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Posts posted by Brianne79

  1. I don't really have any advice. I was banded June 2nd.

    So far it hasn't been too bad... . I'm just anxious for my first fill because I am hungry all the time right now.

    I also didn't tell many people. The only people who know are my parents, sister and husband. I have my reasons for not wanting people to know and I'm sure you have yours.

    Congrats on taking the plunge... I'm so excited for this journey. I can't wait to buy new (smaller!!) clothes!!

  2. My Grampa died a few days ago and I've been eating real food! (emotional eating!!)

    (I was banded 2 weeks ago)

    I've had a slice of pizza, sandwiches, salad etc etc (I am feeling absolutely no restriction)

    I am so worried now and so scared to tell my Doctor that I was bad.

    I'm scared that my band might have slipped (would I be able to tell if it has)

    Please help!!

  3. I'm also a new kid and was banded on June 2nd.

    I also asked the same question.... what is PBing or BPing or whatever

    The only people that I told about the surgery are my parents, sister and husband. I want people around me to be supportive of my weight loss and unfortunately weight loss surgery still has a stigma about it.

    As for all of my friends and extended family... they think I'm recovering from a hernia operation

    Good luck with your surgery!

    I've been floating around this message board for a while and there are great people around here with great advice!

  4. Last night I had SEVERE pain under my left breast. It was a sharp stabbing pain. The doctor seems to think it's gas.

    I've been walking alot and it has calmed down (a bit)

    I would love some tips about how to relieve this kind of pain and what I can do so that it never happens again!!

    Oh... and what does BPing mean?? I've seen a few posts where that term was mentioned.

    Thanks everyone!!

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