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Posts posted by ericsmom

  1. hi, first post, just had the surgery yesterday.

    They don't tell you about the gas pains, but they're tolerable. My abdomen is very swollen- I can't see wearing anything but sweats or sarongs (guys can wear sarongs: traditional Javanese sarongs!) for a while. My poor GF is so scared of bumping me...

    but I look at it this way: I didn't do this to cheat and screw up. I want to lose a hundred pounds and I think this is my best shot. Food has always been my big weakness (once I got over the desire for a new woman all the time), and this has effectively 'short-circuited' that weakness.

    Congratulations on making it through the surgery! I was just writing to Lori - I haven't even had time to buy loose clothing - have no sweats or anything of the sort. It sounds like you're well on your way! Danielle

  2. No worries, furEllie -- thanks for the response. It's so easy to misinterpret stuff on the board and I was feeling misunderstood....woe is me, right?? I do tend to be a little less than observant in some very basic things -- good point about the OCC! :rolleyes: For some reason I thought this was a subset of LapBandTalk....looks so similar. Anyhow, my thanks - I will stick with Dr. Ortiz because I've done much research on him, and have talked to Mexican doctors in Tijuana who've trained in some of the best U.S. hospitals about him. Good news is - they all think that he and Dr. Martinez are great! How wonderful about the cell phone.

    If there is any profession that is incredibly service-oriented, it's midwifery. My dad always had a midwife, and many times he would tell us how amazing they were with deliveries.

    Thanks again, and I look forward to your guidance/advice during recovery!!


  3. Wow. Guys. Remember my goal, here. It was to feel better because rather than turn to food, I wanted to share my emotions. Mikey, you are the most reasonable in your assertion, I think.

    By the way, water under the bridge now, but I had no idea that this was a forum moderated by Dr. Ortiz's office!! I actually didn't even mention his name on my first post because I didn't want this to be about him or the OCC (or you, Lori!) I was wondering why folks assumed it was him. So it wasn't at all intended as a targeted or malicious swipe. But I need an outlet for how I feel --that's what support ought to be, no?

    Lori, you're right, I don't know you yet, although I hope to ><' You have been wonderful in so many ways -- but this is a very expensive (albeit priceless!!!) undertaking that I (as all of you) paid out of my own pocket, and I have different expectations than I would as an insured patient! I have kept it no secret from you that I am being thrown for a major loop with what seems to be such a small change but impacts my babysitting arrangements in CA, a hastily planned yet welcome family get-together after the fact in Orange since we're coming across the country, and a number of other things, not the least of which is my fear about having to leave the morning after surgery. Coming here was more to allow myself an outlet for my feelings, not to attack you, I promise!

    By the way, since you're here, let me publicly thank you for offering me a free followup fill (fluoro included) hotel and transportation!

    You know what would have helped, though? However busy Dr. Ortiz is, a quick call from him - a 5-minute one, to let me know himself that he needed to cancel me at the last minute - It would have been appropriate and much appreciated. It would not have taken much to make me a devoted and happy camper, which I'm sure I will be anyhow when I get this done!! Again, NOTHING to do with his technical skills, which I know to be wonderful.

    By the way, I will absolutely believe your response to the scheduling, but do understand that I had literally just talked to Rene when he told me I was the only one scheduled for surgery -- possibly someone from Colorado but not set yet -- and then I got your email saying that my surgery was postponed by a day. I hope you can see my side about the "waiting list" issue....but I do not want to hurt your feelings. Far from it. Again, if I knew you moderated here I would have been far more circumspect to protect your feelings (I knew you participated, but I thought it was as a lapband patient :lol: )

    FurEllie, I appreciate your perspective, but I don't think it's kind to ask me to go somewhere else because I had complaints about something. It felt like you were kicking me out, and I don't think that's fair. I have the right, I think, in this great country of ours, to express my sentiments -- and all people should be able to have that right, especially in a board that's designated to support one another. By the way, I mentioned that I work in healthcare, as does pretty much everyone I know. I know the kind of service you're talking about exists, but it is up to US THE PATIENTS NOT to accept that. As wonderful as doctors are, they are equal to us and need to abide by the same rules of courtesy as us. My dad's an OBGYN and he always took the time either directly or on paper to apologize to every pregnant patient whose appointment he had to reschedule due to an emergency c-section, etc. He recognized that it was a two-way street and that his patients had lives too that were impacted by his change. And he had the busiest practice in NY. I guess I still believe that good medicine combines technical excellence with service excellence.

