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Posts posted by LaurenLeigh

  1. Woah, whole lotta energy there! Everyone's nervous about that first bite and it's still almost two weeks away for you. Liquids shouldn't give you any problems whatsoever so long as you are adhering to the post-op diet. Just take it slow and easy as you go back onto solids. I started out with fish as it is soft and comes apart easily. You'll be fine and if a slip does happen, you will KNOW.


    I'm just kinda freaked out about having a foreign object in my belly, I think. I had some really hard hiccups last night and then I felt kind of sore all night because of them. Can hiccups make the band slip?

    I'm just a super stressed out person, and I use to deal with it by eating, but I guess now I'll have to find another way. When I can start exercising, I'll probably use that to deal with all this stress. In the meantime, I'll just be obsessing away about this band. I just look forward to not being able to feel it in there like I can now.


  2. Okay, this may sound totally lame, but I am REALLY nervous about solid food. I still have 13 days on liquids (but who's counting) and I'm freaking out! I'm so nervous about the band moving, even as I drink my liquids, I'm constantly thinking, "Was that too big a sip? Did the band just move?" I know, I am a total neurotic freak. Lol. I really WANT solid food, I made tacos for my hubby and kids and I wanted one so bad that it almost killed me, but I am terrified! I didn't appreciate how wonderful food SMELLED until I couldn't have it, lol. I really want it, but it's frightening.

    Is that first bite scary, or what?


    Lauren (always stressing about something) :unsure:

  3. I know..............man I'm so excited...2 more days!!! I'm actually starting to like this liquid diet....LOL. The option of food comes down to no decision time and well it happens and that's the end of my food worries. If it could always be that easy. I can't wait. Dr. Miranda called me yesterday to check on my weight loss and felt so relieved after I talked to her! :lol:

    I can't believe the time has finally come. Thanks for all the support you guys...it helps a lot.

    I go my band on the 20th, I'm on day 6 now. You'll do great. It was remarkably easy. Let us know how it goes!

    GOOD LUCK!!!


  4. Okay, one more tip. There are two restaurants in the hotel, the "fine dining" one was MUCH better than the other one. We ordered our "last meal" from the other one and it was pretty gross. AFTER surgery I went to the nicer restaurant with my husband (so he could eat) and the food was MUCH better. Also one time my husband ordered a burger and fries from room service and it was really good. I confess, I chewed up a bite and then spit it out, just to see what it tasted like, it was really really good. I wish I'd had that for my last meal, rather than the nasty Mexican food I got from the other one. Huge mistake.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!


    ps, I got my liquid tylenol at Walgreens.

  5. Okay, yesterday, I got the confirmation that my surgery is on Wed Aug 29!! So far, no takers on the surgery date, but I'm sure I"ll meet them when we all get down there!

    I just realized a few things I should probably have thought of before!

    On my 10-hour flight (2 flights, connection in AZ), how does one do a liquid diet?? I assume that Protein Liquids aren't allowed onboard - and I have optifast liquid containers (not powders)

    Because I have an extra day in CA before surgery, I am worried about myself - specifically, staying on the fast. Has anyone needed to do that on a trip? It's also going to apply to me post-op - I travel quite a bit with my job (internationally, so long flights)

    I need to be on the fast over the next few days, because I've been less than angelic on the pre-op diet. Sadly, I realize how much of a grip food has on me!! Oh well, that's why I'm doing this!

    Any help, as always, would be appreciated! :P Danielle

    You'll do fine on the plane on the way there. Try to just stick to the liquids, but if you eat a couple of crackers or something you won't die. Just substitute the calories you would have had if you were having a protein shake. The important thing pre-op is the calorie restriction. Dr. Miranda will answer all your questions when you get there too. You'll be fine!!!

    As for when you travel post-op for work, I don't know. If you travel on long flights internationally while you are still on thie liquid diet then you should probably check with the airline about being able to get special permission to take shakes on board for medical reasons. There has to be a way around that with a doctor's statement or something. There may be something on the TSA website about that.

    Good luck with surgery! You'll be fine!

    Ps. I HIGHLY recommend taking liquid tylenol with you. It worked better for me than the pills they gave me! Just make sure you have it in it's own quart size bag. I didn't and got scolded by the security lady, but she let me take it through anyway.

