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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Age - 33 Height - 5' 7" Weight - 250lbs (114 kilos) Sex - never because I am 5'7" and 250 lbs. :-? Male I have been overweight most of my life and have dieted with success in the past. Three years ago I was down to 178lbs, but to get there I essentially had to starve myself and exercise constantly. Long story short all the weight came back and then some. In my professional life I am doing well, but in my personal life I am not. At work it does not matter what I look like because I am good at what I do, but in my private life I am disgusted with how I look and all I see when I look at myself is a worthless fat blob. My question is did any of you undergo this procedure for self image reasons or psychological reasons more than purely medical reasons? Did it work for you? Was it suggested by a psychologist? Am I proceeding down the right path? Do not get me wrong I meet the medical criteria for the procedure, but I can not say my reason are purely medical for wanting the precedure. My insurance will pay for it 100% My plan is to consult with my doctor and my psychologist to discuss the lap banding procedure.
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