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Everything posted by Em6446

  1. With all due respect, I think you answered your own question when you said why bother with lap banding, and then admitted that you have difficulties with your portion control. If was a easy as one day saying, "well today's the day I am going to control my portions and not overeat", they wouldn't need any of these weight loss surgeries. I think the reason most people get this surgery is because it completely forces you to eat properly - or you will suffer with the consequences. From the sounds of it, you won't have a choice but to eat better and smaller portions....unless you like PBing and feeling awful. I wish you the best of luck in your decision. I also have struggled with my weight since having 3 children. I've been researching having the surgery as well. Still haven't decided if its for me, but leaning towards not getting it. Also my question to anyone else who has had the surgery in TJ - the cost of the surgery is $8,500, but what is the cost of your airfare and travel to the closest fill location? How much is it per fill? I would think anyone considering the surgery should take that into consideration as well. For me personally, I am in Ohio and would have to drive to Pennsylvania to get a fill - not really economical for me if I wanted to have the TJ surgery.
  2. Donna, When I say that I don't define myself by my weight, that means that I don't let it control me. I don't walk around feeling sorry for myself because I am fat. Or letting others make me feel like I am anything less than what I am because I am overweight. I am "bothered" by being overweight, however I still think I am beautiful, sexy and a great person. I mean seriously who likes to be fat? However, there are no psychological issues here. I am just at a point in my life now that I can work a little harder at making the tough decisions to try to get down and stay down. And, I also thought it would be nice to get back down to my weight before I had three children. It scares me a little to see my father overweight and struggling with diabetes. So I thought that while I am young and healthy, except for the weight I have no other issues, I would try to lose and get back to my pre-babies weight. However, it has not been as easy as I thought because my metabolism has changed as I have gotten older and I definately have had less time to workout. I am 100 pounds overweight and my BMI is 40, so before something does start falling apart I thought I would look into the LB to see if it would help me get back on track and stay there.
  3. Thank you "Clynn" for your candor. It just seems to be a lot of negative and I am quite nervous about not being able to eat normally. Well...obviously not "normally" in the true sense of the word b/c that is why I am overweight, but to eat some normal foods - because I love chicken. That seemed to be the one that a lot of people mentioned having problems with. I am still doing a lot of research and your comments helped. Thank you.
  4. I have been reading these posts off and on for a few weeks. Contemplating getting the surgery. I have no problem changing my diet, but I'm not sure I want to go back to eating baby food. It just sounds like it is extreme, you can't eat chicken, you have to chew your food until it is unrecognizable, you can't drink before or after you eat, gas, burping. What I would like to know is... is all of that worth it? I have never defined myself by how much I weigh, and I am only considering this surgery because it seems like I could exercise until I fall over and I can't seem to lose. I don't overeat, I just typically eat the wrong food for my metabolism and due to my schedule..late at night. Anyone that has had this for over a year.........is it worth it?
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