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Posts posted by EcMjawad1

  1. I agree with what Lindsay has said. I have had my band for about 18 months..is my weight loss rapid..Heck no...there were periods where I didn't move for months..but I did move and it's going in the right direction. Here are some of my thoughts. Keep in mind I have done all the things you mentioned and then some.

    1. "The Art of Eating Mindfully" Buy the book...it says it all. I was total emotion eating, I figured it out, and am still working/learning the tools.

    2. Yep, weigh and measure. Take the time to make your own clean food and freeze/fridge for the following weeks. Does this take time, yes, but as you said you have already invested the money, the other half is the time. I bought a bunch of small glass containers.. I have to say I was shocked at the numbers once I started weighing ounce on my scale..you have to do it. and don't expect to feel "full" just not hungry..the book will help.

    3. "The rules" protein first, now drinking water, no alcohol...really have to keep on this one..I learned the hard way.

    I too am filled under fluoro. I wouldn't do it any other way. I can see for myself the band is doing what it is supposed to do..It's me that needs fine tuning!


  2. Well, as one who even now get reminded in the most unpleasant way, you have to chew your food to get it to fit through your band. Just last night I thought I could have a potato skin at a student pot luck..I even chewed it the 20+ times...heck no, add that to the "not for me" food list. You too will start discovering foods that no matter how much you chew you cannot tolerate. To this day I miss one of my most favs...Steak!! I almost choked to death even with the 30 chews.

  3. Hi all,

    Lindsay is right..eat clean, and be aware of what your eating. I found it can be different for everyone. For instance I can eat some things my daughter can't (she too has the band). Small size portion control is important and I have learned to prepare food ahead (once I knew what I liked and could tolerate) and then freeze it. You can go into foods right away but perhaps not what your used to. Consider this your first lesson in your new life...I keep a list of yes/no foods after having tried to eat them..I haven't had a bite of steak in over a year (but the loss is worth it). It gets easier. Think high protein low fat. Greek yogurt is a new fav, protein powder in a morning breakfast shake cause it's hard for me to eat solid at 7 am (band tight in AM). And lot's of water..this is real important. Over the last year I notice serious issues if I do not drink my water..this seems to be the hardest to remember of all..but getting better. There are some books out about post band eatting..but most of all take it slow and enjoy the journey.


  4. Hi and welcome,

    March is my favorite month! I had my band done March 2009 and have lost 60 pounds...I too feel it is the best thing I have ever done. I am still learning..each fill is like learning new habits afterword. Sometimes you forget and eat something that quickly reminds you NO..like for me rice...hahaha. Anyway, the new habits are great once you figure them out..like you can no longer stuff feelings down with food and instead have to face them. I feel so much better then I have before...Starting to develop flab skin, and this too is another learning moment as I work toward goal and consider surgery. Either way I feel like I am living again and I am with a new and better life. Good luck! Everyone at the OCC is wonderful..My daughter had her surgery first that's what made me decide to go for it..wonderful place great staff and I love all the Dr's.


  5. Hi Tmara,

    glad you wrote this...I sometimes do this and find I almost faint..I also have a hereditary heart condition which doesn't allow be to do much exercise other then some walking on flat ground and some lap swimming, a real bummer cause I would love to build some muscle..Yoga is good for flexibility...I have been at a 6 month plateau and can't see to get below 200..of course this is 89 pounds lower then I have been in 20 years but still....let me know what you end up doing. I have found that I really do need at least 1200. Still learning the ropes and about me..I would hazard to say we are all different, but I too do small snacks to keep blood sugar stable. I try to follow at all times a "Clean diet."


  6. I agree with everyone else..in fact I have said that I don't care how long it takes or how many mistakes I make along the way I will NOT ever go back..sometimes I feel like there is so much change occurring that I have to stop and let myself, body, mind, and life, catch up..sometimes over the past year and a half I would just not want to weigh, measure, fiddle with food. Especially since I work 12-14 hours days three times a week and into the evening..Good news it that you reach the place you did where you stop and re-assess the situation and start up where you left off..not continue falling back, this is where one of the big changes in my life has occured..like I said no matter how long it takes!!


