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Everything posted by tx40

  1. Arlene....I am so glad you asked this..I did not think I lost my 5 % and was so nervous that they would have an issue with this, but as it turned out...when I weighed there at the center..I did make the 5%...I really dont think they would have said anything...as long as you were close and at least followed pre-op diet. I am almost 4 weeks out now and doing GREAT...I am on soft foods which is so great..I have had virtually no problems...but I do have to say I followed the pre-op and post-op diets very strictly! I think that really makes a difference in healing and in your recovery time. I had no nausea, hardly any gas, no cramping, the only thing that was a bit uncomfortable was the incision sites..and that passed in about a week or so. I was a bit obsessed with scale at first and have since really tried to stay off the scale, only weighing about twice a week...I am 14 lbs down..as of this past MOnday...havent weighed since..I do really wish it was more but I am trying to be patient and know this is a process that the weight WILL come off....timing is just different for everyone...I am trying my best not to be discorraged....water is key also..which I am not too good at! Good luck and please keep me posted on progess...I will be more than happy to share any of my experiences, me being a newbie too!
  2. I do so agree with Ellemarie and you too enshallah2K, I am on day 10 post op of my Gastric plication done by Dr. Ortiz. I was soo nervous the last week..really re-thinking my decision but I knew deep down it was the best decision for me and didnt come without much careful thought and research. I didnt just jump to it..it was a long time coming. On my day 10 I feel great. From day 6 on was really back to normal on the feeling inside...that's how I explain it...there's the inside feeling (your stomach) and the outside (the incisions from the laprascopy)...so the outside takes longer to heal, in my view, and I am still a bit tender but everyday does get much better...its just those gettting out of the car, ect. those kinda stretching movement that make you sore. The inside has been great...I do have to say that I have followed the post op instructions exactly..which i think makes the difference! I am on creamy soups now for another 12 days..and creamy soups have never tasted so good. I will admit the scale is not my friend...its up, down all over the place, I did call OCC to see if this was normal and they said yes...everything is still swollen, so I decided to stop obsessing and only weigh 3 times a week, rather than 3 times a day...lol..so far down about 7 lbs in 10 days..so not complaining really...all in all, I am completly happy with my decision and I will keep on top of my adventure! take care Tracy
  3. Thank you everyone for your support...now 5 days out and back home in Texas. Everything I was nervous about worked out wonderfully. The staff at OCC was great..the facility was great, and TJ was so much better than I would have imagined...at least were we stayed. I do have to say, traveling from Texas, pre-op, and surgery all in the same day was alot...I am not sure I would have suggested that...but it gave me less time to worry, and more time recover. I have had no nausea, no very, very little gas, and no real discomfort. I have been so careful to follow instructions " to the T", so I think that has helped me. My incision sites seem to be the most discomfort but very bearable. I am holding back from jumping on the scale every 5 min, just because I know that there is still some swelling involved. So all in all, I am thrilled with decision, and everyday seems to be getting better. Thanks again everyone for your support and I can imagine that I will continue to be looking for support not just for the physical stuff, but the emotional too, which is just as powerful at times! thanks all~
  4. Thanks so much for those words of encourgement Donna....it really helps to hear someone who's been there and understands! I will keep updates on my progress....! Take care~
  5. Well...I am 2 days out until my scheduled Plication (Wed 10/12)...flying from Texas to SD, pre-op tests, and hopefully surgery all schedled for the same day..wheww! Long day! Now I am pretty nervous about the pre-op tests....will they go all ok?? 'will I pass the respiratory tests being asmatic?'....'I am not at my goal weight loss pre-op so will this effect possibly not having my surgery?'...all of these make me so nervous and anxious! Anyone have words of wisdom?? I have read other blogs and sometimes even question my surgical procedure (Plicaction vs. Sleeve)...but I guess all this second guessing is normal as I get closer to procedure? I am just so ready..there has been so much preparation, physically, emotionally....I am just so ready for the journey to begin!!
  6. Hey Beverly..I feel your pain..although I have not yet had my surgery (Oct 12th)...I am already worried about what will I turn to when I'm happy, sad, bored, whatever..if its no longer food...where am I am going to get that instant 'rush' to help sooth myself or to feel comfort..I would like to think oh maybe I'll become addicted to exercise...yea right!...not likely....but its really taking a moment to see why I need to be soothed? why do I need the rush? its more often than not..because I dont want to deal with whatever emotion at the time...its so easier said than done...I am just trying to stay connected with people that feel somewhat the same as myself or at least can relate....and just to take one day at a time...I've also gone to some OA meetings (Overeaters Anonymous)...althought it may not all apply to you..its a good place to find others dealing with the same issues. Hang in there!
  7. Thanks Donna...I will be having my plication on the 12th so we may miss each other...best wishes to you and thanks for the response!
  8. Well I am just about 2 weeks away from my plication....getting more and more nervous..mostly to get to my 5% weight loss....I am nervous about the breathing tests too since I am asthmatic...I have so many 'what if's", wonder if anyone else went through the same thing...being in the medical field I can think of everyhting that can go wrong....ignorance sometimes is bliss...lol Anyone have any words of wisdom???
  9. To Ellemarie, Thanks so much for your post..I am coming up on my surgery in a few weeks...getting very nervous..but aprart from the actual procedure and recovery..I guess I am nervous about having no one to 'chat' with others that are dealing with the issues in our heads. Apart from the physical change, the emotional changes that I expect will take place leave me a bit worried that I wont have a forum to read of what others are going through and to express what I'm feeling to those that understand. I appreciate you keeping up with your posts and look forward to reading some more of your journey.
  10. I am new to this forum..I am waiting on my surgery date..tentative for October..I am still in the consultation phase with the physicians. I am very nervous, yet excited..I am anxious to see if anyone else is schedule for October and how are they feeling at this point in the process. Thanks
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