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  1. Hi BSN, I too was following your story with great interest as I was having the frequent sliming/PBing episodes. It was REALLY embarrassing at times. When I read your posts, I wondered if I too might have a "partial slip," and Dr. Ortiz told me to come in for another fluoroscopy and barium swallow. Now, everything is MUCH better, and I didn't even have to go back to TJ to see Dr. Ortiz. This is what I have learned through trial and error. I know that my band is really finicky in the morning and I have to test it out first very gingerly. Also, I know to try not to eat meals with my kids (8 year-old twins) if at all possible. The stress of monitoring their eating and playing waitress to them is just too stressful for me. I do best if I eat by myself. I also learned not to eat on the run, or when I'm in a hurry to leave. If I'm tense, the band gets too tight. Also, after a really bad PBing episode, it may take quite a few hours to really calm down, and for the stomach irritation to subside. For me, it is back to liquids for the meal that wouldn't go down, then the next meal is usually OK. I also learned that if I take an afternoon nap (I just got over the flu), then the first meal after waking up is just like the morning....BEWARE! I've also discovered that either coffee or Advil shrink the stomach tissues and they both open up the band. It is kind of like emergency medicine, but I rarely resort to either one of them any more. Anyhow, I too thought at various times that I wanted the band off for the same reasons you did. Now I feel completely differently since I learned not to eat when tense. I hope you have a good outcome too! Keep us posted. Karina
  2. To BSN: Hi--- I was following your earlier posts about the persistent problems with swelling and PBing. You mentioned that Dr. Ortiz in TJ was going to do a special barium swallow to determine if the problem was a "partial slipped band," which I have never heard of before. I am having similar problems to you, but not as severe. I am just curious what your conclusion/resolution was, if any. Dr. Ortiz was my surgeon (banded Dec 14, 06), and he wants me to come back for another barium fluoroscopy to see what the problem is. I was so glad to hear how caring and concerned he was with your problem. However my problem is more intermittent, and some meals I can do just fine......and others, well you know the story. Karina
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