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About Singer

  • Birthday 03/24/1960

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  • Location
    Portland, OR
  • Interests
    Mobile DJ. Vocalist.

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Member (2/4)



  1. What a great message - thank you Mikey for taking the time - I haven't been on the forum for SO long. I was banded in July 2007 and also had a wonderful experience with Dr. Ortiz - he thought it was interesting that I was a vocalist and actually sang to me as I went under - and it was good ! I have had my struggles with fills too - one of the issues for me has been medications - specifically anti-inflammatories - anyone else find this? When I take them I got unusual restriction - to the painful point...and I've had to take some prednisone - that was bad - had to go get an unfill...anyway I am med free now, will go get adjustment in 2 weeks I think. Hope to find that sweet spot once again. You are so right, as are the folks that have replied - this was no magic bullet - but has been a great tool - using it in the most effective manner is a daily, per meal issue. Once I had my unfill I put on about 5 pounds - it's funny because I could feel it right away. Before, 5 pounds was like 'whatever'.... I don't use a scale anymore - ever - as I have found that numbers will drive my mood and that has not been mentally healthy for me...so I'm size and comfort aware and that is working. I started a size 20 and now am in 14's. I know I will never be that slim person I once was - but that's okay - I just want to be healthier and am moving in that direction. Anyway, your post was just what I needed - being unfilled for a while has let me slip into some old habits - I recall so well that sweet spot ! Singer
  2. It's been a little over 8 weeks since my Lapband Surgery. I researched the Lapband option for several months before I made the decision to go with Dr. Ortiz. It was a decision in will NEVER regret. My entire experience was great. The pre-op diet was a little tough, but the thought of the upcoming procedure kept me motivated. It was a long six weeks until my first fill. Initially the post surgical swelling restricted my eating, as well, I kept to the post-op diet of liquids, soft foods etc. It was challenging as there were periods when I was hungry, although I found that a cup of soup at hand made it managable. As the six week period drew to a close I began to feel "normal" and was anxious to get the fill. I had stopped losing weight although I didn't gain. I think the 5th week as was worst, feeling able to eat most anything, and worried that I would not lose weight going forward. However… My fill went very well, no pain and a very interesting experience. My doc put me on a liquid B Complex, made sure I could drink water okay and off I went !! I was on a liquid diet for a day, then soft foods, then "regular" foods with the admonisions to CHEW - CHEW - CHEW. I was somewhat hesitant to try a solid, and started off with a very tender chicken - no problems and could only have a small amount. Tummy would growl, but I had no desire to eat more. As the days past I tried various other foods…I haven't found a food I can't eat yet - seems to be more a matter of EATING TOO FAST and/or not CHEWING enough. Yes, I have PB'd once. Ouch, Yikes, and never want to do that again. Getting food stuck hurts! My issue at this point is the first eating of the day - unless it is liquid, I always feel a little "stuck" - I have a few mintues of attention getting pain - I walk and it's over. I think I'm still taking bites that are too big, not chewing enough and eating too fast. I have read about drinking a hot tea to "open the band" - I am going to try that today. I've also gone to using child size spoons and forks, it's harder to get a big bite with those. Overall, I'm down 25 pounds in 8 weeks. I am very pleased with that !! No regrets, just looking forward to making new behaviors and better choices a daily habit. Although I already "knew" that this was a tool and not the magic bullet, I still have to remind myself to eat right, the old habits of eating for entertainment, comfort, boredom still remain - and yes, you can eat around the band (sometimes). So, I still am working on eating healthy - but overall this has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. Singer
  3. Hi Candy, yes, I'm home and glad of it! The whole procedure went well of course, although Dr. Martinez was so dreamy I had a hard time concentrating on what he was saying - LOL. I asked Dr. Ortiz if I would be okay to perform this coming Saturday and he said he was a "singer" too - then he burst out into a song in Spanish - I was already loopy pre-surgery and don't recall really "seeing" him, but I can still hear his voice - it was amazing. Anyway, the trip home kicked my behind, but other than that no problems. I too am swollen, the port site being the only place I have discomfort. Liquids are fine by me - my tummy is growling but I have no desire to eat. Wow, what a concept. Talk to you soon, Karin
  4. Candy - you must be SO excited - do you leave tomorrow ? Please do come look me up before you are discharged, we will want/need to stay in touch. I have looked forward to and appreciated the conversation with you - I'm stuck now on the pre-op too - going between 10 and 11 - 10 and 11 - just like all the other diets. However, I leave Thursday so I'm getting close too - I'm so thankful there is this new tool to end the cycle. YAHOO ! See ya in Mexico Girl !! Karin
  5. Yes - Yes- YES ! We are days away...look for me - Karin Gannon (Singer). 47 y/o redish med length hair, 5'4" 220...Red Flower Tattoo on calf, left side - can't miss that. Doing well on the pre-op diet, down 11 lbs. I am also thinking it would be smart to go shopping now for the first week liquid diet stuff to have on hand when we get home. I do want to meet all of you and since I am the last one to be banded I will look you all up. Will anyone be at the Hotel Saturday afternoon - evening? I will be released from OCC Saturday and hope to (!) hang out at the pool for a while.
  6. I will be flying in 7/26 and doing pre-op - is the 26th your banding date? I will be banded the 27th - we should be in OCC at the same time - how long are you at the hotel? I'm out of OCC and back to the hotel the 28th. I'd love to meet up ! Have you noticed that some of the folks that get banded around the same time have fills together - and stay in touch - that's really great. I'm doing well on pre-op, lucky that I can work from home so I don't have the donut/mini-snicker bars to contend with all day - the'pre-ops not easy but every day that goes by we are getting closer to our banding! YAHOO! We are in the final countdown - I'm starting to think about what I'l packing - making a list, etc. Will you be with anyone ?
  7. Hi Hopeful1 - I'm sched for banding 7/27 so will be in the OCC when you arrive, probably on your pre-op date. Sounds like you will go in the day I get out - so close ! Anyway, maybe we will meet up - hope all is going well with your pre-op diet - a little tough sometimes, but well worth it !
  8. =D> Excellent - thanks for the reply. I'm sched for 7/27 and getting more excited by the day !
  9. Does anyone know if the band is stitched once it is placed? Of course watching TV - seeing Lapband procedure and MD's stitch in place.... is that done at OCC?
  10. Hi there - I was wondering how you are - I'm in 7/27 - now on the pre-op too. Yikes, it's tough but getting easier for me after the first fews days. I've been shopping alot - just to be out of the house ! LOL. I'm getting nervous too, but more on the excited side. Write back ! Singer.
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