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Posts posted by Songbird

  1. Thank you kaymcmillin,

    Yes, we all do have to make our own desisions. I am in the info gathering, pre-op but scheduled mode. My question regarding post-op and lifetime coumadin is more about how people did post surgery and any problems with the lap-band specific to having to take coumadin. Thank you for you imput. -- Tammy

    Thank you Cyndi,

    You are a sweetheart and funny too!!! I am glad to be a part of this family.... especially the getting smaller part!


  2. Thank you Kevin for your words of understanding, incouragement and support. I am going to follow your suggestion of starting the pre-op diet early. So, since I just made some turkey soup from my Thanksgiving bird, I will start the diet on Dec. 1st. That will give me 4 weeks instead of 2 weeks.

    I am not sure how this happened , but I am on the wrong forum site. My dr. is Dr. Kuri with a different clinic. I hope I am still welcome on this forum. I have addressed the coumadin question to my coordinator and will follow through with Dr. Kuri as well.

    Thank you again for your support.

    Tammy (Songbird)

  3. I am new to this forum and am very grateful for the posts that I have been reading. I am scheduled to have the surgery Jan. 3rd, but since my BMI is so high (58), I was told that I need to be on a low-carb liquid diet for 2 weeks before surgery to reduce the size of my liver. This, I understand, will make the procedure easier for the doctor and since the liver is easy to bleed, it will reduce the risk of a bleeding episode. I am in SERIOUS need of loosing weight but I am extremely concerned of bleeding or clotting. Anybody have any experience with this problem?

    Also, anyone post surgery have any comments regarding your experience with taking any meds? Did or do you have to change anything, like when you take them or how you take them? (ie. crushing, opening capsules, etc.)

    Thank you.

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