    Anyhow, my thanks again for all of your thoughts and comments. Danielle

  4. OMG, I had forgotten I wrote this, and I come back to see these marvelous words of wisdom that I missed! So inspirational, it's wonderful. Today, I had an "aha" moment - I'm not "losing" my best friend (food) -- I'm "gaining" a healthy relationship with it! Somewhere I read about someone who really learned to savor and enjoy - I no longer savor. Heartburn/reflux happens every time I eat - I am constantly self-conscious and miserable about how I feel -- I SEE how differently people act when one has weight on (I'm a yoyoer of the same 35 lbs - as much as 3 times in a year - and I see the difference!)

    So thanks for the wonderful perspectives, and I can't wait until I'm 6 weeks - several months out and used to eating without drinking, chewing deliberately, and best of all feeling healthy, energetic and thinner!!

    Danielle ><'

  5. First, thanks all for your replies. It means a lot to hear from you and to know people are here to listen and help.

    Snowbird - thank you for your thoughtful email! I know it's hard to really read into posts without seeing the person. I am very convinced of the surgery and the process -- although I do have a healthy dose of trepidation over the unknown emotional component that follows. I never once thought about not doing it, but traveling 3,500 miles to get it done is a task, especially with a young one in tow.

    No, my feelings weren't as a patient, although the prospect of surgery didn't help my nerves -- I felt let down as a customer. My flights aren't changeable - as it is, it'll cost me an extra $500 if I need to change my plans to Wed -- I think that's a pretty high price to pay for a last minute change over which I had no control! Incidentally, I offered an alternative - I was prepared to do the surgery a day early because I was already in San Diego and could change that time around. That would have worked with my schedule, but the surgeon's roster was full -- I would have liked a choice.

    Of course, if it was explained to me as an urgent personal matter of the doctor, or even something that couldn't wait - I would have been 100% on board and bent over backwards to accommodate. But I'm looking at this not as a "patient" but as a "consumer" -- and as a consumer, I felt let down. Does that make sense? Somtimes, the written word is hard to convey.

    I'm also in healthcare, and while the best case scenario is definitely that one gets up and goes home, it's best to plan for the worst, and hope for the best, hence the extra day of "cushion".

    That said -- let me tell you again how grateful I am for taking the time to write. This board really does have a wonderful support - that you would take the time to express concern about my emotional preparedness means a lot. I did get a feel last night for how HARD the post-op adjustment is going to be -- last night, I did succumb to food (and called to confess today..fortunately, still ok)

    All the best to you!! Danielle

  6. ....that my surgery date might need to be changed from Tuesday, 8/28 to Wednesday, 8/29!

    It sounds like a small deal, but it's taking me 10 hours to get there to do this! On 8/30 (would be morning after surgery if I left), I would need to leave first thing in the morning to get to Orange, CA by noon. That leaves very little margin for error in terms of post-op troubleshooting and my rest.

    So in the spirit of not rushing to eat and handling my feelings instead, here

  7. I'm also pre-op and when you talked about not being able to get excited about yet another diet, you made me realize that that's what my trigger was too. In the past, I'd always been able to get excited enough to lose the first 30-35 lbs. Then after gaining and losing the same 30 lbs for over 10 years - I finally decided that this was nuts. I tried to accept my body, lasted about 1 1/2 minutes - then decided on this diet. I would like to lose all my weight on it and get over that mental "30lb" hump that always gets me.

    I wish you the best on your surgery!


