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Everything posted by KrrnCan

  1. For those of you who have had the plication.....have any of you experienced more gastric reflux (or has it started up) following the surgery? On another note: If any of you have had to travel by plane for more than 7 hours .... did you bring anything with you that would help you on the way home and did the airline provide you with enough water/drinks on the way home?
  2. Hi scottishgirl! I am having a plication done on Feb.9th! Where are you staying
  3. Thanks Sherri!Today I made the decision to really stick to it .... no matter what! It's really funny how your mind goes too when you are going through this. I have been questioning myself about things like ,"Maybe I do have diabetes" or "there must be something wrong with me, I don't know what but there has to be!". Then my next thought was ,"What if it is my blood pressure and it will be too high for them to do surgery???!!!" I feel sometimes like I am driving myself crazy. My gastric plication surgery is scheduled for early February. Tomorrow marks the three week deadline. My starting weight was 247 and I have lost only 7 lbs since Jan.3 I need to lose at least another 6 lbs or more yet!!!! I feel so crappy though. I am taking solace in the fact that this pre-op thing will be over soon. I see my family dr on Thursday to tell him what I am scheduled to do. Let's hope I have the energy to make him understand this is the right thing for me and to ask him if he will work with Dr. Ortiz in a followup plan in case I need it. Thanks again Sherri for the support. It was comforting to know someone else was experiencing the same, although I am sorry that you had to go through similar feelings too.
  4. I have started the pre op diet option #2 a week ago today. I have contacted Dr. Miranda today to see if she can maybe answer for me why I am feeling so tired!!! Has anyone ever experienced this while on the diet? I thought it would pass but by mid afternoon I feel like I could crawl into the corner for a long winter's nap!!! Any suggestions? I am not diabetic or have any comorbidities that I know of .... would really like to have more energy!!!!
  5. Thanks for the advice. I have spoken already with Dr. Ortiz and feel much better about many things. Thanks Lori for offering to set that up and thanks grimsteads for the advice as well. Have a great day ladies!!!
  6. THANK YOU so much for clarifiying that the gastric plication is indeed "REVERSIBLE"!!!!! I was so happy to learn of this procedure ....I think it is a perfect solution to my needs at this point in time. I admit the thought of surgery is very scary but the alternative to continued weight gain is even scarier! Thanks again for the support and encouragement!!!!
  7. Hi Lindsay, thanks for the reply. I am in the process of setting up a phone consult. As I had mentioned above, because of the research online that I have been doing pretty steadily, I keep coming up with conflicting info. I realize that it is a fairly new procedure and data is still being compiled. Hopefully, I will be reassured following the phone consult. As far as talking to the staff? I'm a little baffled that you thought they I had?!?!?!?! I am just trying to get as much info as I can so that I am making an informed decision. Thanks again for the reply and hope to hear from you soon.
  8. Ok...there is sooo much info and questions that arise reading all the posts here. I read here today that there are posters up at the OCC stating that the gastric plication is not reversible! Can anyone verify that? In all the info I have researched ....everything stated that it was that was one of the main reasons I chose this procedure. Now I don"t know what to think. Also does or has anyone travelling post procedure wondered about the possibility of Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary embolus? Is this a concern to anyone travelling by plane back home?
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