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Posts posted by Donna34

  1. I wanted so badly to have my first fill at OCC with Dr. Romero, but since it is the high season for flying anywhere, then I just couldn't afford to go for my first fill. Hopefully the second or third, if I need it. Right now I have an appt. with a local fill doctor who takes Mexico patients and she charges $180 for first fills and $165 after that. She doesn't have flouro, but is highly recommended by Dr. Ortiz as a local aftercare and fill doctor. That makes me feel good, but then without flouro on the first fill makes me really nervous.

    Have a great week all!


    Hi Judy,

    Yeah, same here. I REALLY wanted to go back to TJ for at least my first fill, but that just wasn't possible. Since we just moved to Iowa, I don't have any family nearby to keep my kiddos, and my hubby has been really busy, and has also taken a lot of time off, since he went with me to TJ the first time.

    $180/$165 is a good price! I'm sure you'll be fine. My cousin has had all her fills done without fluoro. She's only had 2 unfills, one was due to surgery (gall bladder), and the other is because she doesn't want to lose anymore weight! Her surgeon does her fills. I'd just make sure the lady has done plenty of them! Experience is the BEST thing to go by! And I'd think you'd be in good hands since Dr. Ortiz referred you to her! I'm not telling anyone that a fill without fluoro is unsucessful. I just like seeing what's going on in there! ;)


  2. If there's anyone out there who is concerned about this procedure--don't be. Dr. Ortiz and his gang are the best-of-the-best. No other testiment to that other than to go there personally--view the facility and staff and if you're so lucky, an interview with him. (Personally, that sold me!). Professionalism at its best is what I call it. I couldn't be HAPPIER with this procedure. I was not always heavy, so maybe my results have come simplier than for others. But not only have I lost 25 pounds in 2 months by hardly trying, mind you (and still going strong), but I have no more back problems. This amazes me. I never thought weight could do that to ME--I'm healthy. It creeps up on you, though. I just turned 43 and am newly divorced after 13 years, so this was my treat to myself and most definitely the best thing of this whole damn ordeal (if you've ever been divorced with child, you'd understand!). I'm ready now for my breast lift and reduction, as this is the only part of my body left that looks out-of-wack. My father is a doctor is the US. He begged me not to go to 'Mexico.' I did my research-- a lot! I told him "Dr. Ortiz is the best, Dad." He said, "Please--I will pay the FULL amount," (which is nearly double, by the way) "if you get it done in the US." I had been controlled by my husband for nearly 13 years and said emphatically, "NO! I'm going to Dr. Ortiz--he's the best--can you watch my kid for me while I'm there!" I'm back now, and he's LISTENING now. He knows he didn't raise 'no' dummie! GO FOR IT. THAT'S WHAT I SAY. THAT'S THE FACT. YOU SNOOZE....I LOSE!!!

    I'm glad you had a great experience! GOOD FOR YOU, for sticking to your guns! I'm thoroughly convinced that Dr. Ortiz is one of the best lap band surgeons out there!

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. I have had to have an unfill after both of my fills, the first one was done in Tampa (Fill Centers) - I don't know how it was going to cost $700 it was no where near that for me and I paid for Fluoro - Tampa does not use the fluoro they way I expected and it was basically a blind stick, I was filled on a Friday and back on Monday for an unfill. The next fill I had was in St. Pete (also Fill Centers). They were great, used fluoro and barium and exactly one month later I was back for an unfill. She thought that I had some irritation or inflamation from something I ate. The good part about it was neither of them charged for the unfill. On the second one I was very nervous because it had been so long so she checked it with the fluoro to be sure everything was in place. I fully expected to pay for at least the use of the fluoro but they said they never wanted to see anyone hesitate to come in for an unfill and be uncomfortable or jeapardize their band due to financial issues. Anyone who is using Fill Centers in Florida I would highly recommend the location in St. Petersburg, they are really awesome there.