    Again, good luck, Danielle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. My flights aren't changeable - as it is, it'll cost me an extra $500 if I need to change my plans to Wed -- I think that's a pretty high price to pay for a last minute change over which I had no control!

    Danielle, I was wondering why it costs so much to change your flights? I know we were going to change ours from San Diego to Atlanta and it was only $50 per ticket, which is usually the fee for most changes with most airlaines. I'm just curious as to why they would charge so darn much for a change... that's plain crazy! Lol.

    Good Luck, I hope everything works out! :-h


  7. OOps - sorry about the previous empty post.

    Lauren, congratulations! You're one of the people I'm following (since we're "around" the same time - I"'l be on the 28th or 29th!) I hope you got some good sleep last night, and that things are feeling better!

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery and continued QUICK loss!! Danielle

    You'll do great, Danielle! They have a really smooth operation going there in Tijuana (no pun intended, lol). The nurses there are sweet. The ones I encountered didn't speak much English AT ALL, but it didn't really seem to matter much for me. One thing I thought was so great was that they didn't come in every hour all night to take my blood pressure and temp like they do when you stay over night at an American hospital. I was happy that they actually let me get uninterrupted sleep. When I've stayed at hospitals in the US, having babies and such, they are CONSTANTLY waking me up all night, I've even had janitors come empty the trash in my room at 4am, and I usually check out feeling like I haven't slept in days. They didn't do that here, though I did have a call button in case I needed anything. I was really nervous before I went to MX, but after I got there, I wasn't nervous, I was READY!

  8. HI LAUREN!!

    It was so great to meet you and your husband on the 20th! Though I wish we could have gotten to actually talk :(( :((

    I too was very impressed with everything at OCC. Just one regret; I wish that I would have met Lori, gave her a big squeeze and thanked her for all I put her through pre-op. She was a miracle worker. You are NOT joking about the good looks of Dr. Ortiz.. and some of his staff... WOWZAA :wub:

    I must agree that the flights we pretty sucky. On both trips mom and I were in the very back of the plane, which was by the restrooms. Every time someone would walk by (which was often) I was piled in my moms seat. Oiy!! We were both very lucky and didn't get any of the gas pains that many talk about.. thank goodness!! Although, I have had the hiccups a total of 3 times and REALLY didn't like that. Burping now is also a painful experience :( After we got home Wednesday I was relaxing on the couch, having a bit of a nap, when my precious kitty cat decided that it was petting time... She jumped right on my stomach... right on the incisions. I screamed, the cat went flying!! Poor kitty, I freaked her out and she stayed hidden for a few hours. I've since learned to sleep with a pillow on my stomach so it's not as noticeable when she's climbing on me!!! hehehe

    I'm very glad to hear that you are doing better! I wish you the best of luck and keep me posted!!!


    I'm glad to hear that you and your Mom are doing well! I was awakened by hunger pains at 3am tonight, that kind of sucked. Lol. I've had some random, from-out-of-nowhere hiccups, those don't feel great. Other than that I'm doing really well, I think. I weighed 3 pounds less tonight than I did this morning, if that's even possible... :huh: Not that I obsessively weigh myself...lol.

    Yeah, we didn't get to talk much. Did you and your Mom go into town and do any shopping? We did the day after surgery. We got some sombreros for our kids, lol. And of course we were offered drugs about every 20 feet as we walked, along with all kinds of other stuff. It was fun, we got to say "No Gracias" a lot! lol.

    I think I better try to get some sleep, it's almost 4am here!

    Take care,


  9. I am new to this I have sooooo many questions, I live in Arizona and would like a referral to a doctor in Algodones....are there any doctors anyone can refer me to.

    And what is the approximate cost of lapband surgery?

    A good way to get some names of doctors in order to get started with your research is on www.lapband.com. Most of the people on this message board have had their surgery done by Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana, Mexico. That's who did mine just this past Monday, he was amazing and has done literally thousands of lapband surgeries. He charges $8,500. The doctors here in Atlanta, where I live, charge about $20,000, which is why I traveled to Mexico to have it done. I think the range of U.S. doctors is about $15,000 to $20,000. It's less expensive if you have it done outside the U.S., but be sure and do your research on whichever doc you choose! Good Luck.

