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  1. Bianca, Good to see you, see I'm getting better at this, now if I can just learn to type better... So good to see you today, how did you day go today?
  2. I sure appreciate all of you that have taken the time to respond back to me, it is nice to hear it seems I have nothing to worry about. I also would like to ask any that would like to reply back. What is the one thing that you were not aware of that you had wished someone would of told you about before your surgery? For instance: Someone told me they wished they knew they would be sleeping on their back for a week.
  3. Thanks so much ladies for your response back to me. That makes me feel so much better. I seem to be getting the concern from others about going to Mexico to have this procedure done.
  4. So how was it going across the Border? How was your stay in Mexico? I hear a lot about the facility and the Doctors but I guess my concern (and others that I talk to) is going across the border with all of the happenings.
  5. Hello anyone there I'm new

  6. So any issues with going into Tijuanna? Do you have any regrets to date? Rhumba1212 from Alaska
  7. Has anyone that got their sugery done in Tijuana Mexico

  8. Does anyone have any regrets....new commer here just asking

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