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Posts posted by LoriBecky

  1. I was told by a long term bandster that it can take a year... sometimes two for you to be able to sort of "forget" about your port. it takes awhile for it to heal into place and for you body to get used to it being there. My allergies have been acting up the last 2 weeks... lots and lots of sneezing and my port was bothering me - i realized that sneezing is working out the abdominals... and my port is attached to my abdominal wall.... so its mad LOL Anyway - port "zingers" as I call them are normal for awhile (but I still freak out sometimes :lol: )

    If your port site is ever warm/hot to the touch or gets inflammed or red, call the doctor immediately! I hurt my port area right after surgery (2 days! I felt so good when I returned home I cleaned out my closet and moved boxes... it felt like I'd torn something - follow the recommendations given to you at the clinic (even thought I didn't!) You know... do as I say... not as I do

  2. Hi,

    Most of the posters on this board are patients of Dr. Ortiz and either don't have insurance, their insurance excludes coverage for weight loss surgery, or they don't meet the minimum BMI required in the U.S. for surgery, or were approved for surgery and then for some reason... the insurance company changed their minds... OR <drumroll> they just wanted the BEST Lap Band surgeon around - so they came to our clinic!

    We welcome anyone to our boards and are happy to assist in anyway we can.

    I hope our patients feel differently about the care they get (especially from ME :-h )

    If it turns out you decide not to go with your local doctor, please feel free to give me a call anytime :)

  3. I know its hard guys... but it really does work that way. After 3 weeks it is safe for you to start eating again .... every so slowly and chew chew chew! Eat your protein first. Don't get worried if by week 5 after surgery you feel like you can eat like you did before surgery. It means you are healing - that's a good thing. Time to schedule that fill for right at 6 weeks after surgery!

    Let's get the chatroom thing going (see my post under chatroom) and we can have some conversation, support each other and figure things out (just no bashing of the patient care coordinator :lol: )

    Tell you what... I'll open the room tomorrow morning - around 11:00 my time (Pacific time) and if anyone can come we'll get moving. My name on AOL is L8tyinRed so if you get an aol name... just email me and i'll link ya :)

  4. I would love it if people leaving the clinic got more information about the forum - I try to let all my patients know about it when I schedule them and its on everyone of my emails... maybe I should make it more prominent!

    Our webmaster is working on updating the forum again... we need a better server. And hopefully, if he can get that done, we can have a chatroom right here... but for now I've set it up on AOL... go get your free AOL account and then email me here with your AOL name... then I'll email the chatroom link to your aol email. We can schedule bandster nights... so we can do real time chat. I'm excited!! We'll have to develop a secret bandster handshake.. so we'll know who belongs and boot the others hahahaha :lol:

  5. yes... that was taken just before Christmas... over 60 now - woohoo - getting really close to my goal and wanting that tummy tuck baby! Unfortunately I have to have some necessary surgery first - YUCK!! Eventually I'll get around to the cosmetic stuff :) i've set up a private room on AOL so we can give snerts the boot if we need to hahahhaa - I'm not sure I can post the link on the forum... but if people want to email me with their AOL name, I can email them from mine and send the link that way :) Just email me here with your aol name... and we'll get it going!!!

  6. Hi Greg,

    I think most of us have tried just about everything at one time or another. In the end it comes down to... what can you do forever!

    That's what I like about the band. It keeps my portions in control... even when I eat the wrong food. The band reminds when I've eaten something I shouldn't have, eaten too fast, or eaten too much (OUCH!)

    I've been successful on every diet I was on... for a little while. Then the weight creeps back and adds a few more pounds just to make sure I don't try THAT again!

    I wish anyone trying to lose weight, whatever method, great success. I've found what works for me... and I wish you all the same ><'

  7. Hi Lidi

    First off... call me anytime!

    I'd like you to check out this link. It is a quick and easy way to see Dr. Ortiz qualifications... they are amazing! Dr. Ortiz on Obesityhelp.com

    You won't find anyone more qualified. You won't find a nicer, cleaner clinic! I started working with Dr. Ortiz AFTER I went there for surgery - was so impressed, I wanted to be part of his team!

    You'll find some people that unfortunately, aren't as successful with the band as others, but rarely, if EVER will you find a complaint about Dr. Ortiz, his skills, or our clinic!

  8. I was thinking... (yes I know.. that's very dangerous hahahaha)

    It would be nice to chat in real time with you guys sometimes!

    I'm not sure if we can set it up under the forum... but maybe now that AOL is freeeee we could do a chatroom there.

    If anybody is interested let me know and we can make a bandster room and chat at scheduled times - or anybody can find someone to talk to in real time.

    I want to keep this board active and people posting - but sometimes - even once a week, it would be nice to have a room party and talk in real time.

