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Everything posted by bobbusbkr

  1. Several months ago I had Lap Band and Hiatus Hernia Repair Surgery at a major Boston Hospital. The outcome was a nightmare. The Lap Band was never implanted. The hernia was not repaired. The surgeon switched to an open procedure and here is a description of the results. I lost my Spleen. My Pancreas was damaged. I was hospitalized for a total of 11 days including 2 re-admissions. I developed bilateral pleural effusions. The drain site developed a Staph Infection which required intravenous antibiotics for 2 weeks. I drained Pancreatic Fluid for 5 weeks and was effectively home bound for 2 months. I have a hideous scar mid-line in my abdomen. Prior to the surgery I was a remarkably healthy 63 y.o. and other than morbid obesity had only been hospitalized as a child. I lost 50+ Lbs. pre-op and did everything I was instructed to do prior to surgery. I am looking for a Bariatric Surgeon with extensive experience to review my case and possibly help with a claim for damages. Now that I look at this surgery through the eyes of a patient for whom it not only failed, but also caused extreme suffering and ongoing pain and complications, I am amazed at how little, in depth information regarding potential complications is provided to pre-op patients to assist them in making a truly informed decision regarding Lap Band Surgery. I'm happy for all of you who have had successful surgery. I went to one of the finest hospitals in the USA after being told by my surgeon their complication rate was less than half of the national average. So much for statistics. If you are willing to discuss my situation with me, I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.
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