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Everything posted by trcousins

  1. Great post! I agree music is key to staying motivated during a workout, particularly an aerobic one. I found that grouping songs with various beats per minute allowed me to obtain interval training just by keeping up with the beat. Thanks for those tunes. Love it!
  2. Newbie, congratulations on taking the step. I too wonder how you are now doing. Hopefully all of the pain is gone, but the adjustment process seems to be ongoing. Glad you're on this site as it's been extremely helpful I feel. Can't wait for the update.
  3. What a great idea and easily portable as well. I would think they'd be packed with the most nutritious foods & most likely some added vitamins. The only sad part would be abstaining from bananas. I love bananas
  4. When the FDA approved the use of Lap-Band weight loss surgery last month it opened up a whole new opportunity for thousands of New Jersey residents. The new guidlines lowered the weight, BMI and heal condition requirements for residents in that state. Do we have a lot of New Jersey residents here? Hopefully we'll have a lot more stories shared soon as a result of this new law.
  5. Congratulations on your new grandbaby first of all. I think it's really a great lesson for us all about slowing down in general. Our lives are so rushed and busy but our bodies just cannot keep up sometimes. Thanks for the wake up call. I will plan my flying days very carefully when I get to that.
  6. PetraFarmer, Flaxseed is a great idea as an addition. It also helps keep your cholesterol in check and it is available as flaxseed meal as well so it is less conspicuous in the final product.
  7. I was actually quite thin growing up, but around 30 it started piling on and has just been doing so slowly through my 40's as my metabolism slows down I guess. Menopause arriving has not helped things any either.
  8. Has anyone considered greens in a shake or drink? It comes in powdered form and mixes well with fruit juice, protein powder or just water. Greens are very nutritious and wheat grass, which is usually in the mix, has the same chemical composition as human blood. So, it's easily recognized and absorbed into the system. Suprisingly enough, greens have a sweet taste to them.
  9. I know what you mean, I've been steering clear of white or soft bread. I've read in multiple places that it can swell and maybe block my band opening. I'm not even risking that at this point. Have you tried small amounts of high quality whole grain bread? It provides great nutrition and fiber.
  10. Very interesting indeed. I have a Magic Jack at home and love it, but I'm not sure how portable a cell phone would be if you have to be within 8 feet of your internet source. Or maybe I'm reading it wrong. I looked at it a few times. Are they intending this only for home or wi-fi area use do you think?
  11. Oh! Protein shakes are wonderful, cheap and a great source of easily digestible nourishment. I get protein powder at the health food store as well, but might even be cheaper to buy it online and lightweight to ship. Anyway, I too add bananas, peanut butter, frozen fruit, fresh fruit you name it. My blender is my friend. LOL
  12. Does anyone here own or use a mini trampoline for exercise? I've had one for a few years and just love it! It seems easy on the joints and I can walk, run, do jumping jacks, dance and do all sorts of stuff on it. You can also purchase a bar that attaches so you can have more stability.
  13. I've dealt with sagging skin on my thighs by using a loofah scrub sponge in the shower to remove dead skin, increase circulation and re-generate new skin. Then immediately after showering, lots of moisturizer while the skin is still wet. It's a process, but it does help over time. Love the idea about the one piece. I'll have to try one of those myself. Thank you!
  14. I know that fibrous vegetables are not workable at all after surgery because they can become trapped in the stoma created during the installment of the lapband. Sweet potatoes, celery, asparagus, corn, dried fruit, oranges are some of those foods, as well as popcorn, fruits with seeds, tomatoes, sesame seeds. Did I miss anything?
  15. I agree that sodium could be a factor as lots of soups are high in sodium. Also, if your body is not getting much substantial food it might be going into fasting mode. Which means it will hold onto any potential energy sources it can to survive. I'm sure this will all change once your body adjusts. Hang in there, better days are coming.
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