    Let me know what you think :-h

  9. People react differently to their fills... sometimes you even get swollen right after/during a fill and it can take a few days for that to reduce. And flying can cause your fill to feel a bit tighter as well (at least that's what I've heard)

    Make sure you are getting plenty of liquids. Try adding food a bit at a time. If you find your are getting food stuck or can't keep it down call Dr. Martinez on his cell (email me if you need the number).

    You don't want your restriction to be too tight, that puts you at risk for a slip... email or call me anytime!

  10. more and more FILL CENTERS USA are using Fluoro. You can check their website www.fillcentersusa.com and call their toll free # and they can tell you which centers use fluoro and which are pending.

    If that isn't possible, please make sure you check out the background and experience of the person doing your fill.

    As always, please try to return to our clinic for your fill...especially that first one!

  11. My complaint is....

    I don't get to spend enough time here with you guys.

    Thanks again to Kev - our SPAMINATOR (I really think you need a T-Shirt with a big S on it hahaahhaa

    I need to talk to the webmaster to see if there 's a way to get us a chat room on here that we can supervise... wouldn't it be fun to gather a couple of times a week for a chatfest. I could always open up a room on AOL - its free now so everybody could come.... let me know what you guys think!!! We could make it a regular weekly thing

    I'll keep you posted :)

  12. Hi Karen,

    As you've discovered it is possible to eat around your band. It is only a tool and can't do the work for you - that's still your job, it can only assist you.

    Stick with your post-op diet instructions.... no drinking while eating. Protein first, carb last. Make your meals count. Take in only approx 4 ounces with each meal, eat only 3 meals per day. And drink, drink and drink again between meals - get that 64 ounces in... just not for an hour after eating!

    I would also suggest looking for a support group in your area... more and more are emerging with the popularity of the band. but if you can't find one for bandsters... even one for gastric patients will help. Sometimes hunger isn't a cry from our stomach, but a hunger for something else... try to find out what that is. !

    Check out your local bariatric center and ask about support groups in the area - or call your local hospital - they may have some information for you as well. I know I couldn't do this if I didn't have all of you! You are my support group, but I also go to a meeting with women at my church - trying to lead a healthier lifestyle. Wiser choices in all aspects, food, health, exercise.

    Remember.... we are ALL here for you... cheering you on and hoping for your sucess

  13. I received this from a bandster - it gives some great insight on how much we should be eating as bandsters:

    1. Eat 3 meals a day (not 5, not two)

    2. Do NOT exceed 4 oz of food per meal

    (2 to 4 oz should be enough. If in doubt, weigh your food before serving)

    3. Solid foods. (Not soft or liquid foods. No slippery foods)

    4. No carbonated beverages

    5. Spend at least 30 minutes eating your meal.

    6. Don't eat while doing anything else.

    (no distractions. Be aware of what is passing through your lips at all times).

    7. Liquids first..pause..then solid food.

    (Don't mix, as space is limited. Since liquids empty more rapidly than solids, drink first,

    and then eat. Allow 40-45 minutes after solids to take more liquids.

    8. You are in control of your weight. Choose foods wisely. Space is limited.

    9.Renew your commitment every day!

    Commitment, Change, and Choices.

  14. Hi Cherry,

    First let me tell you, you are welcome to call or email Dr. Miranda anytime. Once a patient of ours, always a patient! You can reach her at the toll free number ext. 86.

    As far as calorie intake, I don't really have a number for you. Eat as little as you can with the band to feel satisifed, instead of seeing how much you can eat.

    Try to stay to 1/3 of your pre-op intake. I usually can eat about 1/2 of a chicken breast and some salad or veggies for lunch or dinner. Most mornings I'm really restricted, so I don't have much breakfast and tend to stick to protein shakes (i know i know - we are supposed to chew all our calories... but I don't have time in the mornings to baby my band so I drink my breakfast!!) I will tell you that I let myself have one little treat per day (sometimes I go a little overboard, but generally keep it in check) a small piece of chocolate, or some low fat ice cream or pudding. I need that to not feel deprived, I think its very important to my long term success. I understand it may take me a little longer to get to my goal... but that's OK with me!

    Once you have your band, if you are doing all the right things, and hit a plateau for more than a few weeks and you stop losing inches as well... it may be time for another fill :) Most people average 2 -3 fills, some do need more, some need less, but only you know your body. If you find your are able to eat food more quickly, or are easily eating more than 1/3 of your pre-surgery intake... call and schedule a fill :)

  15. hang on Kelli! It makes a HUGE difference once you get your restriction! You can call the toll free number, ext 2 and schedule your fill for 6 weeks post-op! You don't truly start experiencing life with the band until your fill! You will still hit plateau's with the band, I hit one for 4 weeks with no weight loss, but the inches kept creeping off, I added more protein and made sure I was making healthy choices, and the weight loss really started again. Don't let set-backs get you down. Get your fill scheduled! Our body does react to the re-introduction of food after the liquids, I think most people gain a little because your body holds onto it! Make sure you are making healthy choices, protein first, carbs last and watch the liquid calorie intake :)

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