    Check out FILL CENTERS USA for price in Farmington, MO, and you will see how it can be nearly 700 dollars. Every fill center is different. It just so happens that the fill centers near me are HIGH. I wanted fluoro, and with fluoro, plus my first consultation it was going to cost 694 dollars for my first fill. So, if you think I'm lying, contact them. Maybe fill centers are cheaper in other locations, but this was my experience with them.

    And, I never said that using fluoro was fool proof. I just prefer it. Dr. Ortiz also highly suggests it. He told me to NEVER have a fill using a blind stick, and I wouldn't.


  4. Becky,

    Take it for what it's worth...

    Not very much! LOL :o

    My suggestions...First TRY to find a doctor in your area that does lap band fills for MX banded patients. Fill Centers are EXTREMELY high! It was going to cost me 700 dollars for my FIRST FILL! But, I was going to do it until... I started calling ALL lap band surgeons in my area, and asking if they would do it. FINALLY, a lap band doc in Chicago said he would do it for me. He uses fluoro, and only charges 150 dollars! And he is GREAT! I'm so glad I found him!

    Second suggestion...make SURE they use FLUORO. It makes a WORLD of difference. You can see it ALL, the port, the band, everything! It felt really funny, because I could SEE what I was feeling at the same time. Even when he put in 2cc's, and I nearly threw up! LOL As I drank barium, he timed how long it took to pass through the band, while adding and subtracting saline. He asked a lot about how I felt, was I comfortable etc. He had me to drink several drinks of water before I left too. My fill was perfect!

    Then after all the air seeped out (this is normal after the first fill) I was loose again. That's where I'm at now. I need another fill. But he told me, I would probably need to come back in 3-4 weeks, and that was right on! So hopefully my next fill will be right on the money!


  5. Becky,

    NoWorry is exactly RIGHT! It is important to GET an unfill if needed, but it's not something that happens that often, at least that's been most of what I have read, and heard.

    My suggestions...First TRY to find a doctor in your area that does lap band fills for MX banded patients. Fill Centers are EXTREMELY high! It was going to cost me 700 dollars for my FIRST FILL! I started calling ALL lap band surgeons in my area, and asking if they would do it. FINALLY, a lap band doc in Chicago said he would do it for me. He uses fluoro, and only charges 150 dollars! And he is GREAT! I'm so glad I found him!

    Second suggestion...make SURE they use FLUORO. It makes a WORLD of difference. You can see it ALL, the port, the band, everything! It felt really funny, because I could SEE what I was feeling at the same time. Even when he put in 2cc's, and I nearly threw up! LOL As I drank barium, he timed how long it took to pass through the band, while adding and subtracting saline. He asked a lot about how I felt, was I comfortable etc. He had me to drink several drinks of water before I left too. My fill was perfect!

    Then after all the air seeped out (this is normal) I was loose again. That's where I'm at now. I need another fill. But he told me, I would probably need to come back in 3-4 weeks, and that was right on! So hopefully my next fill will be right on the money!


  6. Last night I had SEVERE pain under my left breast. It was a sharp stabbing pain. The doctor seems to think it's gas.

    I've been walking alot and it has calmed down (a bit)

    I would love some tips about how to relieve this kind of pain and what I can do so that it never happens again!!

    Oh... and what does BPing mean?? I've seen a few posts where that term was mentioned.

    Thanks everyone!!

    I had the same thing. It's most likely gas. Get some gasX strips, or some gas pills. Some people have gas pains as far as 2 weeks out from surgery. If it persists, and the gas pills don't work, see a doctor!

    PB'ing (also known as productive burping) usually happens if you overeat, or get something stuck. You will feel a VERY uncomfortable feeling in your chest, much like a golf ball getting stuck, and then you will start producing a LOT of saliva. Then you will most likely throw up the contents in your pouch.

    If I get something stuck, I usually walk a lot, and go to the bathroom, and SPIT a LOT, and I soon start to feel better. I haven't PB'ed yet, but have come VERY close.