  10. I did it!!!! I had my surgery on Monday (8/20), everything went really smoothly. They really have things down to a science at that place. It was SO easy crossing the border both times, I was amazed! The hotel was okay, I've stayed in nicer, but everyone there was so nice and helpful. I really don't have ANYTHING negative to say about the entire surgery process. Dr. Ortiz is awesome. He was so friendly (as was his Mother and entire staff), he talks to you like he's met you a 1000 times. He is also much more handsome than I expected from the pictures or videos, so be prepared ladies, lol. I thought Dr. Miranda was really cool, she seemed to know so much about what it feels like to eat after the surgery, that after talking to her, my husband and I both wondered aloud weather she may have had the surgery too.

    The only thing that was pretty bad was the flight home. It was 4 hours from San Diego to Atlanta and it was REALLY uncomfortable. If I had known, I would have purchased the third seat in our row of three. As a big girl with a big husband and sitting next to some poor skinny stranger, I was really uncomfortable the ENTIRE flight, trying to keep myself out of that guy's space. I succeeded in not touching his arm the entire flight, although I was practically sitting on my husband, which sent him leaning into the aisle...it was so uncomfortable :( . I was suddenly having a lot of post surgery gas pains, perhaps due to cabin pressure and even though I had been eating Gas X strips like they were candy (I won't elaborate, but it was a struggle to contain it, though I was successful!). I've vowed not to fly again until I am MUCH thinner. Also, I should have taken more pain meds right before getting on the plane. My pain meds wore off and I got really sore around my incisions from being squished and from all the walking. If I had known, I would have shelled out the $350 for the extra seat so I could relax, it would have been well worth it!

    I'm feeling MUCH better today. Nothing like sleeping in my own bed (our bed at the hotel was similar to a concrete slab). Looking forward to losing lots of weight! I miss food, but obviously there will be a mourning period for the loss of my constant best friend (and worst enemy) over the years. I've been chewing gum, that seems to help. I look forward to three weeks from now when I can really get to exercising!!!

    Take care,

    ~Lauren :-h

  11. Thanks for the advice, Tom. I like the "my scale at home TOTALLY says I lost 12!" part. I also weigh myself first thing in the morning before dressing. So in the car yesterday on they way home, crying on my boyfriend's shoulder, I wailed, "I so should have lied on the paperwork and said I was 10 lbs heavier! Oh yeah and put on all of my winter coats before weighing, too!"

    I got a laugh for that one but I was serious.

    I'm right there too, Vex. This is tough. I had a BAD day yesterday. Strayed from the diet a little at lunch and by the end of the day I was WAY off track. I'm not sure what's going to happen when I get to OCC. I think my scale is weird. It's only a couple years old and I put a new battery in it right before I started this, but it seems to jump around a lot. Oh well, I'm doing my best, probably will have lost about 10 of the 12 when I get there. That's what I'm figuring. I'm thinking like Tom on this one, it IS a business, and I'm all paid up, so I doubt they are going to hand me back my 8k and send me packing because of 2 pounds, if I'm otherwise healthy for the operation.

    I'm like you Vex, I HATE to disappoint people, just thinking about that makes me stressed (which makes me want to eat, henceforth the cycle ...). If I get scolded, I'll be crushed. :(


  12. OK... i'm going to make this quick because I have to scoot but...

    Dr. O has never lost a patient and doesn't intend to start with YOU... that's why we are so strict with the pre-op diet, it makes surgery safer for you... so the best things you can do are..

    STOP smoking! very important

    stop taking any kind of blood thinning medication (NSAIDS, etc)

    stop drinking alcohol

    and... lose the weight as prescribed by Dr. Miranda!

    and of course.... call me if you have any questions :)

    Thanks, Lori!

    I'm doing my best. I've lost about 10 of the 12 pounds so far. Today was rough though, my worst day on the pre-op diet so far, may have put 1 pound back on. I think my nerves are getting the better of me. I'm hoping to do better tomorrow... I mean, I WILL do better tomorrow!

    Yes, Danielle, I know EXACTLY what you mean about the diet thing. I just didn't have the heart to fail again. After feeling the high of losing 50 pounds in 6 months, and then gaining it all back plus 20 more, I was devastated. I tried to diet again, that lasted about 2 months, the next one lasted about a week or two, and now I can't even bring myself to start one. That ship has sailed for me. Yep, the band is going to be the catalyst I need to finally rejoin the human race. Finally! Lol

  13. Hey Blacdimin,

    Yes there usually is excess skin, depending on the elestically of your skin. And alot of that depends on your age. But excess skin is much better than fat. The excess skin can be covered with your clothes. Also after you reach your goal and stay there, some insurances cover skin removal in certain areas. Alot of it depends also on exercise and how tone your skin is to begin with.

