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Posts posted by Momof4

  1. First a comment on my loss so far, yes it is amazing (to me) and it is a large amount, but keep in mind I had a LOT to lose. I still have 90 lbs. to go to get to goal. Also, I have worked my ass off in the last 2 months to lose that 65lbs. :-)

    Secondly, to answer your question, I (like I would imagine a lot of people here) have tried just about every diet you can think of: diet center, nutrasystem, jenny craig, atkins, etc. And they all worked somewhat, though some better than others. The problem was that none of them worked for a long period of time. I would lose some weight, but then get bored with the food or tired of the restrictions and then just stop. Of course, I would then gain back all the weight (plus some) and be right back where I started. So I started trying to really get to the root of my problem and what I discovered was that my main issue was portion control. This was why the lap band seemed like a great option for me. And so far, it has been amazing. Whereas on those other diets, I could still choose to gorge and overeat if I wanted, the lap band prevents that (mainly because it will punish you if you try to overdo it!) This was exactly what I needed!

    Like I said, I am someone that failed on literally every other diet out there. On March 1 of this year, I weighed 420lbs. On May 7, I went to the OCC and had surgery with Dr. Ortiz and as of today (7/12), I weigh 326.8. So in about 4.5 months, I have managed to get rid of almost 100 lbs. Do I give all the credit to the band? No. However, I think it is the primary reason for my success. Because I know what I paid, what I went through and what I *HAVE* to do to succeed. And in the two months since surgery, I have made lifestyle changes that I think will be with me for the rest of my life. I exercise a lot more (including some running), I eat way less and I eat only good food. I have made a lot of sacrifices in my life to get rid of foods that I used to love. But I am in no way bothered by that. I spent 37 years of my life eating those foods (in large quantities!) and it made me fat. So now I am going to put those things aside and try a different lifestyle. And let me tell you, so far, it is has been wonderful! :-)

    Congratulations! I've made the decision and I go on August 6th! I'm excited, nervous, anxious and just a little hopeful! I want this, so I'm hoping this is the right mix of cost, effort and help! I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. I was always chunky. The band was the best thing I ever did - although, the most difficult! I NEVER regret having the band, though some days are a little frustrating or difficult. The benefits like being off meds, or walking into a store and being able to wear anything I want (was size 5-6ish, but am 6.5 months preg right now) definately out weigh those days I miss being able to eat a huge plate with steak, potatoes and who knows what else I would shovel in.

    I honestly did not do a lot of exersize. 99% of it was how I ate. I needed to learn to eat smaller amounts more frequently. Which the band has helped me learn.

    I will not lie - it is not easy. I find this more difficult than say weight watchers or jenny craig - but guess what, this is the only thing that has EVER worked for me in 30 years. I love it and would never go back.

    Feel free to PM anytime :) with questions, I dont mind

    Congrats on the pregnancy. I don't know how to PM, do you do that here? LOL I would like to think I'm technically saavy, but I leave that to my 15 year old. I just chase my two youngest at 18 months and 3. :-)

    I do have a few questions on eating etc... so would love to chat more freely. THANK YOU!!!! Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts. This really does help!!!

  3. Basically the band is "forced behaviour modification". I used to joke that the only way I'd lose weight was if I had my mouth wired shut and having a band is pretty much the same thing- it does not allow you to eat- at least very much. The problem for me has been that I can lose weight when my band is tight but I can't keep my band tight without complications so I've been chasing that perfect fill for over a year, have had unfills and fluctuations along the way, and now I have to stay at a very low fill level, white-knuckling it and not losing any more weight. Luckily, I lost a lot in the beginning because I would be very discouraged if I started having these problems from day one- which some people do.

    If you can't tolerate much of a fill, you'll be back to counting on your willpower and we all know how well that works for those of us with weight problems. If you have no problems keeping a tight band- great, you'll lose weight and lots of it! That's what happens when you can only eat a half cup of food! I don't want to be negative because I don't regret it but I also want you to know that for some people (and you won't know who you are until you are banded and start getting fills) it doesn't work and they get beaten up bad on here and I feel bad for them.

    I've been on the message boards for five years and have seen it all...like losing 65 pounds in two months, or over 100 in less than a year with no fills...those cases are NOT THE NORM. It does happen for some people but you need to go in to this with realistic expectations. MOST people lose 60% of their excess weight with a band, some lose it all, and some very little. I knew this going in and would have been happy enough losing 60 of the 100 pounds I needed to lose and I did even better, now down 95 but no it's not easy and there's no guarantees. I say do it FOR SURE but do it with realistic expectations.



    That is what I need to hear! I want to see the great weight loss stories because it provides inspriation! Even your journey still gets me excited, but I need to hear this is not the miracle I might want it to be. I still wish there was just a little pill you can take! Wouldn't that be nice? I need to lose about 75lbs. I guess if I lose 60% I need to see if that is worth the money! I'm thinking yes!

    One last question, are you happy with the OCC? Is that where you went?

  4. you can find ways to cheat on any diet or surgery.

    The question you have to ask yourself, especially before you go and have a surgical procedure done, is are you ready to do what you have to do to succeed? If you aren't, then don't waste your time or money.

