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Status Updates posted by NEdwards73

  1. Hey CandyJo~ I'm doing fantastic..thanks for asking =) I am at a stand still right now so I have scheduled my 2nd fill for August 27th =) How are you doing? I see you got your second fill in June, do you have more restriction with it? I didn't have any restriction with my first fill =( I am keeping my fingers crossed that the 2nd fill is better! Take care and thanks for check...

  2. is so glad I got banded, but even after my first fill the first part of June I have no restriction yet...I will go back in August for fill #2 =)

  3. Hey RIP..how was your trip to TJ?? I got 5cc's in my band! I had a great time as usual, although I was not impressed with the Mariott as I liked the Lucerna alot better =) Anyways, hope all went well...keep in touch =)

  4. Hi Liz!! I miss ya =) Hope your having a good week!! Talk to ya soon...

  5. How you doing??? Hope all is well =)

  6. Great job on the 50#'s being gone!!! Keep up the great work..obviously it's paying off =)

  7. Great job on the weight loss!! They say slow and steady wins the race =) Good thing we really aren't "racing" but doesn't it feel good to have "lost" 76 lbs FOREVER?!?!

  8. Don't get discouraged! I have read they have said that you may or may not lose any weight until you get restriction. I guess that is why they tell us it is important to get a fill 6-8 weeks post op! I'm not getting discouraged..I am just trying to keep in mind that I am going to have to do the majority of the work(not eating so much) and let the band be my guide. Helping each ...

  9. Best of luck to you!! Congrats on the 21 lbs lost!! That is great and keep up the good work. It definately isn't easy, but just keep your eye on the prize at the end!! Keep us updated on when you are able to schedule surgery. This site has awesome support and we all have one thing in common!! Take care and keep in touch KJ =)

  10. Just wondering if you've scheduled surgery yet?? I am 23 days post op and have felt great the whole time =)

  11. I am doing great!!! I started eating solid foods on Thursday and so far haven't had any problems!!! I have scheduled my first fill for June 3rd! So far I have lost 11 lbs since surgery! Thanks for checking on me CandyJo!

  12. I am doing great!!! I started eating solid foods on Thursday and so far haven't had any problems!!! I have scheduled my first fill for June 3rd! So far I have lost 11 lbs since surgery! Thanks for checking on me CandyJo!

  13. Hi Lizzy =) Hope all is well with you and the family! Did you get things straighted out with Mags? Sure hope so =) Well not much new here, just thought I'd check in and say hello!

  14. Hey Girl...I'm assuming by now you are on Solids?!?! How's it going? Any do's or don'ts right now that you can advise?? I have 8 days left of liquids and can't wait to start the solids =) Hope all is going well with you.....

  15. Congrats and welcome to band land =) I was banded on Apr 15th and I definately agree with you when you say you are soo happy you had it done in TJ =) I enjoyed every minute of being there and NEVER felt unsafe or unwelcome! What an AWESOME facility OCC is!!!! Hope your doing well...

  16. Rip...where in WI are you? I live about 10 miles from FCI-Oxford Prison =) I was banded on April 15th in TJ...and so far I am doing great! Sure am counting down the days(8 left) till I'm on solids..Yeehawww =)

  17. Thinkin bout you today as you enter BAND LAND =) You will meet so many new and amazing ppl each on a different level! Hope the surgery went well...

  18. You will do fine. I got banded on April 15th and have had no complications! The 21 day liquid diet is kinda tough...but I keep looking to the BIG reward at the end and I can't wait to say it was ALL worth it =) You will do fine..just keep a positive attitude and remember WHY you are getting banded! One final thought..ALWAYS remember is that the band is just a helpful tool, the re...

  19. Don't lie about Campbells being MMMM MMMM GOOD! LOL You are doing great and I venture to bet that once we are done with the liquid phase you won't eat soup to often for awhile... =)

  20. Hey my fellow April 15th band buddy!!! I am so excited to have found you on here as well! Hope you are having a good week! Talk to ya soon...

  21. What a great update Alana =) I am working towards the same goal as you and can't help but think that my weight may have been the reason why I haven't conceived either!! Your daughter is beautiful =)

  22. Thanks Jen..I am very excited to being banded! I am scared of failing so I will definately be following post-op directions and beyond =) You are doing Fantastic since being banded! Congrats and good for you...keep up the good work!

  23. I just realized you were banded on my birthday and I am being banded on yours! How ironic is that :)

  24. Congrats on your weight loss up-to-date!! I love your about me section...sometimes I wish the shallow ppl of the world walked in my shoes before they opened their pie holes! I definately look at a person's inner beauty, because if they are beautiful on the inside, how can they not be beautiful on the outside =)

  25. You are doing great! Is there any tips you can offer..seeing how I am down to 9 days pre-banding??

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