs. And she told me my goal weight should be around 160 although I'd like to get down to 130... baby steps. She basically just reaffirmed what we should all already know about our post op diet. She also stressed the fact that is is very important to follow it to the T. She says most people that go on to the next step early may not notice any problems digesting but overall, their success level is a bit lower because they are stretching out their band. After spending Over $7000 for this life changing experience, I will be a fool not to follow it exactly. So I will do my best. Then I was prepped for surgery. I put a gown and silly paper panties on. Then a very nice lady who kept trying to tell me how much she loved my eyes put on my stockings. She was so so cute. Then one of the nurses gave me several drugs through my IV. She gave me a pain killer, a anti-nausea, and one other thing...hmm... Then she put a pill under my tongue and said "this is like 1 tequila, 2 tequila." Hahaha! I definitely laughed. Then after I was very woozy, Dr Ortiz came in. I'll be honest, I wish I had seen him before I was all loopy, but it was fine. We briefly chatted, he told me what to expect, and then I was off in a wheelchair to the surgery. Here's what I remember from that. They wheeled me in and I laid down on the bed. They pushed my arms across and that's it. I remember nothing else except waking up again in my room in my bed. I was very disoriented and woozy and in pain. The nice lady that helped me with my stalkings came in and took those off and helped me get dressed back in my pajamas. She gave me a popsicle and told me to rest. And I did. Oh I did. Later on a new nurse came in and started giving bottle water along with ice cubes and popsicles. Before bed we also got some chicken broth. I have certainly been feeling lots of pain that goes in and out. I brought Gas-X with me and have been using that and it certainly helps. I'm really not in too much pain unless I am getting up or down. Walking around certainly helps to move the gas but sometimes you just need to lay all the way down. Before leaving the hospital they gave me pain killers to last the next couple days. I also brought some liquid Tylenol with me if I need it. So here I am, back in the hotel just relaxing. I've taken a shower and will lay down for a nap soon. Overall, this has been a wonderful experience and I hope it helps anyone who it concerned about the procedure. I hope I brought you some peace of mind. -Mandy
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