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Everything posted by Chase

  1. Hey guys, Thanks so much for all your support. I'm very seriously thinking about the sergury, but like before I am somewhat hesitant about it. Thanks for all the info and resources and kind words, they are all very much appreciated. For some reason the site won't let me post any photos otherwise I would . For those of you that said you are "Parents of a Bander" can you please provide me with an email to contact them...I would like to talk a young adult/teen about their sergury. Thx so much for all your advice! -Chase
  2. I am thinking about having the lap band surgery done but I just wanted to know what others thought about it. I have typed up my "Battle with Obesity" story to post on this board so that you could read it. Please read it and tell me what you think. I'm scared of the surgery but at the same time afraid for my life. This may be my only chance... Hi, my name is Chase, I'm 16 years old, and I weigh 275 lbs. All my life I have been overweight but it was not until the past few months did I really begin to look at myself and see that I was headed no where, and fast! My passion in life is music and theatre. I have always loved singing and acting and I had decided early on that music and theatre was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I have recently performed with several regional and non-union theatres close to my hometown, but I have yet to get my
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