    I had surgery in Oct 2006, so I'm 9 months after surgery, I've lost 64 pounds and trying to get to my goal of 160. I am 5' 9".

    Even with the excess skin, I would still do it all over again because excess skin is better that fat!!

    Good luck

    I have to agree, extra skin is MUCH healthier than extra fat! I'd rather be alive with some extra skin than dead from a heart attack. My surgery is in five days, I'm hoping to lose 100 pounds. Hopefully, because I'm in my early 30's and I have a good family history, I'll still have some elasticity left. But I've had kids, so I KNOW there is a tummy tuck in my future, and maybe a lift here or there...lol. And I'm going to be exercising like a crazy person! You've gotta look at it from a health standpoint as well as, or even instead of, a looks thing. Just weigh out (no pun intended) your risks vs. rewards and you'll find the answer thats right for you. Good Luck!!!!!

  14. Hi Lauren!!

    Less than a week now!! I'm so excited :-) Found out yesterday that I am cleared and will be coming the 19th for surgery the 20th!!! YEAHHHHH It's so great to not be "tentative" anymore.

    Hope that you are well and the diet is getting easier. HANG IN THERE!!!!!


    Oh, I'm so happy for you! I was wondering how things were coming along for you, glad to hear you got the "okay" for the surgery. We'll all have to go do some walking together after surgery!

    I'm so excited!!!!! Only 5 more days!!!!!


  15. You can do it, trust me. If I can do it, anyone can. I have the worst eating habits in the world, I literally just constantly gain weight. I certainly haven't been even close to perfect on this pre-op diet (my surgery is on 8/20), but I'm losing. I've been cranky, frustrated, hungry, and I've even wanted to eat so badly that I cried. But I'm losing weight. My toughest time is at night, so sometimes I make my husband split a lean cuisine with me. That helps a lot. I don't feel as bad if I only eat half.

    The fact is that I have to do this diet. I certainly don't want to risk being turned away when I get there, or risk making the surgery more difficult because I couldn't go without. Just do your best. Start every day new even if you messed up a little (or a lot) the day before. I don't know if they gave you the same instructions as me, but Dr. Miranda told me I could eat as many cucumbers, pickles, and salad greens (with salad spritzer dressing) as I wanted. So I have definitely been doing that. It's not the taco salad I would LIKE to have, but it's better than nothing, lol. You should call Dr. Miranda and maybe she could give you some tips.

    Good Luck!


  16. Who's the cutie on the left (pic), good luck to you! Very soon, your mind games will be gone!!!!!!!!!! and you will love it. and you will love your band, once you firgure out how it will help you. :):)


    That pic is of my son when he was around two, he's six now. My brother is a photographer and kept making him stick his finger in his nose so he could get a funny shot of it. What a great influence, lol.

    As for the band, I just can't wait. I am so READY! I knew it was time to do the surgery when I could no longer bring myself to try one more diet. I used to be able to start a diet with conviction and excitement, although it usually didn't last long. I lost 50 pounds on Atkins once, and it was empowering, had a baby and gained back 75. That crushed my spirit, bigtime. I have a really bad food addiction, it calls to me. Lol. I liken it to a drug addict, honestly. Just like if a cocaine addict had a whole cabinet full of the stuff, could they have just a little? Well, I have a whole pantry and fridge full of food, and my brain constantly tells me to go there.

    I'm ready for a permanent change! I'm totally psyched about this! No more ankles cracking as I walk down stairs, no more knees grinding as I walk up stairs, no more running out of breath from walking 100 feet to my son's bus stop. I'm so beyond ready, which is why I will not have that chicken sandwhich! :D

  17. To funny

    I can remember thinking the same thing, poor me, not being able to eat what my husband was eating, and then getting just a little irritated about it, but in a joking way. The funny thing is, is, once your on solids, you can enjoy it anyway, if your band will allow you too. :)


    I would have died for just one little bite! But I knew if I gave in it would make it easier to convince myself to cheat in other ways. I'm constantly playing mind games with myself, man it's exhausting! Lol.

  18. Thanks guys, you really did make me feel better! $6.50 for broth and water? That's insane!!! Gotta add boullion to the list...

