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Posts posted by michaelsmith110

  1. Well another day and I feel SOOOO much better. It must be sleeping in my own bed, in my own house. I also started full liquids today which is a relief. I was able to drink a whole protein drink, a yogurt drink today and water. Doing much better. I'll check in later this week. :)

    It takes a few days and everyone adjust to surgery differently. Just stick to the diet and you will be good. I had trouble drinking water for some reason, so I was using G2 and Mio to help hydrate, in case you have troubles.

  2. So I'm checking in. It's been a while. Had my plication surgery on March 27. 6'1, I weighed 365 when I decided to do the surgery and 341 on surgery day. I weighed in today at 286.4. So it's been going well. I'm actually back to pre diabetic glucose levels and hope to get my fasting glucose under 100, which is non diabetic. My A1C is below 6, so that's great.

    Since that's the case I wanted to check in with a few questions.

    1) how do you tell if your stomach is stretched? I'm still feeling restriction and unable to eat a lot, but I'm definitely able to eat more than I was after a few weeks on solids. Is this normal or should I be feeling the same level of restriction? I just want to make sure I'm at the right levels.

    2) if a stomach does stretch or pouch or whatever is the bad one, is it possible to fix without surgery? I've heard you could do a liquid diet for a few weeks and get it to shrink back to earlier levels, but I'm not really sure if that's true.

    3). I seem to be able to drink more liquids lately. I try to avoid during meals, but outside of meals I'm drinking a decent amount, I think 96 oz or more. Will the liquids stretch the stomach a lot, or is it speed of consumption (I've heard that drinking tons of water is a trick competition eaters use to stretch the stomach)

    4). For those sleevers or plicationers, when you reached your goal weight how did you maintain? More for curiosity than anything else right now.


  3. No, you'll be fine! Don't even sweat those few pounds. You can drop that over night if you refrain from taking in salt or water.

    On a slightly other note, I"m really surprised they're still using the BMI at the OCC.







    Thanks! I'm with you on BMI. People have different body types and you can't really squeeze them all into one convenient group. I know people who weigh less than me but have a larger waist and just all around look far heavier. One of these people I outweighed by 60 lbs, yet no one would guess he weighed less.

  4. Has anyone gone to surgery a few pounds over the 45 BMI? I'm a little worried because I have my surgery scheduled for 3-27 and I'm still about 4-5 pounds shy of being under 45 BMI. I did lose 5% of my weight, just can't seem to get these last pounds to drop. Right now I'm at a 45.5 (in the morning with no clothes on) and I think I'll drop a little more before Tuesday, but I'm not sure I'll drop that much that fast when I've been sort of stalled here for the last week and a half. I really don't want to have to pay an additional amount on top of the surgery fee when I am so close to the mark anyway.

    SO anyone been in a similar situation and if so what happened? Any advice on killing these last pounds... I'm only eating 800 cals a day and drinking 8 glasses of water, so I'm kind of flummoxed right now.

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