  7. Hi Erica,

    Today is my one year bandaversery...I too have been learning a lot...here are some eating things I have learned about my self:

    If I eat and I am upset about something, my band will tell me before I even know it myself by slamming shut and not allowing some foods down...I will then have to think "what is wrong with me" and usually I can reflect and figure it out. I started a new job 6 months ago and I am teaching adults and learning new topics myself..lunch time in the lunch room often doesn't work because of me being "uptight" (literally).

    If I am stressed or in a hurry...forget it..take 10 to relax before I even think about eating.

    Some foods will never again be on my list of eating, such as potato's, steak, and stringy veggies (as I go along and after each fill, I have narrowed this down)

    I cannot wait until I get home after class (9 PM) to eat...just doesn't work..food backs up

    Morning's it is protein shakes or nothing (I was never a early eater, and my band isn't either)

    GOT to do my water

    The band let's me know when it's "that time of the month" and I have to adjust my eating.

    Sitting down...taking at least 30-45 minutes to take care of myself by eating is the new way and a must!!!

    I look forward to my continued journey and learning more things about myself that the band is gifting me with.

  8. Hello,

    I agree with Lisa. Do you keep track of your food with a tracker? I not only keep track but I keep track of how I am feeling..I to have band changes under stress, with too much salt, not enough water, and that time of the month. I too have had to swear off pizza. Also, this was my first Christmas as a banded person, what a difference from previous years. I learned quick what eating too much with the band felt like and after a couple episodes of being over full (your right I never really knew what that felt like) I now know I don't want to to that if at all possible..what a terrible feeling..The lessons alone have been worth the band..the slow life changes, the new habits, the reality that yes, I HAVE to exercise..these small but powerful gifts are so worth it! If your not start keeping track of the changes. It really helps.

  9. Hello out there,

    I would like some ideas and help with my new (but not unhappy) problem. What to do with the changing body as we loose weight and before plastic surgery? I could sure use some ideas on what to do with loose skin and shrinking but not firm breasts...Many of you have lost a lot of weight and I would love to know any and all secrets or products you used or can recommend as I continue to loose..I am not planning any surgery for probably another year..but I would like to show my emerging body off to the best of my ability..ideas anyone? Thank you.

  10. Yep, slime...but first I feel an aching sensation in my jaw and cheek..sign that something was too dry, to large, too much..like my one bite of turkey sandwich post Thanksgiving...still learning the ropes on what I can and cannot have...first holiday season with the band..still learning...wonder what's next!

  11. Hi all,

    Thanks for all the comments regarding hair loss and protein..Funny I should read this around this time since I have realized that I slowly slipped back into some bad habits, namely not getting enough protein in. I have added two Atkins shakes to my day and now four days latter I am feeling better..more energy less sluggishness. I still have not figured out the right amount of protein but I have noticed that over 60 grams makes me feel much better. I will try the link you gave for the isopure, in the past this product upset my stomach and I noticed that even the Atkins shakes can do the same. I am pretty dairy/wheat intolerant..any suggestions or ideas? I have also noticed that my hair is better with more protein..

    Thanks all for the great ideas and posts!

  12. Hi!,

    There are plenty of books, and websites discussing the poisioning of America by sugar. The first book I remember reading was "Sugar Blues" for those who are diabetic sugar has always been a problem. Do some research you may find out a lot and be surprised and motivated to cut out sugar!

  13. I too hate cooking,,,

    I have found frozen food by Amy's very healthy and helpful..I am not a breakfast person so I have to force down and Atkins shake in the AM with my coffee..I work two jobs so really the only time I can cook is the weekends. Make yourself some portable healthy snacks like string chesse, nuts, pre-cut veggies, and then supplement with frozen meals or easy breakfast like eggs, or a protein shake..just some ideas..

  14. Yes,

    To the above...all of it.. STOP..it is hard as hell as most of it know..Hell find a support group..come here all day if you have to. I am on today becasue this is the first Thanksgiving holiday since being banded...the holidays with all the emotions...being banded doesn't make them go away..figure out what is really going on...force yourself to get back on track...cry, scream, kick a pillow...we have all been there..just don't take the step of eatting. This journey is the hardest ever I have taken...today the feelings are all there and I am not eatting Hell my kids (smart) aren't even allowing me in the kitchen..gotta love it..so far I have slept, cried, taken a long ass shower, read a book, and came here..all in the effort to stay away from stuffing emotions down..don't give in..think $$ think the pay off when your loosing..you can do it..we are all here for you.

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