    I bumped up a previous discussion about this, so you can read more.

    Welcome aboard!


  7. Dr. Miranda instructs four pounds of salad! Is anyone eating four pounds of salad? I asked her if she meant 4 CUPS. She said no, 4 POUNDS! I buy spring greens at Costco in the one pound box and it's HUGE.

    4 POUNDS???? HOLY COW! Is that per day, or per week, or per month??? LOL I eat a LOT of salad, but I don't think I could eat 4 lbs a DAY. :o


  8. Donna,

    Thanks for your feedback about burping and spitting, especially as glamorous as you look. I consider myself somewhat glamorous, and, since the LapBand, I burp like a man, too (and spit and hiccup)! It was HUGELY embarrassing at first, but I've come to terms with it. Now I can even laugh about it. I finally got peace about it when I decided that I would trade the embarrassment of blubber for the embarrassment of burping any 'ole day! Rachelle

    Awww that's so sweet! "Glamorous" I don't believe I have ever been called that! LOL My hubby kinda looks at me funny when I have to let one of those scary burps out. I just tell him, "If you were hurting like this, you'd be HAPPY to burp too!" He generally backs off pretty quickly. I guess I look pretty scary to him, and with the man burps and all, he may even think I'm gonna kick his butt! :ph34r: LOL

    Nah, it doesn't bother me anymore either. I'd MUCH rather be a skinny burper, than a fatty! LOL


  9. Teri, I admire your patience! :) I've been bouncing up and down with 2 pounds this past week, and it's REALLY TICKING ME OFF!! LOL But, I know I need another fill. I think it is a lot trickier for women as far as fills are concerned. We have to deal with the dreaded TOM. I have to say, that I DEFINITELY notice a HUGE difference then. I get so tight, I can scarcely eat ANYTHING, but after it's over, Katie bar the door!

    As far as tightness in the AM. I would think that your stomach, being an organ much like any other in the human body, probably retains water like any other. How many of you can say when you wake up in the AM, that your hands/feet/ankles feel swollen, or just a bit "tighter" due to a retention of water overnight? I can certainly say that my hands DEFINITELY are different in the AM. Ever tried to write something neatly after waking up? Hard for me to do. I can only think that your stomach in fact swells to an extent, just like any other part of the body, so in the AM you have more restriction, because the stoma would be smaller due to the swelling. When it wakes up, things tend to go down easier. Thus being the reason for the change in restriction throughout the day.

    That's just my theory....

    If the stomach swells/retains fluid during that time of the month, why wouldn't it also do the same overnight?

    Donna :-?

  10. My fill is at 2.70 and cheese goes down great. Chicken is okay as long as it's very moist and I chew to goo. Pancakes I cannot eat. You might be able to eat pancakes if you make them soggy enough with syrup. Breads have become too uncomfortable for me to eat. I have no desire to even try them anymore. It took a lot of failed attempts at eating bread for me to finally decide it's not worth it. After I eat any form of bread, my mouth get's full of saliva until I have to stand over a toilet just to let the saliva spill out of my mouth. It's as if my body is preparing to vomit, but it never does. Then I burp and hiccup a few time and it's over. Pretty disgusting. It definitely can put a kink in social eating. Not a good idea. Rachelle


    That is definitley ME too! I do the same thing, stand over the toilet spitting like some kind of rabbid dog! I have never thrown up, or PB'ed though. Then after maybe 10 minutes or so (seems like forever) I finally start burping, like a MAN that has just guzzled down a 6 pack. Then I feel better. Strange huh?

    No, I can't tolerate pancakes. A few bites, and I get that golf ball feeling in my chest, and off to the toilet I go, to spit awhile!


  11. Oh, Judy!

    Hon, you would have KNOWN beyond a shadow of a doubt if you were going to PB. You would have felt it instantly. It would kinda feel like a golf ball in a garden hose!! Your stoma being the garden hose. If you don't feel pain, then most likely everything is going on down! Try not to panic! This is easier than you think!