  8. I'm sure this has happened to many of you on the pre-diet -- I just committed fully to the surgery for 8/28 - but today it finally REALLY hit me what I'm going to be doing!! I mean, this isn't just a temporary thing, it's a lifestyle thing! I know I need it, but certain things are really making me worry -- like the ability to chew without worrying that every bite not properly chewed is going to cause me pain - or the fact that I can no longer drink diet soft drinks with my meals! I think I enjoy the diet soft drink almost more than the meal!

    It doesn't help that we went out to dinner where I had salad that I tried to chew really slowly - almost choked on the mush. I also tried not to drink - but I was so thirsty and just broke down and ordered the diet coke.

    What I will miss more than anything in the world is the ability to drink diet soft drinks with my meals. I don't know how I can do this!! You'd think I'd miss breads or other foods -- but what I really fear is missing the carefree eating without worrying about chewing every bite - and the lack of diet 7-up/diet coke in my life - particularly when I"m eating.

    Is one able to change lifelong habits - really? And make them stick? I confess, I haven't had much luck with that (which is why I'm here!)

    Thanks for any perspective/words of wisdom!


  9. Dolittle and Michael,

    Thanks for the advice! I think I'll park in the long-term parking in San Diego because that way, I'll leave most of my luggage in the car - we're spending a few days in Southern CA for family visits, and I am NOT a reasonable packer -- just wait until I get some 60-70 lbs off me -- my husband should be quaking in his boots! It does help to know about the Trolley and the drop off, though - I had no idea it was so close, and I assumed there would be a drop off fee.

    Michael, my operation is on the 28th - they have me testing on the 27th, then the 28th at night I'm in the hospital - and they suggested an extra night in the hotel - so time in Mexico is Monday - Thursday morning. It's actually good because I live far away and if anything does happen, I'd rather be around! If I lived as close as you, I"d definitely do what you're doing - that's great!

    Thanks again to both of you....Danielle

  10. Just wanted to say hi - I will be banded the day after you (August 28), so when I come in, you'll be sailing out the door! I'm Danielle and will accompanied by a harried husband and a frenetic 6 year old - will be hard to miss! Do I understand that you and your partner will both be banded? Talk about great support! ><'

    All the best -- it'll be great! I love it that you're thinking about shopping and such -- haven't even thought about that aspect!

  11. I am scheduled on the 27th for my surgery I started my pre-op weightloss and have dropped 13.5lbs (which is what I am supposed to lose) but I am trying for at least 18 just to make sure they don't turn me away at the door. :blink: I can't even put into words how excited I am for my next life changing step. I to have been on the forever roller coaster, could explain my fear of roller coasters :huh: . Don't remember a time when I didn't weigh over 250lbs. Oh I think I was 180 at the end of grade school.

    My husband is accompanying me we are leaving our two kids my adorable step-daughter 4 years old and my 1st son 8 months old with their grand parents in Utah. So not only am I looking forward to the surgery but the three days of a full night's sleep that go with it...I hope.

    Well hope to see you there Danielle! Have a safe trip.


    Jen, I will look for you when I come in for pre-op testing (and on the 28th when I come in...as you check out!) That's so great that you've lost 13 lbs -- I haven't even gathered the courage to see how much I really weigh - will "hop" on scale tomorrow to find out what 5% will entail!!

  12. Hello Lydia, I sent you an email a few days ago and haven't heard back???? I won't be getting my surgery until Feb. or March of '08, I couldn't raise the money. Let me know how your fill goes in NJ. [You're getting it done on my B-day!!] It seems all the Dr.'s locally don't want to do fills on anyone who are'nt their patients. I did ask a few in Pittsburgh and they said they'd do the fills, but I didn't get a price. Hope to hear from you soon, Darlene

    Lydia, could you let me know as well when you get it done? I'm actually only 8 miles from the Mount Laurel site (live in Philly), and would love to know if it's a good place to go. I get banded on the 28th, so will look for your perspective when I return!

    Thanks, Danielle

  13. I have booked my flight and will be banded on 8/28 by Dr. Ortiz. It's happened so fast that I'm a bit numb, with the exception of some panic attacks at the prospect of a life-altering event (!!) It helps so much to read about others' experience.