    The ridiculous thing is, I'm probably as nervous about the 4 hour plane ride as I am the surgery. I guess I'm one of those people who invents things to stress about!

    Tonight was rough for me. I really wanted to chow down on something bad, anything bad, it didn't matter what. I didn't though. It's tough because at first my husband was going to do the pre-op diet with me, but of course that didn't last more than a couple days. So while he ate two fried chicken sandwhiches, I sat on the couch with a blanket over my head crying. I wanted one so bad!!! It was like I couldn't make myself leave the room. I just stayed and tortured myself listening to him eat.

    I know, I'm weird. Sorry, I just had to get all that out. I know that things are going to be better, and when I'm thin and healthy it'll all be worth it! =D> I'll say to my husband, "Go ahead, have your fried chicken, I'm going for a run!"

  19. I am exactly one week from my surgery and I am a nervous wreck! I keep thinking "Am I doing the right thing? What if I die and my babies grow up without a mom? Am I being selfish by risking my life in this way?" Of course then I walk by and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and think, "Oh that's right, I'm a bowling ball with legs."

    Anyone have any tips on things that I should bring on my trip that I might not think of, or anything that I should NOT bring? Any advise would be great!


    Nervous Nellie (a.k.a. Lauren) :blink:

  20. ehhe I had my cable shut off about 2 months ago, so I dont have that temptation. :)

    NO, I'm not confirmed yet.. still sitting in limbo. Airfare is going to hurt the pocket book unless I/we (mom too) get postponed. I dont know when we will know. I still have 14 pounds to go and today we are 10 days away.. ugh

    Cucumbers are GREAT!! I've had (at least) one a day since 7/24... and luckily my mom has a garden full of them :) yummmmmm

    Well, you should be able to lose at least 10 pounds by then! I can understand about the pocketbook thing though. I've certainly been there, many times. Luckily for me, my husband is giving me this surgery as a 10 year anniversary present. I certainly don't have the money to pay for it, or the credit! Lol. Hang in there, you'll get it figured out! You're doing great!

  21. Hi Everybody,

    Just about two weeks before my surgery... I am getting soooooo excited and scared! Dr. Miranda asked that I lose 30 pounds before my surgery, I am down 28 pounds and hoping I drop the last two in this last 14 day countdown! Keep your fingers crossed for me! ;) I haven't read of anyone else having their surgery on August 24th... but, I look forward to meeting some people.

    I live in the Cayman Islands and am flying to the States - Myrtle Beach, SC (where my Mom lives) on August 20th. Thank GOD, my Mom is coming with me to Tijuana! =D> She is flying out to San Diego with me on August 23rd... anyone else arriving then?

    I found another cool site with lots of good info, stuff to order and a forum at www.beforeandafterhelp.com I have ordered some of the protein drinks to be prepared... any other suggestions out there?

    Well, GOOD LUCK to all the other August surgeries! ><'

    Think positive thoughts for me!

    Best wishes,


    Good Luck, Dottie! And Good Luck to all you other August folks! I've 10 days left 'til "go time" I am so nervous! I know I am going to be a basket-case as soon as I pull out of my driveway to head to the airport! Thankfully my husband is coming along, nothing rattles him! Lol.

    Good Luck, Y'all!!!!!

  22. Hi Lauren!! How are you doing today?? How are you doing on the diet? YOU CAN DO IT!!! Pesonally I think it gets easier. The first week I was very hungry... or at least my head was telling me I was :) Ive been on it since July 24th and now it's not so bad, just lots of chopping hehe :)

    Have a great weekend!

    I'm glad to hear it's gotten easier for you! It's a bit easier for me too. I find that as long as I Tivo my shows and then when I watch them back I can fast forward through all the pizza and fast food commercials, I seem to have less cravings. I'm VERY easily influenced by those food commercials! I see one that interests me (and they pretty much ALL interest me) and I must have that food within the next 24 hours. Pretty bad, huh? Lol. I did't realize how much they advertise that garbage until I was trying to avoid it! Now it seems to be everywhere! Lol.

    So is your surgery confirmed yet? When will you know for sure that you get to do it?

    I need to go get some cucumbers, Dr. Miranda said I can have all I want of those, so I think I'll head to the grocery store and clear the place of cukes!

    Have a great weekend! :-h

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