    Thanks for sharing that article. That was very interesting! I never thougt about the body's reaction to chewing and spitting!


  12. Don't start mourning those foods just yet! Everyone is different. I was very tight after my recent fill. We went to the theatre the next day, and I thoroughly enjoyed my popcorn! It may be different for others, but I have no trouble with popcorn at ALL. Same goes with potato chips, so I have to make sure I don't BUY them! I feel like I can treat myself to popcorn on occassion at the movies, and all will be OK. Now, after my next couple of fills, I may be singing a different tune, but as for now, popcorn, and most of the other things you mentioned still go down FINE! :)


  13. Yes, I have to agree here. It was nice, it wasn't elaborate. Certainly wasn't the Opryland Hotel. I have traveled A LOT, even though I haven't flown, and we have stayed at countless resorts, in over 24 states and had some of the most luxurious accommodations. I would say the Lucerna is a normal nice Hotel. It's benefits are the restaurant, so you don't have to leave the hotel to eat, the pool is nice, and it's pretty. Not glamorous, but pretty. I thought the Italian Restaurant, was very good, atleast my selection on that particular day was. Of course this too, was after FASTING, so a rubber tire, may have been as delicious! LOL

    The fact is, if you are going to TJ, you are not LOOKING for the most fabulous accommodations, or atleast I wasn't. Most people are going here for the price. So, if you want something, more elaborate, and fancy, I guess you will have to go elsewhere, and pay the higher price. :)


  14. I would think you'd be OK with a salad. I have never had any trouble with salads. However, if you are anything like me, you probably want to try something REALLY solid, just to see if you have ANY restriction. The thing I found to be the ABSOLUTE hardest, was eating without a DRINK. I couldn't do it. Now that I've got my first fill, I'm OK with it, but it's REALLY hard to quit "cold turkey!"

    Maybe for your first meal try some solid veggies,(something like Chinese broccolli chicken w/garlic sauce, or some stir-fry veggies) and if that goes down OK, you might ease into the chicken. Usually that type of chicken (chinese) has a lot of sauce, so that could help it go down better. If you feel like you will be OK with chicken, try it. Everyone is different.

    It's so hard to help someone with their first meal, everyone's tastes are so unique. Chances are, no matter WHAT anyones suggests, you will likely chose something entirely different when the time comes! Enjoy it, don't stress over it, and CHEW like a MADWOMAN! LOL

    Donna ;)

  15. Hi Donna,

    Thanks for your words of encouargement. Believe it or not, it really does help. I am 5'2'' and at 185 I was chubby and felt everybit of it. Having extra weight on you is pretty much all relative to an individuals way of thinking. I felt fat, big, yucky, harder to breathe, all the time. I hated being heavy and that feeling. I also had back surgery 7 years ago, and the extra weight is awful to deal with, with back problems. Up and down and up and down with weight. I felt having the surgery was my only solution to a growing problem, no pun intended. heheh.

    Anyway, I am so happy for you and it sounds like you are well on your way to a lighter and happier you!!!


    I know what you mean! I look back at the days when I was maybe 10-15 pounds overweight, and though I'd LOVE to be that size now...I was miserable THEN. Self image is one of the BIGGEST factors in our emotions, and how we FEEL in general. I feel lousy with this extra weight, and it's AMAZING how much better you feel after just a 10-20 pound loss. I got tired of watching my kids play, instead of joining in. I refused to let it go on any longer!

    It may take awhile, but we'll get there!