    One question for those who had the surgery in TJ: I am arriving in Orange County, so will be renting a car for a week total, that will include my 4 days in Mexico. It seems silly to leave behind and pay for parking. Is it possible to drive into Mexico? I'm thinking about asking if we can just follow the van from the San Diego airport to TJ.

    Your thoughts would be much appreciated!


    Pam, thanks very much for the reply! I will check with Lori and with the car rental company. It seems silly to rent a car, only to leave it in CA parking for 4 out of the 7 days, but the reality is that we wouldn't be driving much anyhow! I've driven in pretty nutty places (Rome, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, to name a few bumper-car like experiences), so that doesn't worry me as much -- but the insurance cost and added charge rental co. might offset the long-term parking of the car.

    Thanks again! Danielle

  14. I have booked my flight and will be banded on 8/28 by Dr. Ortiz. It's happened so fast that I'm a bit numb, with the exception of some panic attacks at the prospect of a life-altering event (!!) It helps so much to read about others' experience.

    One question for those who had the surgery in TJ: I am arriving in Orange County, so will be renting a car for a week total, that will include my 4 days in Mexico. It seems silly to leave behind and pay for parking. Is it possible to drive into Mexico? I'm thinking about asking if we can just follow the van from the San Diego airport to TJ.

    Your thoughts would be much appreciated!


  15. Hi - I am new to the board and to the process. Just decided to have lap band and my surgery with Dr. Ortiz is 8/28! At around 205-210 lbs, it's TIME! Your post is truly inspirational and helps me envision a goal!

    I tried to send you a private email but I don' t think it went through -- I am really trying to plan ahead and it would be great to be able to use the fill center doc in Mt Laurel. It's only 8 miles from my house and would really be perfect! But I've heard variable stories about fill docs, so wanted to know about your experience. I would very much appreciate your perspective!

    Thanks, Danielle

  16. I'm so glad to read this! I haven't even received the diet instructions yet, but when I heard I'd have to lose about 10 lbs before the surgery (that I just scheduled today for 2 1/2 weeks from now!!) my first thought was: If I could lose 10 lbs on demand (and a mere 50-60 lbs more thereafter), I wouldn't be calling you! But I guess that's the wrong way to look at it. I'm trying to tell myself that I'll be less hungry post-op and already on the way to my goal...

    Very good point about discouraging last meal mentality, though.


    8/28/07 surgery scheduled

    Dr. Ortiz

  17. Hello all! I'm a newbie - but I'm scheduled for 8/28!! It all feels like such the whirlwind - I attended a meeting 3 days ago where I saw a colleague who had lost over 80 lbs with bariatric surgery (Roux en Y) -- last year, I had done surgery on bariatric surgery and had decided that lap bands would be my choice - I Had even settled on 2 potential docs -- but then I chickened out (no pun intended!) when I discovered that I would have to give up diet 7-ups for good!!! At the time, it seemed impossible, and I decided to return to the world of dieting.

    So now I'm a year older, with 3 more diets and 20 lbs (up) under my belt, and I give UP on the traditional up and down roller coaster I've suffered through since age 9!!! The truth is I love to "cheat" on diets - it gives me such pleasure! So I need the Pavlovian kick in the rear that will come if/when I fall off the wagon -- although I am already mourning the loss of my diet 7! But for the first time, I am willing to make this difficult choice for the sake of freedom from this infernal roller coaster of up and down. Anything's got to be healthier than being 43 with a BMI of 34 and various comorbodities starting to crop up!

    Anyhow, I just spoke to Lorie and I"m set for the 28th. As soon as she sends out the diet, I guess I need to lose some weight first (10 lbs? More?) How is that possible???) Anyone in for surgery on 8/28? I'd love to hear from you! I'll be coming with my husband and 6 1/2 year old son - so if you're coming alone, you won't be alone once there. Those of you on 8/27, I"ll be looking for your happy faces on my testing day!


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