    However, I think the simple fact that you have come this far shows that you are serious and that you are ready for the change. Just take that next step and commit to yourself. I had surgery 2 months ago today. I have lost 65 lbs. and I feel better than I have in YEARS. It was the best decision I have ever made. I can't say any more than that.

    Good luck to you with whatever you decide though!!

    WOW! Now that is what I'm talking about with weight loss!!! I need to lose 75 lbs, so I have a journey, but I also know that I've tried so much before and "thought" I was ready. How do you think this has made it different for you this time? Have you tried other diets before?

  5. I have lost 50 lbs since December 09. I am about half way through my journey I think... we shall see. This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and my future. Just one thing to remember, this is still hard work. I work out 4 times a week in the gym, and join any activity I can, and am very careful with what I put in my mouth. I think as long as you are dedicated to your success, and you really honestly want this for yourself. You are ready. The OCC is the place to do it as well. It is the cleanest clinic out there. The nurses are sweet like candy. Dr.Ortiz is fantastic! You won't regret your decision once you make it. You can do it!

    This might be silly, but as I read what you said, i think to myself.. if I would just exercise now and watch what I put in my mouth now I could lose the weight. I can't and that is why I'm looking for a tool to help. How do you think this helps you? Just trying to hear from those that have already done this... Thank you for sharing!

  6. Ok So I was band on May 20th, I stood an extra day to have a consultation at Cosmed.

    While there I did some Botox And lips fillers also Fraxel This way when I go back in 6 weeks I can have my last session of fraxel done.

    My face is swollen and the lips need to go down a bit but I am loving it...... Also everyone was Great there, & the prices were un beatable!

    What is fraxel and where did you get the botox in your lips and for how much?

  7. This has been a god sent for me.

    Once I wrapped my head around what the band can and can not do for me, I was able to focus on the more positive, and work towards my goals.

    when you say what the band can and can't do for you.... I guess I'm worried I might find ways to cheat and I want this to inhibit that, will it?

  8. Hey Debbie,

    The before (was taken the day before my surgery) I was 200 pounds. The after was taken over a year after my surgery (around 139). I’m 129 currently.

    Over 6 pounds of skin and fat were cut off – can’t remember how many were lippo’d. I did have an extended – my scar goes around my back and was about 2 inches apart – weird thing is that its now about 3 inches.

    I had my surgery on a Friday – took the following week off and was back to work on the next Monday – Dr Nyte said to take 10 days off – I counted that Friday of surgery as one of my days….. Because I had extended and lippo I paid 8k his prices have gone down considerably, his tummy tucks have been running $3950 on special.

    Thanks so much Debbie for the sweet words, it is hard sometimes to share these personal pictures – I’ve personally received some pretty hard mail before because of it, but I understand that it helps more than it annoys a few.

    My goal was to completely change myself before I hit 50, I really have been pushing the bar, sometime too much. I really did not like myself when I was big, I know some people are happy at a larger size but I was miserable. But we have to be careful - the same thing can happen if we get too skinny and I'm watching myself very carefully right now. I'm extremely muscular and tone - if you looked at me you would not know I was ever morbidly obese, unless you looked at my butte' that’s a hard place to build muscle. But I’m working on it. (Need some junk in my trunk)



    HOLY COW!!! You look absolutely AMAZING!!!! Where did you get all the work done? I'm so excited right now, I feel invincible! I always thought that even if I get thin, will I ever look good? You have made me realize that I can and will look good! I am so inspried1

  9. Ok So I was band on May 20th, I stood an extra day to have a consultation at Cosmed.

    While there I did some Botox And lips fillers also Fraxel This way when I go back in 6 weeks I can have my last session of fraxel done.

    My face is swollen and the lips need to go down a bit but I am loving it...... Also everyone was Great there, & the prices were un beatable!

    Ok, so where is Cosmed and what did it cost? I've always said I need either bigger lips or a smaller nose, LOL. I'm thinking it's 'cheaper to get the bigger lips. I am going to get banded soon, is it close? Can you do it in one visit? I had no idea there were other services...

  10. Its the best thing I ever did for myself - my highest scale weight was 275, I was much higher than that - wouldn't get on the scale for a long time - my surgery weight was 265. I'm now go from 128 to 133 and I can't tell you how amazing it is. I love Dr Ortiz and his staff, I have sent many (MANY) people to him and they all feel the same and are doing wonderful. The surgery center is top notch and noted as one of the best in the world. (How can you beat that)?

    Just do it. You wont regret it, you will if you don't - being obese is horrible - I didn't realize how horrible till I lost the weight - I feel better, my health is amazing and life has improved sooo much!

    Go girl!!

    How long did it take you to lose that much weight? Did you feel safe in TJ? Any advice you can give, fills, diet, patience? How long have you kept the weight off? Thank you so much for replying! It feels great to see someone else have the success and share the excitement!

  11. I have been considering the lap band for some time, and now within the last few weeks have decided to go for it. Can you give me your honest thoughts and opinions on the OCC, your experience, the process, do you think it's truly helped? I've seen some really great success stories and then others don't seem like they have lost as much as I would think. Just trying to make sure this is the best decision at the right place. Thank you so much now for all of your thoughts! I think sometimes this is the BEST way to make decisions, hearing from all of you

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