    Donna :)


    LOL, I know what you mean! My hubby asked me why I kept going up and down the stairs in our house, and I said, "I'm TRYING to get this food Down!" Of course it certainly doesn't help for them to put their two cents in, when something like that happens! He said, "you need to quit eating so fast." EATING FAST???? I was ready to strangle HIM so he could experience what I was FEELING!! LOL :angry:


  17. Hello Donna, this is Beth aka the iowagal. I live in a small town just west of Waterloo. Its good to hear from someone around the midwest. Had my sugery on May21st. I'm doing well.. Haven't had any problems. It would be fun to meet sometime. When did you have your surgery? I'm going for my first fill July 10th.

    You can email me at claussen@mchsi.com


    Hi Beth!

    I've heard of Waterloo. I'm thinking it's about 90 miles from me. I'm not sure. I live in West Branch, just east of Iowa City. When we moved here, and I saw all the college chicks, and jocks jogging ALL OVER the place,(all 40,000 I think!) I thought, OMGosh! I'm the fattest person in IOWA!! LOL This has GOT to be the healthiest state on the planet. People ride bikes, walk, or jog everywhere. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING is based on health, and fitness. That's a GOOD thing, but I'll be glad when I get some of the weight off, so I won't be embarrassed to get out there! LOL

    I had checked into a fill doctor in Waterloo, that does fills for MX patients. Dr. Glascock? But, I decided on a doctor in Chicago, and I wasn't dissappointed. He did a GREAT job. If you're ever interested, I'll give you his info.

    I had my surgery on April 3 of this year, so I'm still a newbie myself. I got my FIRST fill last Friday, and it was GREAT. I definitely have restriction now. I'm eating 1/3 or less of what I normally ate, so it IS working.

    Nice to meet you! Oh, there are several other Iowans on here to! Dolittle, NinnyEd, kellie, me, and I KNOW I'm leaving some out...I'll let you know later! :-? LOL Talk to you soon!



    LOL...you did better than me! I started with mashed potatoes, and gravy, and ended up eating two small slices of pizza to top it off. Funny thing was, I chewed it so many times, my jaw was too tired to chew anything else the rest of the day. So, I still lost weight! :D

    I would avoid CHICKEN or steak, at all cost! I've talked to so many people who have had trouble with chicken, and have had a few stuck experiences myself. Other than that, I think it really doesn't matter. If you have stayed on your liquid diet the entire time, you should be OK. Just WHATEVER you eat, chew it, and chew it, and when you think you have chewed it enough, chew it some more! LOL


  19. BSN...

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Of all the doctors I researched, and believe me I DID A LOT, it just seemed that Dr. Ortiz came out on top EVERY time. I felt that I had such a good experience, I just want to help others feel that same amazing feeling, of knowing they chose one of the best surgeons possible. Could there be room for improvement in the process? Probably, but that can be said of all of the clinics/hospitals out there.

    I was given all kinds of information before surgery, through e-mails, and paperwork, that described every step of the process. I felt comfortable and at ease the entire time. Other people may go there, and maybe NOT feel so at ease, but I think that is probably a rare occurrence. I had never even been on a PLANE, let alone been out of the country before I went there, so maybe my experience was a little more thrilling than most. All in all, I feel I got the best care I could have received, and when I got to see my band, and port, and how everything was working last Friday, I felt even better!


  20. Hey there Judy!

    I take Wellbutrin SR. It says specifically not to chew or crush since it is a sustained release formula. I take it twice a day, and it makes me nervous EVERYTIME. It's not a small pill. So far, I guess it has been OK. They told me at the OCC that it would be fine to continue it. I also take a Trazadone at bedtime, but it's not very big, so I don't worry about it.

    I live just a little east of, Iowa City. We just moved here 6 months ago actually. I was born and raised in Tennessee. My hubby is a manager for Procter & Gamble, so we transferred to Iowa, for one assignment. Probably go back to TN after it's over. My kids are small, so I'd like to get this moving stuff over with while they are little. Plus, all my family and friends are in TN, so I miss them. It's a good 9-10 hour drive from here.

    I noticed there was an Iowagal on here. I'd like to meet her. Maybe we could get together, and walk, or something. Talk to you soon!


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