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Everything posted by Brianne79

  1. I don't really have any advice. I was banded June 2nd. So far it hasn't been too bad... . I'm just anxious for my first fill because I am hungry all the time right now. I also didn't tell many people. The only people who know are my parents, sister and husband. I have my reasons for not wanting people to know and I'm sure you have yours. Congrats on taking the plunge... I'm so excited for this journey. I can't wait to buy new (smaller!!) clothes!!
  2. Thanks everyone. I've been doing better in the last day or so. I'm back to the post op diet and I'm walking alot to get my mind off of food. I didn't realize how much of an emotional eater I was until facing my Grandpa's death.
  3. My Grampa died a few days ago and I've been eating real food! (emotional eating!!) (I was banded 2 weeks ago) I've had a slice of pizza, sandwiches, salad etc etc (I am feeling absolutely no restriction) I am so worried now and so scared to tell my Doctor that I was bad. I'm scared that my band might have slipped (would I be able to tell if it has) Please help!!
  4. I'm also a secret lap bander! The only people who know are my husband, parents and sister. I want people to be happy that I'm losing weight without them feeling like I took the easy way out. (although being 1 week post OP I'm wondering if this is going to be easy at all)
  5. Thanks for bumping the thread! I've wondered for a while what this means.
  6. I was banded on June 2nd! Today is supposed to be my first day on a FULL fluid diet instead of the clear diet but I am so scared to try something new!!
  7. I'm also a new kid and was banded on June 2nd. I also asked the same question.... what is PBing or BPing or whatever The only people that I told about the surgery are my parents, sister and husband. I want people around me to be supportive of my weight loss and unfortunately weight loss surgery still has a stigma about it. As for all of my friends and extended family... they think I'm recovering from a hernia operation Good luck with your surgery! I've been floating around this message board for a while and there are great people around here with great advice!
  8. Last night I had SEVERE pain under my left breast. It was a sharp stabbing pain. The doctor seems to think it's gas. I've been walking alot and it has calmed down (a bit) I would love some tips about how to relieve this kind of pain and what I can do so that it never happens again!! Oh... and what does BPing mean?? I've seen a few posts where that term was mentioned. Thanks everyone!!
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