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Status Updates posted by EcMjawad1

  1. I can buy boots that fit my calves..and regular size trouser socks!! never thought to be soo excited about something like that!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EricaG


      it's the little things that make such a big difference doesn't it?! I'm just so happy I can reach to tie my shoes in public now.

    3. shmee


      OMG that is great, I don't know that even when I felt that I was skinny (like jr high) that my calves would fit in boots. Congrats!

    4. B2010


      thumbs up lady! good job

  2. I can start to buy cloths at regular size stores!!! woohoo...this could be dangerous..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EcMjawad1


      Yes, just discovered Norstrom Rack...hmmm :)

    3. damalove


      it IS dangerous, trust me !!! congrats regardless :)

    4. canuk98828


      outlet stores here you come :-)

  3. Note to self...NO PAD THAI...all the chewing the world didn't help that....

    1. canuk98828


      I wondered about that. Pad Thai was one of my favorites, but I have thought perhaps all Thai food not that easy anymore.

    2. Danana


      That just makes me sad! Pad-Tai is 1 of my favorite foods!

    3. lapRn


      just wondering how you know? Sorry im new to this.m 2 weeks post op.

      did it feel stuck? did it come back up?? I would really miss pad thai :(

  4. It's offical...I no longer have to buy plus size clothing!!! Merry Christmas to me..

    1. Shell39


      WOOHOOO!!! oh thats so fabulous!!! Congrats to you!! Merry Christmas indeed!

      Keep it up girl! So happy for you.

    2. nothereanymore


      Congrats - now up goes your shopping spend! Its funny how when cloths get smaller they also cost more $$!

    3. EcMjawad1


      Thanks guys..Good thing I wear uniforms..more $$ for cloths...

  5. Even though not really showing on scale...five patients have remarked on my weight loss this past week and a half...I will take it!!!

    1. petrafarmer


      That happens to me too. I see that I am smaller when I look in the mirror but the scale doesn't agree. Weird isn't it? While I have to admit that the numbers on the scale are important, I think the way I feel is more important.

    2. Lapband92410


      Are you measuring yourself? I wonder if it's inches and not pounds what you're loosing.

  6. Looked at my reflection in the mirror and didn't know who I was looking at! Great feeling.

  7. Wait..What...my habits HAVE changed....and I didn't even notice! The biggest benefit of my band yet! best move ever...

  8. Thanksgiving..and the first as a banded person..ideas, recipes anyone?

    1. B2010


      my first thanksgiving too! we'll see how it goes. I always have trouble eating meats so I guess it's gonna be a veggie holiday....but wearing my size 10 jeans - damn I'm happy to do it! :)

    2. shmee


      mine too, I"m making a crustless low cal/ fat pumpkin pie, and getting some fat free real whip cream in the can. found the recipe googling low cal pumpkin pie.

      I figure 4 oz roast turkey, 1/2 cup salad, 1/4 cup stuffing - and my 121 cal pie - Oh plus a healthy protien filled breakfast of 250 cals.

  9. So haven't been on in awhile, so many changes in my life. The biggest one is thanks to the band..50 pounds down since March 2010...but even bigger are the new habits!

    1. nothereanymore


      Glad to see you, and congrats - you're doing great!

    2. EcMjawad1


      Thank you! it's amazing the new habits you form without even knowing it.

  10. still learning....why do I not want to throw out old too large cloths...afraid of failure and ???

    1. nothereanymore


      Throw them out - you're not going to fail and if you have nothing as back up and to go back too - you're most likely succeed. That's what I did, I have never looked back.

      Do it!

    2. EcMjawad1


      Thanks lisal...Idid it..onward..

  11. New problem..extra skin, and back pain...anyone else?

    1. Bella1980


      The only thing I can reccomend for back pain is to do exercises that strengthen those muscles.

    2. nothereanymore


      I think we start doing more and sometimes our bodies rebel - I started yoga and palates to build more core muscle - Bella is right on. Extra skin - know it - surgery....

  12. Yes, we must exercise too.....

    1. petrafarmer


      Oh no! Not the "e" word!

  13. Made it through my first big holiday as a banded person...very interesting how that went without food for comfort..

    1. SusieO


      Congrats on making it through I hope it only gets easier for you.

  14. I can't believe I am two sizes down and didn't even know it...I know have clots to take back..woohoo...

    1. AshleyMarie


      That's amazing! Congrats!!!!

  15. One year bandaversery,,,,40 pounds down...but more importantly learning a new way to live...and deal with emotions...I am very thankful...

    1. AshleyMarie


      Congrats!! How amazing do you feel?

  16. Ohh..if only I could get below 200...

    1. shmee


      I hear ya! course I'm far off but I still think that.

  17. Great event at the Ariel Center..and a final fill..

    1. lvmartin


      Thank you for joining us get ready for the next one!!!

  18. Still working on breakfast foods...why is this the hardest meal?

  19. Swim day....shopping..w/daughter!

  20. Weight is no longer a "shield" live with it!!

  21. The return of the beginnings of an "hour glass" shape..thanks to the "Iron Maiden"...hahaha! I'll take what I can get.

  22. New ways of eatting...without even realizing it!

  23. Start the low carb-protien...see !

  24. Back to basic's....wow what a concept!!

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